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Reply [IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands
[PRP] Gone Fishin' (Organa x Peregrine x Euphyrates)

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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:31 am
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Ever since leaving the diving pools with Peregrine Organa had been lost in her own thoughts. The true weight of the unexpected news was slowly coming down on her shoulder, and to be honest? It scared her. To death.

Motherhood. She had no training on how to handle cubs! She didn't know a single thing about taking care of a child, making sure they don't get themselves killed, what to feed them, how to show them basic life lessons. She didn't even know the first thing about what having a parent actually felt like in the standard sense damnit!

Cue existential crisis in 3...2...1!

No, not the time to be freaking out, Organa. Focus on the task at hand, ignore the future impending doom of your unborn children looming above, you can sit and internally scream at your own stupid mistakes later on tonight.

Right. Without a warning she plunked herself down onto her rump. Closing her eyes she took a few deep breaths to calm her frayed nerves back to a reasonable level. "Cloud foot wait up, I need a moment to just catch my breath." She called out to him, completely unaware that they had already made it to their destination in the first place. "How far away this this place anyways? Feels like we've been walking for ages."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 3:43 am
He was ignoring her of course - he wouldn't have been himself if he hadn't been. Consequently, Peregrine continued to walk towards the rock pools even as Organa took a seat to have her crisis. It was a lot to take in, even he could appreciate that, and it was in his best interests to allow her to process the entire event. Hell, he wasn't even a father so he couldn't exactly prepare her for parenthood, though he imagined he could introduce her to a willing lion or two... Even his mother probably would have helped!

Instead, he chose to approach the blue lion who was in the same spot he always was, with his nose just above the surface of the water. Suffice it to say that like Peregrine, Euphyrates was extremely predictable. It was always easy to find the blue lion, much as it was a simple task to locate the clouded lion as well.

"Euphyrates," Peregrine announced his presence to the blue lion, who elected not to look up from what he was doing.

"Peregrine," Euphyrates responded in the soft, musical tone that he was known for. His eyes were still fixed on the water, or rather, what lurked below it... but eventually he did lift his gaze to turn it towards the clouded male, and by extension, Organa. She might still have been a distance away but based on her current trajectory he could only assume she was headed this way as well. "What can I do for you today?" he asked at last

"A lesson, if you will," Peregrine nodded towards the lioness behind him. "She needs to learn to fish, but it needs to be exercise that increases flexibility rather than covering distance."

"Ah, so shoals then..."



Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 5:00 pm
No response, of course. Honestly she shouldn't have expected anything else with him. He wouldn't be well..Peregrine if he suddenly became a beacon of warmth and social grace.

Still the sounds of him actually addressing someone else did rise interest from her. Her head craned around to peek over her shoulder, catching the momentary flash of blue and gray sitting by the water. Huh, she complained at bit too soon then since it appeared that they actually had arrived after all!

She ran a paw quickly through her small tuft before lumbering herself back up to all fours. Personal crisis aside and internal screaming put on a momentary hold, it was time to learn how to catch some damn fish.

"Organa." She chimed up pleasantly as she strolled her way past Peregrine. The prospect of actually being able to regain a small bit of personal freedom and responsibility - not to mention all the food she needed to finally fill her black hole of a stomach - had put quite the pep in her attitude.

Letting out a low 'hmm' she quizzingly peered over (to the best of her abilities) Euphy's shoulder down to the pools below. The were quite small, weren't they? It almost reminded her of the salamanders back home most had to catch in order to fill their bellies. Small, but full of protein. You might have had to spend hours catching enough to truly fill you up but at the very least it was something inside your belly and you'd be able to live through another day.

"Sooo then, where do we begin?"

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:52 am
Euphyrate's gaze settled on the grey lioness for a few moments - it seemed he was assessing her enthusiasm, contemplating how best to proceed with a lioness who seemed to be a less than suitable candidate for this type of fishing. Admittedly, she might have done very well at other types of fishing, but this one required a little more patience and control; one she might have, the other he wasn't so sure about...

