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Reply [IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands
[PRP] Questions [Sol x Tomor]

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:30 am
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It was quieter now. The day was coming to an end and the light was quite beautiful out here by the sea. It was soothing in a way that the Nergui spy needed, though it hardly solved the problems that had arisen.

The life of a Nergui was a difficult one at times but it was simple enough. They were given their orders and they carried them out. Their world had made sense. Their faith made sense. Outsiders could look at the Nergui and see chaos but to a member familiar with their ideals there was nothing to be found but order. A simple hierarchy. A simple way of life. And yes, whilst that occasionally meant hunting what others would not normally hunt, it was done for a purpose. A reason.

But today...

Today he had seen the kulukadok and they had spoken with him as if they were no different. As if they were mere mortals, come to enjoy the company and the sun like any other living thing. But he knew they were not. They leeched and stole and ruined a land that might otherwise have been overflowing with life. They were the destroyers of the balance.

This, he thought grimly, is why a Nergui doesn't question. There's no happiness to be found in it.

He gave a low growl and set his head on his paws, letting the sound of the shore wash over him and lull him - though his tail still twitched in agitation.

How could he not go back and report this?

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:16 am
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"You know, if it isn't relaxation, it's a pensive stare," the now familiar voice cut through Tomor's solitude as the white lion slipped out from one of the more shrouded pathways. He'd had a feeling that the lion had been left a touch overwhelmed today, surrounded by three deities when most wouldn't even hope to see one. It would have been a lot to take in, small favours that none of them had caused anything absurd to happen around them as was often the case...particularly when it came to his mother.

"We are pretty good at supplying the right atmosphere for both circumstances," he came to a halt beside Tomor, electing to keep his gaze forward as he inspected the horizon. It wasn't for him to pry in to whatever might be bothering the lion, but he would at least provide the male with some reassurances and perhaps some form of an apology. Whether Tomor elected to take it and find solace was entirely up to him from that point on.

"You have my apologies for today, my mother can be a touch overwhelming," he said at last and hazarded a wry smile, though he refrained from looking directly at the grey male. "She means well though, as do the majority of the denizens here," he added. He couldn't speak for the baboons and wouldn't, their foul temper was legendary, but the rest of the locals were usually in good spirits. "And though we may have a considerable number of divine visitors they don't often congregate quite so readily..."

He paused.

"Although it seems with those three that the same statement might not apply," he mused softly. "Regardless though they might seek comfort here, its generally not common for their privacy or yours to be compromised, today was just a rare exception when we were a touch more communal," he paused and finally glanced at the quiet male.

"The rest of our stay should be less exciting, if that is what you had hoped to find here..."


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:35 am
The lion lifted his head and looked across at the familiar male - his white pelt emblazoned with markings so intricate and dazzling that he would have been marveled and welcomed into the Nergui with open arms. Indeed, he looked like the child of a goddess and played the part well.

He offered the other a momentary smile and pushed himself up into a sitting position, rolling his shoulders to work out the knots that had started to gather there. "I live a life of solitude by choice," he replied, which was true enough. The life of a Shuko meant that he could be free to travel where he desired so long as he reported in from time to time. Indeed in these last few years he had found more blood for the hyenas, a Firekin patrol, the trail of a goddess and, last but not least, the land the Nergui had now claimed for their own. "I like to travel - always have done, even as a youngster. I linger now and then but the world calls and I need answer."

He shook his head, "and yet of all the things I have seen, nothing can quite compare to what unfolded before my eyes today. Until today I thought that nothing could surprise me, that I was knowledgeable. It has thrown me, truth be told."

Three kulukadok and...perhaps even more interesting...a mortal lion born of the false gods.

"I know very little."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:43 am
"So you are in the perfect position to learn more," Solomon pointed out with a small chuckle. "Someone who thinks they know everything is generally less inclined to take lessons and observations to heart," he added and raised a brow. He might not know exactly why the lion felt as he did, he could only make some somewhat logical assumptions. At most, Solomon had merely assumed he was a touch overwhelmed and as a rogue, this was no doubt something very rare and new for him.

...For Tomo, it would have been perfectly reasonable to assume he had seen it all.

"Quite frankly, if you have traveled as far as you imply then it isn't unusual to assume that you might have been there and done that more than once," he took a seat and lifted his paw to rub at the base of his chin, casting his gaze towards the lion after a moment or two. "But that's why you've traveled for such a time, to learn and to grow...?" he smiled and shook his head. "If there's one thing I've come to realise, the world rather enjoys throwing the unexpected at you when you are least prepared for it."

Another pause.

"Now seemed like as good a time as any from what you've said, you were going through a bit of a dry spell, no?" he mused. He was of course referring to the fact Tomor had encountered so many deities at once rather than encountering him; on a personal level Solomon found himself no more intriguing than any other individual.


