User Image Soft, even breathing drifted my way, letting me know that Mother was finally asleep. Father’s snoring must have prevented her from going to sleep earlier, which had made the bundles of nerves in my stomach that much more tight and anxious. My many sisters and one brother thankfully had been out for a while, leaving me the only one awake. Laying still as a could be, I went over my plan again.

The den was becoming more and more crowded as my siblings and I grew. Of course I was of the opinion I was big enough, at least that I should be allowed to go on a reaving. It was that reason that I was making my way across the bodies of my sleeping siblings, with the intent to leave not just the den… but the Stormborn lands. I’d planned it for a few nights, waiting for the best opportunity I could muster. I paid attention to my parent’s sleeping habits enough that I knew they wouldn’t stir or wake up in time to catch me… at least hopefully. I hadn’t exactly timed how long it would take me to make it to the boarder... or where I was going after that point. I did know that I had to be sneaky, able to slip by more than just my parents. There would be a guard that I would need to slip by too. That was going to be the scary part.

Finally. I felt the breeze waft my way when I made it through the entrance, running the last leg of the distance to freedom. I wrinkled my nose at the sky, not having expected the moon to be so full. That was not helpful with my pale pelt that shown in the faintest of lights… oh well, I’d have to be extra careful. Sticking to thick grassy areas as much as possible, I made my way hastily to the boarder. If I thought my nerves had been bound tightly earlier, I’d been poorly mistaken. I was shaking with such nervousness, terrified of the idea of being caught and feeling like it was taking forever to make my way across the pride’s land.

No. I will stop this foolishness right now. I am a Stormborn. I am the daughter of one of the greatest Captains the world has ever seen. I will not fear this venture. A lot of good it did me. Despite my efforts, I was still shaking by the time I was near the boarder. It was an undefined line, making it difficult to know when I was actually out of the territory… I hadn’t been taught the signals but I was expecting some more of dramatic realization that’d I’d actually made it. Instead, I was given another dramatic realization. The guard on duty in this particular area was staring right at me.

User Image The guard on duty was a large lion with distinct scars across his hide. In the moonlight, I could make out a rip in his ear too. His silky black-brown body was resting in a patch of grass, his posture directed away from me. It had been his head that had been turned my direction when I noticed him. I had suddenly crouched down and heard a small gasp escape my maw when I realized our proximity. I couldn’t even close my mouth I was so frozen solid in fear of being caught. The shaking had even stopped from my muscles being pulled so tightly across my small body.

The movement must have drawn his attention because he shifted his head slightly and his eyes scanned the immediately vicinity as if confirming he’d heard something. He then stood, confusion written all over his face. The shaking was back now and I must have made another involuntary noise because I saw as his eyes locked on me with certainty. Surprise struck his features, as if what he was seeing was the last thing he had expected. Which was probably true, given his job was to keep people out, not keep people in. I lowered my head further as the arch of his eyebrow raised.

“What do we have here?” His expression relaxed and a smile grew in its place. It wasn’t a smile that I appreciated. It was one that said that what I was doing here was cute, instead of taking me seriously. The anger that boiled in my stomach at his reaction gave me courage.

“I’m leaving.” I stood from my crouched position, head held high, and made my way past him into the open night. I had made it too steps passed him when his giant paw swiftly blocked my path and sent my tumbling backward.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen.” There was still humor in his expression and his voice that irked me.

“Excuse me but I have permission.” It was a lie, but if it got me on my way, well… better his hide than mine. I stood on my paws and stretched up so that I appeared bigger than I was. “I’ll have you know that my Mother is Captain Zjarri’zol and I am being sent on a special mission to… well it’s classified unfortunately for you.” He’d reacted a little at the mention of my mother’s name, which sent a thrill through my stomach. Maybe he would agree after all… I did my best to project the image of my mother, fierce and commanding. I swear there was no one alive who could deny her demands when she had a particular expression… one that I had apparently not mastered yet based on the guard’s reaction.

“Uh-huh, right, special mission.” A shadow of his smile was still in place when he continued. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I don’t have too much longer on this shift of mine, and when I’m relieved you and I are going to go back to your parents. We’ll confirm this… secret mission of yours, and if Zjarii,” using her common nickname, “says that it’s fine for you to leave then I will give you a personal escort.”

My eyes shifted uneasily, trying to work my way out of this situation without being caught. I couldn’t outrun this guy obviously… maybe I could try another route. “Actually—“ He cut me off.

“Either way, you’re not leaving my sight until my shifts over.” I deflated immediately.

“So what? You’re going to kidnap me and hold me hostage?” My temper was covering up my fear of being brought back to my Mother and this guy spilling the beans.

“Call it what you like kid.” He settled back down in the indented patch of grass that matched the shape of his body. “Either way, you’re stuck with me and might as well get some shut eye. And the name’s Greygor.”

His ghost of his smile maintained itself despite my arguments to at least return to her den without his… escort. Of course he refused, knowing I would just seek out another portion of the boarder to sneak through. Instead I attempted to wait out and see if he’d sleep at any point. He never did. At some point, though, I slipped into unconsciousness. It was when I felt his mouth pick me up by the nape of my neck that I woke.

“Hey!” I squirmed and felt his laughter behind me. It was useless. Humiliated, I ‘allowed’ Greygor to carry me back towards my den, which he already knew the location of because of my big mouth. Grumpy and tired I didn’t say another word.

Word Count: 1,263