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Being young and little was hard, however he wasn’t really that little. His mother had told him he was quite large for a cub but that was average for gods, after all he was a god. It was just, his domain was a little weird. His mother had promised him that his domain would come to light properly as he got older. Unfortunately right now he was a little cub, or a larger than average cub with no idea what his domain meant. His mother had told him that she would take him to the mountains, high up where his domain would make sense. She always said her domain made more sense when she was surrounded by ice and cold places

His mother was hail and she had told him a hundred, no more than that, maybe a thousand times, that her domain was small it made her useless to their grandmother. He hated that idea, the idea that he was useless, why did he exist? If all he could do was create this weird salty ice. These conundrums came to him often.

Recently he had met his father. The god of fish was mighty and powerful and he had passed those genes on to his sister. She was a shark through and through, she looked like a shark and she was powerful like the deep sea creatures. His mother had shown him what a shark was and explained about the beast. He hadn’t wanted to approach one or challenge one but seeing the frightening creature certainly explained about his sister, she was sharp edged, a huntress through and through a real predator. Having seen these beasts he realised all to well that she had a purpose, creatures couldn’t help but believe in the sharp toothed creatures, they were perfect, his mother had called them apex predators. That meant nothing to him but she explained that that meant they were so powerful nothing hunted them. Nothing hunted them.

Young as he was he couldn’t go anywhere alone and so he lay awake while his mother and sister slept. While they slept he let his mind wander and he tried to extend the reach of his rime. He was young, he knew that but his sister had seemed so adept at the massive scary fish that he wanted to try and do more with his own powers his own domain. It was an effort to do anything, but he could feel a tug in his stomach that told him he was doing something. Maybe he was just hungry?

The thought of a rumbling stomach made him get to his paws. His mother had told him that technically as gods they did not need to eat. That felt very strange to him, he often felt the rumble of a hungry stomach and so his mother brought them food. They still drank her milk of course but she also fetched them meat from the world down below. They hadn’t often been to the mortal plane, their grandmother had kept them close for a while when they were first born, this had seemingly upset their mother though she never really said why. Their grandmother was huge, he always thought of his mother as a big lady but their grandmother she was a massive creature. He really admired her, she was so powerful and she bore herself like a true noble. She was an amazing goddess, of course his mother was too but there was something about the goddess of greed and her plethora of items that made his eyes dance. She paid little attention to him, his mother had said he should take this as a blessing. He didn’t feel like it was a blessing, definitely his grandmother was more interested in his sister. She had asked her many questions about the sharks, their fins, teeth and bones and even their meat. His sister had answered candidly and his grandmother had seemed very interested asking for a sample next time they went to the sea.

He supposed they would be attending the sea quite often now they had met their father. Bahari’nswi was amazing. He realised in a spark of inspiration that he was surrounded by amazing gods. Though his mother often said she was not amazing, she still bore a certain aloofness he assumed was inherited from his grandmother. He had even briefly met his aunt and uncle, the goddess of crystals and the god of thirst. Yes he was surrounded by amazing gods. Their visit though with their father had gone somewhat well, he had felt so awed by the massive god with his power over all the fish in the wide never ending ocean. His father was very handsome too and his mother had told him that he looked a lot like him. He didn’t see it, he didn’t feel like he looked like either of his parents, he felt very much like an odd duck. Of course upon meeting Bahari’nswi he had realised, somewhat grudgingly, that he had gained his fathers mane colour and strange wings..fins..back things. His wings were weird. His mother had told him he could still fly but flying was strange he just went, his back appendages didn’t help or hinder his flight path. He could just do it because that was what he was supposed to be able to do. He sort of understood why his father lived more on the mortal lands. When he walked along he struck quite the form. The young god quietly considered if perhaps he should follow in his fathers foot steps and just live on the ground so to speak. There would be nothing wrong with that.

Resting himself by the meat his mother had left for them to feed upon if they wanted to Baridi’Chuna made a decision, he would live on the mortal plane where he wouldn’t have to fly and he would find a place he could belong. As he put his paws upon the creature to take a chunk of meat from it a smooth layer of salty ice formed over the creature. By not thinking about his domain nd his worries he had managed to use his powers, at least a little. He smiled, perhaps his domain was a little obscure but maybe one day he would be able to use it for something, he just didn’t know what yet.