Still, he could see why Peregrine had refrained from pursuing other professions for her. At the moment, er leg still looked positively ghastly, and given that she was seemingly burdened with something else as well, it was in her best interests not to be plunging in to the water quite so dramatically as those who hunted for larger game.

It was with a quick glance from Peregrine that he received the clouded lion's nod and then released a sigh.

As Peregrine swept passed him and took a seat nearby, basking as he was wont to do in the afternoon sun, it seemed that he had very much left the initial stages of this lesson in the very capable paws of Euphyrates. That being said, should the blue and gray lion encounter any difficulties with the fire cracker, the clouded male wasn't going to leave him without back up... He'd step in as and when it was required.

For now though? Well, for now Euphyrates would have to endure Organa's attentions on his own!

"They're exceedingly small," the blue lion agreed and shook his head. "But these aren't for us, they're for the cubs," he explained. It seemed that they were deliberately captured to be an edible size for the children. At least they would be able to handle them in their paws and mouths much more easily than some of the monsters that were hauled in.

"They're also easily spooked, so our first step is for you to get into the water and learn to simply...remain still," he murmured. "Even as you sink, so that they come to you and you can snap at them when necessary," he smiled wryly. "Attempting to chase them will get you nowhere, they'll just swim around you otherwise..."


Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:28 am
Organa had paid the rather queer exchange between the two males no mind. Instead she had elected to move past Euphy to assert herself directly at the waters edge. She made no drastic moves to go jump the gun on the start of their little lesson, but she was trained intently on the schools of tiny fish darting nervously in the waters below.

She had to admit that it was mighty tempting to just try and pounce on them as she would a salamander, but somehow she had a sneaking feeling that her old hunting techniques - much like her old attitude and sense of entitlement - would get her no where in the Bahari.

It was time to destroy the old saying that you couldn't teach a old dog new tricks once and for all.

His musical voice jolted her up from her hunched over lean over the water sharply, proving his point unintentionally by spooking away the schools that had previously gotten curious enough to start coming near her shadow to investigate. With a shake of her head she scooted her bum back against the sand, turning herself half around so she could face him.

"Small or big, it's food either way." She shot back bluntly. Plus we won't say she was in no position to complain or compare fish sizes to begin with. Organa certainly wouldn't be entering any pissing contests over who could catch the larger game anytime soon with this onslaught of medical issues!

Ah...remain still. Now that would be rather be nice to be able to do on this leg, wouldn't it? Frowning Organa lowered herself onto her belly, with a short scoot and a half roll she had effectively flopped herself into the water without putting unnecessary strain getting up again just to saunter into the water.

Her methods might not have been the most graceful or dignified way to get in the water, but the results did speak for themselves!

Sinking down to her chin Organa let out a grunt as she adjusted her body to the best 'comfortable' position that she could get it in. Which right now? Wasn't really saying much. Even so there was still visible ripples in the water coming from her body as her leg unconsciously twitched every so often from staying in the same locked position. "That will have to do I suppose." She remarked under her breath.

With a wary sigh she peered expectantly up at Euphy. "Right, in the water and sunk down to the bottom can be checked off the list. Soo now we wait then? Honestly I almost feel like a crocodile waiting with a open mouth..." She murmured softly.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:57 am
Every now and then she quaked, just enough for it to unsettle the fish - it was an observation that the clouded male made as he rested. The shoals were seemingly aware of her presence, and it would take considerable discipline on her part for them to forget she was there. That had been the point though, he could make her exercise until the cows came home but ultimately, he needed to find a way to make her be 'still' too. One part would be mind over matter, the other part would require considerable effort and muscle development.

He had confidence though, the lioness had already proven herself stubborn enough to persevere, and in the face of that he had no doubt that she would succeed in this too. Oh she might rant, rave and moan about it, but she would eventually get it done. To her credit, it didn't seem to matter how long it took, the lioness simply set out to achieve the end goal. He might not have been inclined to say it outright, but he would acknowledge it at the very least...

