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[PRP] Is There a Doctor in the House? (See inside)

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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:37 pm
User ImageIt had taken nearly of week of non-stop travel but finally the grasslands gave way to the warm golden sands the Bahari were famous for. For a good portion of the trip Amadi had been at his side, offering moral support or to take turns carrying Organa. However as they got closer the other male seemed to more and more nervous. The straw finally broke the camel's back when Organa's health took a turn for the worse one night. The stress of whatever was plaguing him about being in this region and now the added weight of her state broke him down, leaving him as a twitchy ball of nerves and anxiety.

Malphas had no other choice but to send Amadi off to go right himself. They couldn't afford to be distracted in this critical time if there was going to be any hope Organa would survive this without being crippled for the rest of her life. He comforted his friend's fears by ensuring him them separating the best course of action. He promised that once things stabilized he would track Amadi back down and fetch him.

He had more important matters to worry about than jittery nerves. With his attention now focused Malphas had kicked it into high gear. He was running out of both supplies and time. It pushed him to walk day-and-night, forgoing sleep for the past two nights just to make that final stretch to his destination.

When a imposing figure came into view striding towards them Malphas did quite the opposite of what most normal people would do in this situation - he let out a sigh of relief. It must be a guard. He doubted many of the pride's members would be caught dead so close to the borders this late in the day without being on some sort of mission.

Rolling his shoulders he adjusted Organa's weight on his shoulders as he changed his direction, interjecting himself directly into the guard's path. Once he came in a reasonable distance Malphas stopped, flashing a very strained smile to try and show he meant no harm. In his state though it was more like a pained grimace.

"Evening, sir. Sorry there's really not much time for pleasantries. I need to see your medics at once. This woman -" Jerking his head he motioned to the passed out female on his back. "Is in dire need of some help."

Though the guard did give him a wary eye - thank the gods - he turned, motioning for him to follow. Malphas could only hope that the stories of the Bahari's famous hospitality and warm nature were true. So far, things had been going well.

But of course he did have a literally chip of bad luck resting right on his shoulders at the moment so at this point Malphas wouldn't be surprised if the earth erupted beneath their feet, volcanos suddenly erupted, or hell the sky might even fall. This damn woman couldn't go five minutes without getting herself in some sort of trouble.

Malphas couldn't help but study the surroundings as they made their way further inward. It's beauty sure as hell hadn't been exaggerated that's for sure. He could see why so many came on vacation here and ended up staying for life.

When the guard suddenly came to a halt Malphas had to skid to a stop to prevent bumping into him. Taking a few steps back he eyed the den before him, so this was where their medics stayed or just one in particular?

Well, no better time to find out like now.

Lifting a paw he gently knocked against one of the supports of the den. Raising his voice he called out to the occupant laying inside. "Hello? I do apologize for the late hour. But, my friend is in a s**t load of trouble, more than I can handle within my limits." Pausing he glanced back to Organa, giving a slight nudge of his shoulder to see if he could wake her up for this moment. It was always better to hear what happened from the patient directly. "I heard that you and your pride could offer some assistance."

Epine de Rose
Annnd here's your derp tag.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:11 am
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Late. It was incredibly late, and yet it seemed that in recent weeks the clouded lion had become rather hot property. He wasn't entirely sure what had caused such a momentous shift, but he had long since learned that it was better not to ask when it came to the complex nature of the universe. Generally speaking things tended to work how they wanted to work, and the current state of play required that both Peregrine and his mother, had been thrust into the limelight that they hadn't been entirely prepared for...

Ah, but they were both seasoned healers, and given that the other Mwani had been working so hard, it was only appropriate that eventually they would have to flex their muscles. Granted, it seemed that this flexing needed to be done on rather complex cases and this evening's was about to be of no exception. It had been with a slightly disgruntled murmur, one that was more groggy than irritated, that the clouded lion finally began to stir.

Managing to pull himself up from his slumber, he wandered somewhat unsteadily towards the door and afforded a quick, wide yawn, before finally coming in to view. What he was greeted with was quite the picture, comprising of one healthy male, a very apologetic Nyangumi and then what appeared to be a corpse on the foreigner's shoulders.

