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It was mid-afternoon, and the sun was peeking through the trees. The area was somewhat flat, trodden down by many paws walking through this area to learn. The rains had been mild, but enough that much of the foliage was green. The heat was beginning to make backs itch, and the flies were starting to gather around. Twitching ears and tails were a common sight as class ended. Some students went off on their own, and others wandered away as pairs or small groups, certain to study for a future test.

The East was always full of learning, though the bulk of the house were still students. The teachers were a little overworked, but otherwise it was a mild, easy going house. Man of the students were hoping to pass a few more tests so they themselves could be teachers, and maybe something more. Tianxia was about putting work into the pride and the society that turned within the pride; if you furthered yourself for the good of the pride, you would be rewarded.

That, or you could just hunt and help feed everyone else, and reap the benefits of a strong and proud pride.

A few newer members started off in the East to gain an education, and would be sent to other houses to develop their careers. There was one shy, small green lioness who was hoping to do just that. The magic of the West was something she had only seen once, but she hoped she could return to enjoy the pleasures of art more than once in a blue moon. But that meant learning, which she wasn't the best with. Today was the day when that was going to change. Haifeng had been waiting for a couple weeks now, trying to gauge the relationships that the students had, the this House worked. She was a relatively newer member, and as such tried to keep her head low and be as efficient and thankful as possible.

But today, she would change that. Even if it meant really pushing herself to try and make a real friend here.

"H-hey..." she said carefully, quietly, and as non-confrontational as she could possibly muster. After the word had escaped her mouth, she felt like it didn't come out right, and felt her cheeks warm in embarrassment.

The green lioness was relatively new to her studies, and she tripped over basic math quite easily. She was hoping to help merchants in the future, but that wouldn't be possible if she wasn't able to help keep track of numbers and simple math. How else was inventory to be maintained, and order kept with supplies? Haifeng shifted her forepaws together as she waited to see if the pretty lioness would look her way.

Yueguangshi glanced over to the voice, noticing that the smaller lioness nearby was trying to get her attention. There were a few other lions mulling around, reviewing what was just taught by the teacher. "Yes?" she said politely, unable to shake the manners that were pressed into her when she was a cub in an entirely different world. Never would she have been given so much autonomy in that hell hole.

Haifeng's pale blue eyes widened as her fellow student did look her way. She had to remind herself to breathe, and that she actually had a reason to try to speak with her. "Um, I was wondering if you followed along with that lesson? I-I'm struggling a bit with some of the numbers..."

Was there a possible chance that this might work?

The older lioness studied her for a moment before sighing. "I did. I assume that you would like to study together?" There was a challenge in trying to remember everything in your mind, so the tests and challenges weren't too terribly hard, but Yueguangshi also knew that everyone learned at a different pace. "I'm sure we can work something out."

Haifeng couldn't believe her luck! She would be able to study with Yueguangshi! "T-thank you! I know I can be a bit quiet, but I am Haifeng," she said with a bow. "I'll try to make it up to you-"

"No, no," Yueguanshi chuckled. "You can only thank me if you manage to remember it and pass the test. Out teacher did say that there would be one soon, so I suppose that we should start soon." Yueguangshi wondered what this lioness was approaching her of all people...she wasn't anything special, not even the best student in the class. Just a bit above average is where she sat, though she knew her manners and habits were far more refined than many of her fellow students.

The green lioness paused for a moment, very surprised to be interrupted, as well as told that she won't have to make it up...? Haifeng wasn't so sure about that, but she wasn't going to push the issue at the moment. She was worried that if she pushed, it meant pushing Yueguangshi away as well. Not when she was finally able to talk to her!!

"Alright, that sounds like a deal," Haifeng beamed. "This means a lot to me, thank you. I'm aiming to help merchants, so I don't need to really remember everything....just enough to help them."

Yueguangshi smiled. "Sure, that's a good goal to have. You still have to pass all the tests, so you just have to make sure that you remember enough of it to get that far." The striped lioness paused for a moment, glancing around to see that just about everyone else had left. "Let us go find something to eat, and then we can do a little testing back and forth."

Haifeng flushed, trying to keep her paws from fidgeting too much. She was asking her out to eat?! The green lioness knew that was just a simple gesture, but she was absolutely thrilled. Baby steps, she told herself. Don't get too excited; there's still unfortunately too much time to still scare her off.
"Y-yes, I would love a bite to eat. I never think about food in class, so its only after I'm off to study do I ever realize how hungry I am!" she laughed.

"Alright then, let's go get a bite, see where you're at, and I suppose we can go from there."

(1,051 words)