"It is," Euphyrates agreed as she settled herself into the water. He too had noticed the flickers of activity beneath the water and the lioness's unintentional 'pulse' of activity from her legs every now and then was proving to be an issue. It wasn't an insurmountable one though, there were other methods to be employed, he just preferred to start with the basics and work his way up... It was much the same way as he would have taught any cub to hunt.

"And the comparison would be accurate...somewhat," the blue lion added as he slipped into the water with a rather dramatic crash. Unsurprisingly the shoals really did scatter at that point, but it wasn't his intention to catch them straight away. On the contrary, he was simply positioning himself so that he could continue with his lesson.

"However we're not going to stay still, when it comes to your predicament...you can't," he motioned to her leg. "Not for want of trying of course, but such a method will not work for you."

"The first step for you, will be to learn to walk underneath the surface. Not to swim," he smiled wryly. "Paws always on the sands, never above it." He instructed.

It was certainly something that a fair number had struggled with given it was a battle against the current itself... But the motion was much more subtle, and much like swaying seaweed, the fish often adapted rapidly to its presence...


Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:18 pm
"Oh sweet mother of-!" Screaming out Organa abandoned all hope of staying in her contorted fishing position in favor of feverishly dog paddling to keep her much smaller weight from being swept away by the sudden waves he made with his dramatic entrance.

Given that she had close to no power behind her strokes it really shouldn't have been a surprise to her that she was still pushed back against her will out further into the open sea. The only thing that had actually provided a stop to her unwanted voyage was the lucky fact she could latch on with all her might onto one of the many boulders that stuck out from the safe swallows.

Well now, that certainly was a rude wake up!

She shoot Euphyrates a pointed glare as she slowly pried her (good) paw from the rock to remove a piece of seaweed flopped over on her head. Flicking the seaweed in his general direction Organa lowered herself back into the water, slowly starting to paddle her way back over to him.

"Walking on sand?" She repeated back to him with an owlish stare. Furrowing her brows her head tilted down so she could turn her focus onto her own legs idly kicking beneath her.

If he wanted paws on the sand, she couldn't really say argue if she wanted to learn a damn thing.

Stretching out her legs she gave a testing brush against the sand with her toes, alright so at least no darn grumpy crabs hidden in the sand to pinch her poor paws. Right, she could do this. Paws. On. Sand. Simple, right?

Well there was one bit of a problem; where she was currently at she would be fully submerged under the water if her paws were flat against the sand!

She would have to definitely keep herself much closer to shore than probably most would have liked when attempting to fish but such is fate. Still why she was moving herself back to where she could walk and breath at the same time, a strange concept to wish for she knew, that didn't mean she couldn't get a bit of practice on walking on the sand.

So, Organa stayed under water, pushing herself against the current as she struggled to keep herself not only going forward but from also floating off of the floor it's self.

When she emerged back onto the surface again she greeted her newfound teacher with a beaming grin. "So, how's that? I know it's probably not what you meant but it was decent practice against the currents I think?" Though she knew he said to keep her feet on the sand she still used this time to push herself forward to finish closing the gap between her and the shallows where she actually could keep her head above water!

Now finally she could finally stand on her own four feet like she was meant to do in the first place.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:05 am
That was about as good as any cub that Peregrine had ever seen, his facial expression even appeared to say so as he regarded Organa's attempts with unrestrained disappointment. Well she had given it a go, he supposed, but whether or not she would get any better of it remained to be seen. Nevertheless, he had left her in the care of a much more patient teacher, Euphyrates himself, who trained even the most excitable cubs how to catch the smallest and the largest prey.

...Maybe she'd continue to surprise him, but this one didn't look like she was going to be so naturally inclined towards it.

