Kindu was bored--and not for the first time that day. Usually a child that preferred to keep to himself, he was finding that increasingly difficult with the few companions he kept moving on to more grown up things. People were more worried about Thread; and maybe rightly so. The four turn old only remembered panic from eight months ago; but he wasn't sure why. He didn't hear much about that stuff, living in the creche.

Maybe he'd find someone who'd like to play Dragons with, though. Maybe Adelly would be around, or that less nice guy with the firelizard--or maybe Jarah would have a break from candidate duties.

He didn't, though. Instead, he spotted a white dragon nearby and made a beeline for her. "Hi! I'm Kindu!" He called, and when he arrived, he studied the dragon in awe. "Can I pet you? Huh?"