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Reply [IC] Nil'nocere Lands
[PRP] Cubs Just Wanna Have Fun!

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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:44 pm
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It had become increasingly apparent to the young leopard that until her family had moved on from their territory he was stuck with a very, very chatty and affectionate shadow. No matter what he had done to get rid of her she always seemed to sniff him out. Hell she had even tried to climb a TREE to follow him.

He did have to give her snaps for her determination.

Why was she following him? Well after their first meeting where he stupidly decided to be civil and gave her a tour around his home, Yukio had pulled him into a neck breaking hug and proudly declared to the world that they were now best friends forever whether Nalorakk agreed to it or not. After nearly a week of her vigorously proving her point Nalorakk had begrudgingly accepted the fact that he had made a new friend.

One who was starting to grow on him despite his aloof attitude towards her. Course he would never admit it out loud or he'd never be rid of the large lioness! Hell if she knew Nalorakk couldn't rule out the chance that she would cart him off with her when it was time for her family to move on.

Unfortunately in his futile attempts to lose the lioness cub off from his tail he had been neglecting his family. Only briefly seeing them in passing or when he dragged himself home to sleep. One of his sisters in particular seemed to be more worried for him than the others. Word had traveled down the grapevine to him that she had been looking for him.

And so, here he was answering her summons. Being hasty to properly check in on her was the least he could do after hiding away from his siblings for so long.

That did bring up an issue he had to address. How would his family react to his new 'Best Friend?'

Pausing for a moment he casted a gaze over his shoulder to his travel companion. Clearing his throat to pull her away from admiring the colorful flowers that the pride's herbalist grew to make tonics out of. "Yukio. We're almost at my family's den. I know that you can get...excited and want to greet everyone but...please try to contain yourself why we're visiting. I'm not sure if..." Pausing for a moment he frowned, trying to look for the right words. "Some might not take to your physical affections quite as well as I do." Nalorakk tried to put his words in the nicest way he could think of. Last time he had been extremely blunt with Yukio about her most likely causing an infection and doing more harm than good when she insisted that kissing boo-boos was a solid method of wound care did not end well to say the least! He had to spend the next hour after that calming her down.

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The moment Nalorakk pulled her her attention away from the flora Yukio gracelessly plunked herself down on her rump. She intently listened to him go on his mini rant and tried to sugar coat his words for her. A dorky grin lighting up her face. Oh her Nally was just adorable! He tried so hard to keep this calm and cool demeanor about him. What she had learned and tested the limits on many times now these last couple of days is that if you pushed his buttons juuuuust right you could turn him into a embarrassed stuttering bundle of nerves that she had come to downright adore.

He worked so hard on acting mature for his age and keep himself 'Proper' that she had to wonder if he was born with the stick up his butt or if it had developed later. Yukio had made it her personal mission why her father kept them here to get him to loosen up! To stop trying to grow up so soon and just enjoy life for what it is. There was so much adventure and beauty that he was missing out on!

Sigh. She only feared that she would be forced to leave before the fruits of her labor came to fruition.

He had shown her that there was so much more under those horrid barrier he put up. He had such a healthy drive to learn and was extremely curious about the outside world given how he would overload her with questions whenever he thought they were alone.

But now it was her turn to be the curious one. When he had told her that they were going to play with his sister she almost couldn't contain her excitement! This just might be her chance to have a real break through with him!

With a light shake of her head Yukio lifted herself back up. Joining herself back to her rightful place (In her books at least) at his side she lowered her head to nuzzle her cheek against his. "I can't promise anything but for you I'll try to hold myself back, okay?"

Nalorakk let out a low grunt in response. His eyes rolling off to one side. Of course she couldn't just agree! If he had learned anything about her over these past few days is that Yukio took a immense enjoyment making his life difficult. For what reason he became the main target for her antics he honestly couldn't fathom.

But at least she did agree to at least make an attempt to keep herself contained. That would just have to do.

Gods be willing this play date wouldn't turn into a disaster!

Time for some cub roleplay~!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:23 pm

User ImageDiandra had been being rather lazy that day and had been lounging around in their family home. Their parents were off doing their jobs for the pride, which was alright. They were fairly safe within the boarders of the pride, plus if there was any trouble they had plenty of family or pridal members within earshot.

Getting up she decided to venture forth from the den and caught sight of her brother with someone she wasn't familiar with. While lions weren't uncommon in the pride this particular cub was new to her. Cocking her head slightly to the left she looked between the two and gave a warm greeting towards her brother. "Hey, I see you've been busy." She said looking towards the lion cub. "I'm Diandra, what is your name?" She asked her curiously.  



Winter Wolf


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:40 pm
Nalroakk let out a tired groan as he pushed forward meeting his sister half way to give her a quick nuzzle for a greeting. "Busy is the understatement of the century." His low drawl hinted at just how tired the poor cub was. Days of trying to avoid his new found companion before admitting defeat had taken it out of the boy.