"That was..." Euphyrates tilted his head to the side and glanced briefly to her paws as she retreated to shallower waters. He wasn't inclined to be rude, but when someone was bad, he did have to find a means of providing them with constructive feedback. He could handle a few tears, cubs often cried without good reason, but when it came to adults...

"Not good," he said finally and shook his head at last. "If you always retreat to the shore then you will fail every time," he pointed out. "You have already been forced to swim, to tread water, that is something already covered by Peregrine, yes?" The blue lion glanced over his shoulder briefly.

The clouded lion raised a paw in confirmation.

"You need to stay under the water," Euphyrates instructed. "You need to be in the current in its entirety," he continued and then finally dove underneath the surface. Sometimes it was easier to simply demonstrate the point rather than to continue speaking. Thus, he soon sank into the depths, ensuring he stayed limp until he finally hit the bottom of the ocean floor. It was then that he finally straightened, firmly placing his paws on the sand beneath him.

While he might have lacked fins, or gills, he seemed completely at home as he gazed around the underwater world.

It was only when he had settled that he began to walk at a measured rate away from the shore, moving deeper and then finally turning to walk parallel to the beach. Sure enough, the shoals of fish that had previously scattered soon began to treat him much the same way as they would any slow moving object in the water, they simply parted (calmly) so that he could move through, but he was no longer regarded as a threat.

...Annoyingly, the currents didn't seem to be dragging him up or further into the water either, but that was more to do with muscle, than luck or a lack of buoyancy!

Organa someday: Mwuaha

Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:02 am
Being forced to swim for the first time had been one thing. Though it was completely unnerving to the lioness to suddenly plunge herself into the water she did learn that even in a panic she could always roll over and naturally float to the top for safety. But to purposefully hold herself underneath the water?

She...she honestly wasn't sure that she could do this.

With her ears pinned back against her head Organa unconsciously moved even further back once he dove under. Though to her credit she did continue to watch his actions, even if it was in a terrified curiosity. Sure it looked so natural and easy for him but she knew that that repeating such a feat would certainly prove a lot more difficult for her. There was a small comfort in knowing however that even if things did go dramatically wrong for her down there that she had not one but two masterful swimmers at a arm's length to pull her out if need be.

Still, she had to do this. She couldn't let her own fear stop her, no, she wouldn't let her own fear stop her.

With a quick glance over her shoulder she was met with the unmasked disappointment splayed out on Peregrine's face. Wrinkling her nose up she snapped her head back around. Pah! She would show him that she could do his silly little fishing test- and ace it too!

Without another adieu Organa took in a deep breath and dove back down underneath the waves. Like Euphyrates she went limp in the water, and surprisingly she was starting to sink just as he had before.

The trouble came when she started to run out of air mid-way down. With her chest constricting her limbs started to flail as well stopping all progress she had going both down and up.

She was, in all terms of the word, stuck.

The plan to continue attempting to fish was quickly abandoned in favor of just trying to reach the damn surface again!

The tell-tale pop-crackle-and finally a loud snap coming from her shoulder locking it's self up was the final nail in the coffin for her chances in being able to swim up on her own. Letting out a shrill screech from the back of her throat she kicked wildly with her back legs to hopefully inch her way up.

Ohgods, this is exactly what she feared was going to happen when she started to swim! She wasn't even floating to the surface anymore! She was going to drown. She was going to drown and die because of stupid personal tastes. Ugh, she'd eat a thousand overly-sweet fish if it was the trade off to this!

Hindsight being 20/20 would have been lovely right around this time.

Epine de Rose
That was the exact picture I was thinking of when he suggested walking on the ocean floor.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:20 am
And then it was over...

While the grey lioness might have struggled against her own fear, Euphyrates had already crossed the distance between them. It was with a gentle bump that she was thrust up onto his back and he began to push himself towards the surface. Wordlessly he came up on to the shore where he slowly dropped his shoulder so that the lioness could slide off and take a moment to herself in order to recover.