He would have been inclined to point out that he didn't practice the art of necromancy, but his trained eye could see the faintest hint of breath escaping from the lioness's lungs. He concluded that she was alive, though she had taken a rather impressive beating. Sometimes it was better not to ask how, or where, such injuries were sustained though and rather than pick the grey lion's brain he simply gave a rather curt nod for him to follow him inside.

It was late and it was cold, standing outside was going to benefit no one.

"It's late, I won't be able to do much for her injuries when it's this dark," Peregrine pointed out once he had woken up properly. "But you can at the very least brief me on what she's sustained, you do seem to be versed in what has happened," he finished.

...Evidently he had elected to skip the social niceties for now as well; then again Peregrine often did forget that some individuals quite liked to know the other's name.


Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:46 pm

Malphas had the decency to give a nod of thanks towards the guard as he strode past them. They had done him a enormous favor tonight, one that he wasn't sure he could repay properly. If they had turned him away instead he had little doubt that he would be burying the female on his shoulder in just a few days time instead of saving her. As much as she made him want to bang his head on the nearest rock, she still was his friend.

When there was more time on the line it was likely he'd seek out and thank the guard personally. As well he'd be much more keen on attempting social niceties, luckily the other medic seemed to have elected skipping worrying about them as well. Thank ********, that made his job a hell of a lot easier.

Ducking his head below the entry way Malphas followed the other male inside. "Understandable. She's in a stable enough condition in the moment I don't see her having any trouble lasting the night."

Finding a warm, dry corner Malphas gently lowered Organa down. Using his paws he made sure to roll her over onto her side just in case she suddenly became ill in her sleep, despite the herbs he had previously had her chew to calm her troubled stomach down. He didn't want to risk her aspirating her own vomit and choking to death now that they had finally managed to arrive to safety.

Once he was comfortable she was situated Malphas turned his focus onto Peregrine. "The details are vague even to me." Sighing heavily he raked a paw through his mane. "From what I could extract from her she got into a duel - I'm sure you can gather it didn't end well. Whoever she picked a fight with went for her shoulder. They ripped away at a good portion of is frankly like they confused it for dinner." He figured that since this was a seasoned healer that he didn't have to hold himself back when giving detail on the situation. After all it was better to know what exactly was wrong before attempting to move forward.

"Deltoid is....gone. About all that's left is wispy strings. By the looks of it they had time to claw or chew at the joint for a time so most of the tendons are damaged in some way. It hasn't rolled out of the socket or been broken. But I do worry that there has been some nerve damage since she can barely feel anything past her forearm. Aside from her shoulder she has broken rib, I already set it back into place and tried to bind it the best that I could with my supplies. I don't believe she has any internal bleeding. Breathing sounds strained but fine, heart also sounds fine. All other vitals are normal." That was one thing to be thankful for. If she hadn't been so healthy to begin with he doubted she would have been able to make it even to him.

"Beside some other minor scratches her biggest issue is the shoulder. I've fought off infection so far from it but...I do worry that I don't have the resources to fight off gangrene or even another bad infection if one crops up. Nor am I particularly trained in long-term therapy. That's why I'm here with her. I've heard the stories circling around the low lands about the skill of the Bahari's healers. I figured bringing her here would give her the best shot to regain some function back in that leg as well as somewhere better prepared in case her condition turns south."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:32 am
Well, that was an awful lot of information for him to take in...

By the time Malphas had thoroughly rhymed off all the lioness's injuries, Peregrine had managed to ascertain to two key major points in this. She's gotten into a fight with something and it had tried to eat her; and it had chosen her shoulder as the point of entry. As for the rest of it, well it was clear that the lion was very thorough when it came to his job even if his methods were entirely different from the healers in the Bahari. Unsurprisingly, Peregrine afforded him with a very long and level stare after Malphas seemed to have finished with his briefing.

"So her shoulder is totaled," he translated in a manner that anyone without a medical background would completely understand. Evidently he wasn't terribly inclined towards using the language Malphas did, but then again he was a Bahari. As, well, he wasn't sure where Malphas was from, but it was entirely possible they were just that precise about everything. Here, he was just stating the obvious and it was just as easy to point out she no longer had a shoulder.

"You could have just said that," he added and cleared his throat. Taking a seat, he simply concluded that Malphas knew what he was doing and didn't give too much thought towards cracked ribs or internal bleeding. He did however, give a momentary pause whenever it came to the mention of gangrene though - even the Hlare struggled with that menace...although they had made some progress since working on the research the Vikings had requested, it might prove to be of some benefit now.

