"It's cool, we haven't seen any dodgy folks out and about while we were on our way here so..." Shui tilted his head to the side and smiled.

"You and Grumpy-guts are prolly gonna be fine," Huo finished and glanced towards the rather disgruntled Azar. He had been remarkably restrained all things considered, the fiery maned teenager did have to wonder if perhaps he was more bark, and less bite. It would be a thought for another time though given that the male was attempting to make a swift exit and it appeared Tapana was taking the hint.

"Keep safe!" Shui gave a wave of his paw as Tapana set off. "Oh! You know if you guys get bored of all this dry sand and rock you can always come visit us -"

"Oh hey yeah, we're even havin' a party," Huo confirmed with a grin. "You're more than welcome to come, the water might be really good for his old bones and everything," he teased after Azar. Fortunately for Azar (and by extension, Tapana), the brothers did happen to know when it was in their best interests to release a victim from their grasp and it wasn't long before Huo had turned back to his brother.

Shui on the other hand, had already bounded back to his hole and had already dropped back into it. The search for water would continue for a little while longer before the siblings departed to explore other brave new worlds...
