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Parth grunted, unimpressed with his new pupil's ability to creep and crawl. "Northeast, and you ate not that long ago. I can smell the blood." He sneered the last word, not bothering to turn and glance at the male that was surely attempting to remain as silence as possible in an effort to take the older lion by surprise.

The stillness in the air was noticeable now, after Finch froze at the words of the lion. Finch really had been getting better about stealth⏤he had just failed to account for the wind this time. An annoyed growl rumbled from his chest as he gave up being quiet and noisily stomped his way around the dark male. Taking note of the smell he apparently held, the lion began grooming his paws and face, attempted to wipe the remainder of his dinner away.

Parth looked disapprovingly. "If I was still in my prime, I would run circles around you, boy." He chuckled now, a deep laughter rumbling through his body.

Finch paused his grooming long enough to cast a narrowed glare at Parth. "I'm sure thats easy to say now⏤when you're old and withered."

Perth's laughter was cut short as he answered the young male's pointed comment. "Watch it or I'll be forced to come out of retirement." He noted the threat with a flash of one of his canines, a portion of his lip curling back in small snarled expression.

Finch, properly chastised, merely rolled his eyes and sat impatiently. "Well, what are we doing today?"