...Or at least they would have a working guinea pig.

He'd wreck one of their heads in the morning whenever they were awake and coherent, he didn't imagine they'd appreciate the wake up call now.

"Therapy we can do," he said finally and gave a non-committal roll of his shoulders. "Can't promise how effective it'll be though," he added. "Even if she recovers that'll leave one hell of a scar," he mused and raised a brow. "And it won't work the way it did before, it'll be functional at best..." He finished.

It seemed that was about as positive as the lion was going to be in this particular case. At least he didn't seem to be inclined to make any false promises, setting the expectation low would mean anything positive would be seen as a bonus.


Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:48 pm

Peregrine had left Malphas at a loss for words. He didn't often get the chance to work with other healers, and those that he had typically gave him more of a response than the dry-cut summary this one did!

He couldn't tell if it was caused by the lateness of his visit or if it's just how the Bahari rolled.

He raised an eyebrow, his eyes darting down to Organa's sleeping form before returning back to him. With a click of his tongue he finally responded, "Her shoulder is ********. No other injuries. Short enough, mate?" His sarcastic drawl was more slow and drawn out due to his sure exhaustion.

He did make a note to himself to keep things short and simple, to accommodate how it seemed these beach bums preferred things.

"It's worth a shot. I didn't hold any hopes of her being able to regain anything but basic function back into it." As for the scar part, well it was a damn good thing that she wasn't going to be winning any beauty contests before. Letting out a rather large yawn he ran a paw down his face, pausing to rub circles over his sore eyes. Ugh, 24+ hours without sleep was finally catching up to him hard now that the adrenaline of his harrowing journey was wearing off. "At least if she could go back to somewhat normal then I wouldn't be stuck babysitting the combat nun for the rest of my life." He mused.

"But that can all wait until the morning. Do you mind if we both crashed in your den for the evening?" Organa wasn't up for argument in her state. She needed to be somewhere warm and safe to keep sleeping. But Malphas could understand if he was given the boot outside, having two strangers suddenly show up and crash in your den could be extremely unnerving for some. It was better safe than sorry to ask before he flopped down and made himself comfy.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:21 am
Peregrine afforded the lion a stare, it was coupled with an expression that spoke volumes about the question he'd just been asked. For the most part, Malphas had asked the question in what most would have assumed was a rhetorical fashion, and if he hadn't, then it was going to be treated that way anyway. Perhaps the rogue might have attempted to move the lioness, but that would have done no one any favours... Truthfully it might do more harm than good; but as a bachelor his home really wasn't the biggest in the world. As he'd never seen himself pursuing any lionesses any time soon, he hadn't even considered requesting a larger one.

...Simply put, it was a little bit snug.

Eventually the clouded lion did turn his gaze away, and with a dismissive wave of his paw he seemed to indicate that Malphas and his companion were free to settle as comfortably as they saw fit. Granted, his companion wasn't really in any state to hold any discussions, she was all but comatose, but based on earlier parts of the conversation, Peregrine was fairly confident the doctor could fill the silence for her. That being said, he personally had no intention of staying in the den.

Fortunately it was a mild night and without any further words the lion slipped back outside. A faint murmur could be heard as he reassured the puzzled guards that had chosen to wait outside just in case, but upon assurances that Malphas's companion seemed safe, they soon departed. Where Peregrine chose to take up residence after that was anyone's guess, he did have a habit of simply wandering off, there was every chance he'd found himself a little nook and had curled up there...


Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:56 pm
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~ Timeskip to morning~

Malphas was use to waking up next to strangers at his side, it was simply a part of his lazy hobby of putting notches in his bedpost. However what he wasn't use to was waking up to a face hovering inches from his.

A face that belonged to a very grumpy combat nun.

As soon as his eyes opened they slammed shut once more, taking in a deep breathe to calm his imminent reaction to swipe at Organa to move her away. Good gods above this woman knew how to make an entrance. He had to give her credit as of late she hadn't been doing anything half-assed. First got an impressive a**-kicking, and now she damn near had given him a heart attack!