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:53 am
The steel-blue lion shook his head in bemusement and settled himself more comfortably, easing into the conversation now that it had begun. It was at least easier to talk to Solomon than most of the males back home. Rivalry was hot and most males eyed one another up as a threat instead of a friend - unless, of course, there was a bigger threat to face. "Perhaps I just have to accept that the world - when it involves the gods and goddesses - becomes something of a conundrum to me. They are...different. Part of me says that such things shouldn't exist, you know? I mean, I've heard the stories. Met the lions and lionesses who adore and worship such things, but I've always treated them as if they were - excuse me for saying so - foolish." He let out a burst of laughter and shook his head.

The laughter, perhaps, had a slightly hysterical edge.

"I mean, if I could fly and have powers above and beyond any mere mortal, would I not want to do something more than just...laze by the sea and...and speak with normal lions and lionesses? But not just that! Make friends and even start families, too."

Were all seers...were they all children of kulukadok? Or...?

He glanced sideways at Solomon again as if trying to find the answer written there on his pelt. "Heh, listen to me. What does it matter? It doesn't affect my life."

Well, it sort of did...but...well...what was there to be done?

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:40 am
"In a manner of speaking it does affect your life," Solomon pointed out and settled himself more comfortably. "It's already making you question what you consider right, what you view as natural," he shrugged his shoulders. "In that respect it matters a great deal and you're entitled to your opinions," he smiled warmly and turned his gaze back towards the steel-blue lion. Wherever he had come from clearly didn't have a particular religion associated with it, and to be quite frank, they wouldn't be the first or last pride to exhibit such tendencies.

"I can't say we worship them here," he pursed his lips. "Respect some of them depending on the influence they might have on the things we live alongside," he waved his paw towards the ocean as if to make a point. "But generally, we would not be so inclined to bend knee and give them more than that... How a pride chooses to deal with them is entirely their prerogative -" he did pause though and narrowed his eyes, truth be told there didn't appear to ever have been a malicious god on these shores.

...In that they were fortunate.

"Would it help if I told you that when it matters, they may do something?" he asked after a moment and released a sigh. "When my mother first arrived here it had been destroyed by a tsunami. Their homes, their food, it was all gone and they were in dire need of aid," he explained. "Rather than abandon them, she did use the powers you refer to in order to help them," he pointed out. "When the Bahari were able to stand on their own paws again, she let go," he smiled just a touch more softly and shook his head.

"I won't deny there are probably cruel deities just as there are cruel mortals, but just as they have those, they also have those who just want to live..."

He returned his gaze back towards the horizon and shook his head.

"My mother long ago told me they weren't immortal, they can die... They're simply ageless," he glanced at Tomor out of the corner of his eye. "If that's the case then they are as much entitled to pursue their desire for family, friends, love...adventure, just as much as any other being," he murmured.

"But how you desire to address and treat them is entirely up to yourself, how they choose to respond is much the same..." he concluded.


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:57 am
Consider. Question. Doubt. These were dangerous things for him to be feeling. Instinct told him to shove it away. The Tomor of old would have simply ushered his way back out into rogue lands and reported in his findings. Another glory hunt would begin and whether it successful or not, it would prove as a sign that they had traveled to the right place. This lion, however, had never taken the time to speak to one of the false gods. It was easier when things weren't personal. No different, in truth, from hunting an antelope. The false gods were prey that had to be dealt with and nothing more. Drains upon existence.

But how did he continue this conversation now? He had to be careful and he'd never found that hard before. He kept himself at a distance. Didn't involve himself in the affairs of others. Why, of all the times he'd been out, was today the day that getting involved had gotten him into such difficulty?

He thought of some poor kulukadok stopping to help the Nergui in a time of need. They'd not be living long if they dropped in to assist, that was for sure. But it seemed, in some cases, a pride flourished under the aid of one.

"That explains, then, why some adore them and some loathe them. They affect the world wherever they go, even if they do nothing but laze by the shore."

He let his gaze settle back on the horizon once more.

"Have you ever wondered," he began, mulling the words over very carefully, "where they got their power from? Whether any of their power is passed into their children? Whether having a family...in some way...weakens them?"

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:18 am
"My mother really isn't the type to use her abilities very often," Solomon confessed. "I wouldn't know if they were weaker or stronger, I haven't noticed any difference in what I'm accustomed to seeing though," he paused briefly to consider whether or not his mother had weakened. Overall she'd had produced several children and so far she seemed to be normal. Then again, she really hadn't spent a large portion of her time blessing lands and intervening in the matters of other prides.

...If she wasn't asked, she didn't really give.

