Really, Mioyo was tired. She'd led Miira and Shido to Ifa's last spot, and then had moved towards the Aegnor'hini, paws drawn towards other kin slowly but wearily. All Mioyo wanted was to sort out her problems and maybe get some relaxing done, but she didn't step in more than a few feet when she realized she was no longer alone.

There was no breeze, and the sun had just disappeared over the horizon, the night beginning to stir as she moved, and yet she felt a soft breeze, a light air crossing her muzzle, and then.... She was not alone.

But this? This was an old friend, a friend since she was young, across two lives, and Primitus beamed warmly to Mioyo, golden eyes glowing as she drew close, gently headbutting him in greeting.

"Hello, old friend." Mioyo said softly, voice relieved. Primitus was always a welcome sight, and one Mioyo would trust.

He'd almost missed her from above, but for the red - a shade common in a pride of demons, a pride...

He balanced the other leaders. He was to answer to none and the leader-god was well for it, but even now, after so long, over his two lives, he kneew Mioyo. A devoted follower, and dear friend. Deep within, even Gaius was glad to see the lioness, to see her hale and whole and alive, after so long thinking her passed. And so the god had landed, smiling with a warmth reserved for a mate, family member... Or an old friend. Primitus moved over, and sat, his normally sharp wings fluttering as he settled, the pair sitting in silence several moments.

The sun had lset, and neither said a word for a long time. Instead, both looked out over the grasslands of the border. The occasional bat flit by overhead, earning a glance up, and the stillness was punctuated by a cricket braving the lions to begin his song of the evening. Nothing but weind crossed the area, and finally, Mioyo broke the quiet, the cricket silencing once more as the great lioness seemed weak, almost cublike.

"I don't know what to do anymore." She admitted. "I brought some here to find... Hope. The pride I went to -- that pride fell apart. Everywhere... Falls apart. Home, after home... Everything breaks. Even most of my children are gone.... I can't do anything for it. I feel I must remain strong, and nothing else. I want to do right by others, but maybe I'm a foolish old woman."

Mioyo sighed, shaking her head as she lay down slowly, sinking into the grass in frustration. Primitus was quiet several moments, before he nosed at Mioyo soothingly.

"Not foolish. You were born into a difficult position and it was kept all of your life. And when it seems you found freedom... You were needed again."

A soothing lick. Primitus tried to comfort his old friend, and Mioyo smiled sadly, looking up before looking to her paws, kneading the soil in frustration. She finally game, and leaned into Primitus, sighing quietly as she frowned, staring.

"I know my paws will lead where I need go, and it's led me back to my family, but..."

But she could offer... What? Size? Skill? Muscle? All she was learning the demons valued above aught else, but6 Mioyo wasn't sold on it being 'enough'. So many former pride members who'd looked up to her...

She owed them something... More. Something more than a flawed, finite resource.

"What do I even have to offer if I seek refuge? What can I give anyone?" Mioyo swallowed, and grimaced. Primitus was silent, before chuckling, a soft, low noise before he nosed her.

"You know, I hold authority among the demons. Numbers always help." Primitus noidded. "And here... You would hold no power, old friend."

It was meant to be soothing, but his tone was faintly roguish, a soft purr. Mioyo chuckled, shaking her head a moment before looking to the god in amusement, interest in her next question building in her eyes.

"So." She drawled, changing the topic rapidly. "You found a pride to stay in safely.l Then you have...?"

"His name is Gaius." Primitus said, tone quiet, and the god smiled, sighing.

"He's... Quiet, but good. He aims to protedt me. My mates, my friends. I think you saw him once." Primitus shut his eyes, exhaling. "He was.... What killed my brother when last I died. He that defended me as long as I recall. He likes you, though, so..."

A snort, and Mioyo grinned, pawing Primitus amusedly.

"Dioes he now? As a sparring partner?" Mioyo laughed, and soon -- Primitus began laughing as well, a scratchy sound, but one long needed.

"Oh indeed, a very good one." He nodded, then smiled. "I miss our bouts as well."

Mioyo laughed gently, half-headbutting Primitus before she sighed, nodding.

"Oh, well, that? That I can do. I'm old, not weak." Mioyo noted. Primitus snorted.

"Not that old." He reminded. Mioyo rolled her eyes.

"I have great grandcubs, who're grandparents themselves, Primitus. I'm old." The lioness noted. Primitus snorted.

"I'm a god, I can decide who's old or not!" He objected, and the male tugged at her ear like a cub, Mioyo laughing before she wriggled, pawing him roughly before the pair began wrestling.

"Oh, are you? Are you the God of Youth now?" Mioyo laughed. Primitus snorted in amusement, mouthing for joints.

"Maybe!" The god retorted. Both continuing to laugh, they wrestled, mouthing, pawing, and generally mock-fighting. It wasn't a true spar, but, rather, a simple play, play not often had for the two giants, and though Primitus dwarfed even Mioyo, the lioness' great size held up, and finally the pair settled.

"I missed our spars, truthfully." Mioyo said, tone soft. Primitus nodded, smiling before nodding, laying his headon her headers with a sigh.

"You," Primitus finally noted. "You ought to sleep. Youaren't noctournal, or noctournal yet, and sleepiness is showing." Primitus chuckled, and Mioyo nodded, sighing as she settled, and Primitus settled himself, yawning himself before settling, eyes closing. the god nodding off to sleep himself. Somewhere... The cricket resumed chirping.