Finally he opened his eye back open to meet the harsh glare from the monotone colored lioness above him. Smiling warmly he greeted her, "Morning, Sunshine! Sleep well? You got what...52 hours in? Now I know you're dying for me to admire the results of your beauty sleep but would you mind stepping back just a wee bit?" He flicked his paw to further empathize his need for her to move.

"Where are we, Malphas?" Organa shot back dryly, her expression and body unwavering from their position.

"The Bahari." He replied coolly as he lifted a paw to push her back from him gently so he could rise up without clonking his head against hers. When all he got back for a response was a confused blink and a slight head-tilt from her Malphas sighed softly. "Right...I forgot you aren't from around here. The Bahari are a pride that live near the sea. They're nice and peaceful bunch of folks. I brought you here so that you could get some better therapy."

"Therapy?" Organa questioned curiously. Her eyes narrowing as she eyed him suspiciously. She had expected a recovery time from her injuries, sure. Perhaps more of Malphas little tests to make sure everything was going alright. But never would she had expected him to feel that desperate that he needed to outsource some extra help.

Was her shoulder really that bad?

"Yes, Gan. Therapy. You managed to ******** that shoulder of yours good. If you want to have any functionality back into it you needed a specialist to help you. Your case is beyond what I'm trained for." Malphas said as he calmly rolled his shoulders to work out the kinks from laying curled up protectively around the female behind him. "Plus they're better equipped here to handle you than I was at some shithole riverbed."

Organa's silence was a sign of acceptance. She was in no position to argue what she did or did not need at the moment. But truthfully even if she was Organa had no arguments against this plan of his.

Her eyes were fixed on her shoulder as if she could see through the crude protective dressings to the damage underneath. She had really done it this time, huh? She had poked a sleeping bear and now was suffering the consequences of her actions. It could have been much worse and if it wasn't for Malphas....well she would have made a damn fine feast for the vultures to say the least.

But now came the hard part: recovery. Normally she would simply run off for a few weeks to go isolate herself why she nursed her wounds, but for once she needed the help of others to recover back to any sense of normalcy.

It was a strange, almost alien-like feeling for her, that was for damn sure. It left her with an internal conflict of emotions, both good and bad. Anger, regret, gratefulness, warmth from someone giving a damn about her well-being, but most of all fear.

It was Malphas setting a paw on her (one good) shoulder to push her back down that finally broke the tension between the two. Slumping down onto her side Organa cried out as she struggled weakly against him, "Ow! Hey what are yo-!"

"Gan, you're swaying worse than a newborn taking their first steps. Sit down before you fall down." Malphas held her steady against the ground for a moment before he lifted the pressure off of her, his expression softening. "Just rest and for god's sake try not to get yourself into any more trouble, alright? I'll be back but I have to find someone right now." With that Malphas turned his back and started to pad out of the cramped den.

Off to start the hunt for the other doctor!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:47 am
He didn't have to go far, no sooner had he taken the step out of the clouded lion's den, tan he was greeted with said lion. Nose to nose, they were at rather close quarters and to say it might have disconcerted some was an understatement; fortunately, Peregrine wasn't so easily bothered by a lack of personal space and offered a good natured half-smile. His timing was impeccable as it were, no sooner had the two seemed to stir than he had already made his way back... just in time to hear their exchange.

"She has spirit," he remarked, rather than providing the lion with a good morning. It was wise to assume that Peregrine didn't seem to do social niceties; whether he simply forgot about them or didn't care, was something that the occasional Bahari would debate.

"But does she have patience?" he asked curiously.

Rather than waiting for Malphas to respond, Peregrine slipped passed him and stepped back into his home, casting his gaze around him briefly. His home had been left intact, though this had never been a concern, so on this occasion he had been right to assume she was all bark. Then again, if she'd had any bite at this moment in time then he would leave her to her death... He didn't help those who would simply get themselves back into the same position.

Finally, his eyes did settle on Organa though and he blinked slowly, once again providing no introductions.


Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:43 am

What luck! Speak of the devil and he shall arrive! Stopping dead in his tracks Malphas' still half asleep mind took a second to catch up to speed that 1. Both medics were nose-to-nose with each other and 2. Probably would be a good idea to let the poor man back into his own home.

That and it certainly would be prudent to address his statement, or more so his understatement. 'Spirit' was certainly one way of putting it, he would have more sided it along the lines of a bizarre wish for an early death.