"Not bad for someone who just learned to swim," Peregrine remarked as he closed the distance between the pair. He had sprung to his feet surprisingly quickly (by Organa's standards) and it hadn't taken him long at all to join the pair, casting a quick eye over the very soggy lioness. He was satisfied that she had no lasting damage, the blue lion had moved too swiftly for that, but she probably wasn't going to be their greatest fans once she had recovered from the momentary shock.

"Just learned?" Euphyrates asked with interest.

"She'd never swum properly before she came here for her treatment," The clouded male smiled wryly and shook his head. "All things considered, I think this can be regarded as an achievement. Only a couple of months and already capable of at least trying to do something quite so extreme."

Euphyrates's expression was somewhat unreadable in those moments.

"Certainly worthy of respect," He agreed at last and gave a small nod. "Though perhaps it would be in her best interests to pause for today. Now that she knows what to expect, she can prepare herself mentally."

"Indeed," Peregrine agreed. "Mind over matter on this occasion," he gave Organa a nudge and sighed. "Like almost all of her treatment," he added and glanced towards Euphyrates once more. "I'll take this one back to recover, once she's ready for round two, I'll be sure to let you know."

"I look forward to it," Euphyrates replied with a small now of his head, and without further ado, returned to his fishing.

"Come on then," He gave the lioness another nudge. "Time for you to dry off and have a moment of peace and quiet," he finished as he began to walk away...

Maybe closing post from Gan (if you want?) and then this can be considered finished. n_n

Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:53 pm
Dazed and in shock would be putting it mildly for how Organa was feeling right now. Though Euphyrates had gotten to her in time before any real danger of drowning or further damage could be caused she couldn't quite say her mental physique fared as well.

For the second time in her life she had been in a spot of utter helplessness. No amount of struggling, punching, or toughing it out would have been able to save her if the two others hadn't been there, just as no amount of resolve she had before to complete her mission could stave off infection in her leg.

Though she rose into a sit once as soon as she had been dumped back into the safety of sand Organa was still clearly unsteady on her feet. Her chest heaved heavily as she struggled to keep her breath under control, both her bad and her good front legs shook violently as did most of her body.

It would prove to be at least an amusing sight for both of the males. She was, in all but species, a quivering half-drowned Chihuahua right now.

The first nudge Peregrine gave her did shake her out of her shocked state. Snarling darkly she leaned away from his touch. "Don't touch me, ya p***k." She grumbled under her breath.

The praise they were doting on her with would brighten her mood later once she had more time to calm herself and reflect on the day's events, for now though they might have as well been praising a wall for doing a good job standing in one spot.

Wrinkling her nose up in disgust she had begun to roll herself into a full stand when once again the familiar feeling of a encouraging nudge was poked into her side. Whipping her head back she gave a half-hearted snap in his direction before finally straightening herself fully upright. "I said don't touch me! Nudge me again and I'll...I'll.." What could she do to him anyways? He had just proven himself to be a lot more nimble and quick on his feet than she had expected from him. He was bigger, stronger, and let's face it she had about as much power to her as a gentle breeze right now.

Hey! Wait! Dammit he was walking away before she could even finish! Ugh! C'mon Gan, you could think of something. He was....an unemotional b*****d? Well yes, but she suspected he knew that and gave no qualms about it. He did have a tendency to be a heavy sleeper she noticed? That'll just have to do for now until she could think of a proper threat to toss his way. "I'll chew your ******** leg off why you sleep! Then both of us can hobble around like fat gimps!" She yelled off at him, complete with a little stomp of her good foot to boot.

Alas, to no one's great surprise the clouded lion didn't even break in his casual stride back towards his home. Puffing out her cheeks Organa gave a shake of her head before she turned her focus on Euphyrates. At least he seemed approachable, and he did go out of his way not only to teach her but save her in that bind.

"Thanks. I'll be back eh....sometime to try again." She murmured before taking her own leave.

Epine de Rose
Derp finish but a finish none-the-less. xP Gan's hormones are finally kicking into high gear.
[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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