Curare + Cubs
Cubs. All of the lovable terrors Calder and her had created were -- at least some of them -- running around like mad cubs. Pouncing, chewing, destroying things. Her golden orbs watching them closely. They would be fine as she decided to wander away from the den. Would be good to get up and stretch her legs other than being here with them. It had been too long since she had even gone on aviking and she wanted to change that. These little ones would be adolescents within a few months. Perfect age to make decisions on their futures. Maybe even a few of them coming with her on aviking. Hadn't she heard something about Zjarri becoming a captain? Maybe she would seek out the blue female and see what was going on with her. A small smile spread across her maw, she remembered how she had been bested by the female.

It was the two small bodies that slammed into her that made her look down. Both were currently fighting with a dead rodent. It had been dead for some time but it wasn't exactly torn into. "My little cubs. Have you brought me a war gift?" The female asked. Their tiny faces lighting up with grins before dropping it. "Yes." the words coming out in near unison. "Where are you going ma?"

The female looked down at her two little explorers and then back at the other five who seemed content to play with each other. "To see a friend, would you like to come along?" Their nods confirming that they did before the three began to look for Curare's old friend.

Zjarri`fol had been gifted with a golden opportunity in becoming Captain. The opportunity wasn’t fate, even she could admit that, although Sabia`deimos would likely argue the fact – perhaps with that cruel grin on her face that corrupted the lie and very nearly revealed the truth. She had been home for some time now and was avidly preparing to take her leave with a band in tow. That band consisted of a number of powerful females she’d come to either tolerate or trust with her own life – that included Sabia`deimos herself, regardless of what she may or may not have done. “To each their own..” She muttered to herself as the thought crossed her mind.

The blue lioness had been up and about, seeking out no one in particular. She had no plans for the day and had considered even taking a leave of her own to just explore a little bit. Her new found role within the pride would mean many trips beyond the border and that meant she needed to know what to do, where to go – primarily she’d need to know what the land had to offer. Of course she learned most of that on her way into this role, but the learning never ceased.

“Curare?” Her thoughts, plans and everything else flitted away abruptly when the green lioness came into view. Not only her though, were those.. cubs? Zjarri`fol squinted a touch, which was unbecoming, but she just couldn’t believe her eyes. The youth were certainly look alikes of her coloration and pelt markings – amazing. She put on her warmest grin and immediately redirected herself towards the female. “Curare, that is you!” She belted out fondly. “Who are these youngsters?” Zjarri inquired and made a point of leaning in to get a better look at them as she came closer to the family.

Curare + Cubs
Before the lioness could even respond to the blue female in was the two tiny cubs who rushed at the captain. Curare could already tell what the little team was going to do and instead of attempting to stop it, just let it happen. It was the pair that using their tiny claws and fangs jumped at the female, just before yelling, "Attaaaaaack!" Trying to be tiny terrors. It was cute at least.

"These." Looking at the cubs who were doing their best to bring down Zjarri'fol. "Are mine. Nerium." Pointing with a clawed toe at the white one, then pointing at the other, "Cerbera. Just shove them off of you or what have you. They can be annoyances, cute though."

It was nice to see the female. Even with cubs doing their best to her, she looked well. "Captain." The title suited her well. "Are you going on a Viking?" How she itched to go back out there. She needed to get away from the madness of the den.

A look of surprise presented itself on her face in a set of widened pink eyes as well an agape mouth. Her jaw readjusted as she embraced the ‘attack’ from the pair of cute little reavers to be. “Oh no!” The blue lioness proclaimed dramatically and fell to her stomach, flailing smoothly while avoiding the little limbs, head and attempting to keep herself from the twin sets of razor sharp teeth. “What ever will I do…” Her lips betrayed her as she smiled fondly at the proper Viking cub behaviors.

Once the dust had settled somewhat, following the battle, she snorted and shook her head fiercely to remove some of the dirt that had been shaken up. “You two will be fine reavers one day, Nerium and Cerbera.” Zjarri`fol began to stand a touch, though she had been happy to oblige the eager youth. “These annoyances will be our legacy, Curare.” She smiled at the lioness with pride as she considered a future where she had youth of her own. “Yes, raising strong females is an ideal way to go.” It had been no secret that Zjarri aimed to raise the next string of young females to hopefully hold that beloved Warlord rank that she witnessed Svana proudly take.

“Yes.” Her attention was bought with the simple question. “We’ll soon be traveling, though I’ll be honest in saying that although it’ll be a Viking, it’ll be an uneventful one. Though if you’re looking to get yourself out of the den you’d be more than welcome to come.” Truth be told the Viking would turn eventually, it’d become violent – which she secretly looked forward to. The future was looking dim on these particular trips from the pride lands. “Nerium, Cerbera.. do you plan to follow your mother and become a Reaver as well?” She questioned the youth lightly.

Curare + Cubs
"Cerbera will be a strong female. As well as he two other sisters. Calder is more happy I gave him more sons." The green female noted. All of them would be excellent children whatever their plans may be in the future. Though she hoped all would become reavers and eventually some as captains, maybe even one becoming a Warlord. "As much as I enjoy raising my cubs I am itching to get back out there. Do something."

Still keeping an eye on the little poison cubs who were actually sitting rather nicely, waiting patiently for their mother to finish speaking to her friend they had obviously bested. Also paying attention to their mothers words and possible futures. It was Cerbera who spoke before her elder brother, "I hope to become a Captain one day. Maybe Warlord." Looking back at her mother with a somewhat sly look. "Maybe a Lawspeaker even."

Nerium giving his sister a bit of a friendly push puffed up, "Of course I want to be a Captain. Give me a band of reavers to command. I'll put them in line." Giving a sinister grin.


Curare + Cubs


Curare + Cubs