"We do get some of it though," he had no qualms with explaining what he was, he wasn't ashamed of it, though he didn't feel the need to sing and dance about it either. "We certainly can't fly, teleport...I certainly can't sprout plants where I walk," he chuckled and shook his head. "Generally speaking we're simply bigger than the average lion," he continued. He was stating the obvious of course, Solomon was rather impressive in size, but it was courtesy of his blood.

"And typically we can see things most ordinarily can't," he pursed his lips. "Perhaps relevant to your remarks regarding whether a god is benevolent or cruel," he mused. "My visions...my sight, is benign," he considered his words carefully and then shook his head. "It doesn't hurt me and it doesn't frighten me; the same cannot be said for others..."

"We have others here, one in particular who is the child of Pestilence," he grimaced. "Her visions are not benign, and nor are her son's," he confessed. "That's why they came here, what causes their visions is not easy to find here, so they don't suffer for it."

Another pause

"We are different, but possibly not in the ways others might assume."


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:33 am
And there it was. The question that suddenly really mattered but where the answer would be hard - or nigh impossible to find. Seers were god-born, of that he was now certain. But was this just because of their ancestry or was it more to do with the transfer of power? If it was the latter than perhaps the seers currently living well in the Nergui might not be looked so kindly upon. If they bore even a tiny trace of stolen power would that make them a target, too? Or would it be overlooked as a matter of slight inconvenience. After all, the kaar were very useful and without their visions the Nergui would not have gotten as far as they had. To cut them out of their force would be disastrous...especially seeing as their hierarchy was currently headed by seers.

Or maybe, he tried to argue, this question had been answered by his superiors long ago and they already knew that seers were no threat to the earth they lived on.


"It is strange that the power develops so differently. Perhaps, that too, depends on the nature of the god or goddess in their ancestry. Those of more ill-intent, maybe, bestow such upon their children. Your mother seems a gentle sort, perhaps that is why you do not suffer for your power." He blinked, "I must admit that a past mate of mine was a seer herself. I never really asked her about it. She did not seem to suffer, either."

His mate, in fact, had been a god-killer before joining the Nergui. Perhaps that god had been a relative of hers? That would explain how she had succeeded in her task, at least. A relative might be more willing to let their guard down and not suspect to be attacked.

"I must thank you, Solomon, for your time. Most would not have indulged my curiosity."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:47 am
"It's very possible," Solomon agreed. He genuinely hadn't given it much thought over the years, what he had was simply natural, and given that his home didn't really want for resources his visions had rarely come in to play. He'd lived such a quiet life that he couldn't imagine any differently, and he certainly couldn't imagine being held beneath or above someone based on his capabilities.

Something to ponder at a quieter time perhaps, if he felt so inclined.

"I'm confident that a fair few here would have indulged you," he said with a chuckle. "Now whether or not those beyond these lands would is certainly open to debate, but I'm sure you've noticed that we prefer to operate at a much more relaxed pace here," he smiled. He might have a considerable amount of work still to be done, some of it delayed by his new 'enemies' in the form of two very determined cubs, but it would eventually get done.

"It gives us a bit more time to enjoy the finer things in life, or discuss more philosophical subjects if we're so inclined," he shrugged his shoulders. "If anything I'm glad some of your curiosity could be sated; even if you still look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders," he finished.


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:26 am
And here it was.

What did he do next?

He stayed still a moment longer, staring out at the sea, feeling the weight of these thoughts as a burden across his back. After a moment he knew what he would do. He'd leave this land - as he knew he would - and head out into rogue lands for a while. The Nergui would not be expecting him back any time soon nor was he eager to get back. Perhaps he would explore further and see if he could find something else to bring back to the leaders. Something they would want to hear, at least.

One downside of being away from his pride for so long was that he knew very little about the lions who dwelt there and who he could trust. Heck, he couldn't even trust his mate for all that was was plotting and weaving behind his back. He was not desired by her. He was convenient. And who was he to say no? It worked for him, too. He still had his freedom and that was all he had ever really wanted.

"As much as I wish to stay, I fear I've lingered too long already. Perhaps, if I pass back this way we will meet again?" He stood and glanced across at the white lion, a farewell already in his eyes.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:37 am
"You'll always be welcome here," Solomon confirmed.

It was true, provided that Tomor had no ill intent and didn't intend to harm them, he would have a place here. What he did and where he went on his adventures beyond these borders was none of their concern and never would be. It wasn't their place to pry and Solomon certainly never would. Nevertheless, this would ensure that he would probably never know exactly who and what Tomor was, nor his intent towards Solomon's own mother.

...Had he known, then perhaps this meeting would have gone very different.

"Have a safe journey, Otho," Solomon added and gave a slight nod of his head. This was probably for the best, he had work to attend to himself and a feast to at least show his face at. Better to get the social niceties out of the way before he went back to catching up on the repairs required after the siblings and their demolition derbies...

This in mind he raised to his own paws and took his leave.


Epine de Rose

[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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