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Finch felt the ice wind whip his mane to the point that he had trouble seeing the two little boys bounding in front of him, almost completely swallowed up by the snow as it was. "Boys, don't wander too far!" The new father murmured to himself after a moment, "less your mother will kill me..."

The near-twins were laughing and playing in the snow, tumbling over each other as they tried to wrestle. Of course they could barely tread the thick snow on the ground, let alone fight each other effectively.

Watching them warmed Finch's cold bones and he smiled indulgently at the two. He felt guilt for not being around his children more often, so when he did visit, he tried to stay long enough that he could spend quality time with each of them. Of course Finnan and Lochan stuck to each other like glue and wanted to visit with their father together. Finch didn't mind in the slightest, other than the nervousness he felt keeping up with two of them at the same time. "I don't know how your mother does it..." He whispered, again to himself, watching one of the twins earnestly trying to tear the other's ear off.

Further, Finch struggled to tell which was Loch and which was Finn. Finn... his heart ached a little when he thought of Swara, having named Fintan (Finn) with himself in mind. She was a perfect mother and Finch again felt the ache that he had for not being closer to his children, not being a better father. Of course he didn't have much in the way of an example. Finch never knew his father and never expected he would, given his mother was dead. She did the best she could and he never resented herā¤or his absent father for that matter. Now he only wished he had had a better understanding of being a parent so he could be one to his children.