Stepping backwards Malphas fitted his large body flush against the side of the wall to allow the other male passage through the entry-way. "Among other things, yes. At the very least you can rest assured that she will have the fighting drive to put in hard work towards recovery."

As for patience well that was a damn fine question actually. Cocking an eyebrow he shot Organa an expecting look, she alone would have to prove to the medic if she had the patience for the job ahead or not.

Organa on the other hand was uncharacteristically quiet throughout the whole exchange. The moment the strangely curly haired male had stepped through the door she had her eyes fixed on watching intently his every move. If he was expecting her to put up a fight or have any bite in her words then he would be left disappointed. Questioning Malphas had been one thing, however after the last damn encounter with a native in a strange territory she wasn't too hot to trot on putting herself right back on the path to repeating the same mistakes twice.

Honestly if she had her choice in the matter she would have preferred to stay as a fly on the wall and just observed the two talking, but alas, her wishes were not meant to be.

"Do I have patience?" She repeated the question back to him, her hoarse voice barely reaching over a whisper. "When it is required, such as this situation, yes." One could say patience was a key part of her job, even if she hadn't had the chance as of late to showcase that aspect of her position.

Well, since it appeared that she was going to be spending a great deal of time with this blue male then at the very least she wanted to know what to call him. The two medics might have had a knack for ignoring introductions but she didn't share the sentiment. "As I'm sure you overheard before you joined us, I'm Organa. I'm told you are a Bahari and I'm assuming you're in the medical field as well." Unless Malphas had the brilliant idea to dump them at some random stranger's house. "So I don't have to keep trying to guess, what is your name?"

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:40 am
"Mshauri, actually," Peregrine replied in reference to the medical question and shook his head. "But we all have our area of expertise," he added as he regarded the lioness. She was certainly wary, and had a rather sour expression, clearly not one to appreciate humour. Perhaps that was why she had found herself in such dire straights, her attitude may have been reserved now she was in a rather foul position... But she gave off the air of someone who ran her mouth when she thought she knew better.

...She certainly seemed to have certain expectations anyway, particularly when attempting to pull an introduction out of him. Well, unfortunately for Organa, she was in the presence of one who didn't even find himself bothered by the particularly disgruntled priestess that had stumbled upon him. Now one of them had definitely been more lippy and filled with attitude than she had.

She'd be waiting a little longer for his name.

"I'd suggest you get up," he remarked and turned round to leave his den again. "One leg might not be usable but the other three are fine, and you've certainly had enough sleep," he finished. No doubt Malphas would provide the lioness with further assistance, he seemed the type, but Peregrine could do nothing for the lioness until he had booted her into one of the sea baths. He didn't do delicate bed side manner and never had done, so she might as well get used to it sooner rather than later...


Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:08 am

Msharui? Whatever the hell that was. Despite what his 'official' title suggested she was content with the fact that he seemed to have at least some level of experience under his belt. Of course, it wasn't like she was in much of a position to be picky on who Malphas choose to seek help with, he could have chosen a monkey at this point and she wouldn't have put up much of an argument besides one very long stare.

A few slow blinks were all the response Peregrine got from the monotone lioness before she was attempting to lift herself up onto her feet. Malphas imminently pushed himself from the wall he had previously been resting on, starting to move forward to go assist her up.

Organa grunted out as her tail flicked forward to signal him to step back.She might have been injured but she was no cub who needed a helping paw just to get her upright. It might have been the more painful way to go about things but it did keep what small shred of dignity she had left intact, for now. Grinding her teeth together she gave one final shove forward and....she promptly face planted. For a second Organa merely laid there with her face pressed firmly into the den floor, contemplating how exactly to go about this. Her one (good) front stirred finally beneath her, though it might have been shaking from the majority of her weight being bared on it she slowly, but surely, was able to push herself up with it.

He had made a valid point about her other three legs still being functional. If she could drag herself across the desert to find Malphas then she could handle following this stranger.

She could do this, she would do this.

So, she set off hobbling along out after Peregrine. Malphas could only shake his head at her stubbornness. Once again she was proving herself to be full of uh 'spirit' as Peregrine had so kindly put it.

At least she would have something to channel all that damn spirit into something productive.
Epine de Rose
Annnnd fin. To be continued in the next episode! Same Bahari time, same Bahari channel.
[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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