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Time had passed, plenty of it, and she hadn't seen a number of faces for quite a while which meant they'd likely been out and about just as much as she had been. Her time spent away from the pride gave her motivation to seek some others out and today she had a select few in mind - some of her earlier comrades that had known her before she'd become Captain.

Cythraul was on that list, rumor had it he'd had a litter of cubs, just like she had. It seems they'd been growing up pretty fast, or that was how it'd felt at least. Of course she didn't find that she had the desire to go trekking across the prides lands looking for the dark lion and instead chose an alternate destination. The centermost parts of the lands. The center where she used to find her father huddled over by a tree, drunker than anything and unable to speak. Lately he'd turned himself around and found himself a good and sturdy lioness.

Fairly soon after she arrived at her destination she was able to get a drink and find a place to relax and watch out for old friends. Worst case she wasted a day just doing nothing and best case she discovered some old friendships.