Pulling away he took his place back next to Yukio. Casually leaning against her much larger body, using her as a weight to keep him upright. Hey, if she was going to be sticking around well then she might as well served a use. "Diandra this is Yu-"

"Yukio! My name's Yukio. It's a pleasure to meet you, Diandra. Nally has told me so much about you all!" She ignored the annoyed grumble coming from her side at the nickname she had stuck on him. The rest of his family might call him something different but she refused to call him anything but the silly nickname.

Smiling brightly she raised a paw to give a short wave, mindful not to upset her balance too much least Nalroakk toppled her over with his weight. "I'm just here on a visit with my daddy. I'm not honestly sure how much longer we will be staying." Peering down at Nalroakk she gently nudged him forward with her. She knew he was tired and honestly was proud of him for toughing it out. Oh, oh! Perhaps she could focus the attention off of him and let him get some rest for the day? "But why I'm here, I'd love to see what you guys do for fun! Nally said you guys were good at games?"

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:35 am

It would seem her brother had a very enthusiastic friend. She almost had to take a step back with how much energy she was putting off. Where all cubs like this? "It's nice to meet you Yukio, have you known my brother long?" Where had he picked her up at?

She glanced between the two and was quite curious to know the story of how these two happened to meet, let alone become friends. She couldn't help but let the grin spread across her lips. "Oh, that's kind of neat. Our parents both live here so we don't get to travel anywhere cool.... yet." She didn't want it to seem like they never did anything.


She almost laughed. What an adorable nickname for her brother. "Yes Nally, what do we do for fun?" She said looking at him with a grin.  



Winter Wolf


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:19 pm

Yukio smiled warmly to the cub. Ah, so her plan to distract the attention away from him to her was working after all! "No, not really. We just met a few weeks ago. But he's my zing-zing! I saw it in a dream and then BAM we met! So my dream has gotta be true."

"Well you'll be able to travel to your hearts content soon! To be honest though...it's not all that great sometimes. Me and my daddy have a more permanent home on the beach. We spend a good chunk of time there to 'recharge' as he says before we start traveling again."

Nalorakk groaned at his sister. Gods strike him down now, it would be a lot less painful.

One of his paws coming up to palm his face. Of course she couldn't let that stupid nickname go. He had a sneaking suspicion that before the night's end all of his siblings were going to be teasing him with that nickname.

"Oh we love to play games, don't we Andra? Especially the classic 'Keep a Secret or Bad Things Will happen' isn't that right? It's one of my personal favorites." He said through a gritted tooth smile. He would make damn sure that if word spread about his new friend and her eccentric tenancies that there would be hell to pay. Sneaky hell to make sure his parents didn't catch on, but still not a pleasant time.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:33 pm

Aww, wasn't she just too cute. "I'm sure my brother was super excited about that." She said looking at him with a wink. "I don't know about soon, I won't be able to travel till I'm older." She said with a small frown. But at least it wouldn't be too long from now, right?

"Oh! You live in the beach, that sounds like so much fun. I bet you find all sorts of strange things." She wondered what all she might have found living in a place like that.

She gave her brother a raised brow. "Oh yea, I KNOW how much you love that game." She said giving him a somewhat glare but otherwise said nothing else. Giving him a small shove she went and moved closer to the lion cub. "I like your markings." She said to her.  



Winter Wolf


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:37 am

"Not really. I kept having to chase him around. Still do sometimes! He keeps trying to climb into the trees where I can't reach him." She dryly shot back, peering down at Nalorakk towards the end of it to shoot him a 'You know it's true' stare before he could say anything in his defense.

"Yeah! Well, most of the time. My auntie lives there and we end up crashing in her den. Ohoh!" Tapping her feet excitedly on the ground she craned her head down, wiggling her nose into her little leather back-pack she always had slung around her shoulders sniffing around she finally pulled out a rather dull looking shell. Lifting a paw she dropped the shell onto it using her nose to flip the shell over to show the beautiful rainbow gradient underbelly of the Abalone.

Holding it out towards Diandra she smiled warmly at her. "Here, this is one of the strangest things I've found! It's the outer shell of this weird snail thingy. You can have it though if you want? I'll just get another one when I go home."

Wrinkling her nose she casted a questioning gaze down to Nalorakk at the sudden tension between the siblings. What was there to keep secret about? They were all just having a play date, right? To which his only response to her was a lazy shrug of the shoulder.

Before she could question him on it however her attention was pulled back to the other leopard sibling, her face lighting up at the compliment. "Oh! Thank you! I like to call em my socks!" Sticking a paw out she rolled it around to show off the full 360 view of her dark socks. "I really like your markings too, especially the ones around your eyes they're so pretty!"

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:03 am

While she was rather chatty, she did have to say that she was quite pretty. "I hope he's not causing you too much trouble!" She said looking at her brother with a smirk. "I can always rough him up for ya if he's too much trouble." She offered with a giggle.

She watched as the cub pulled out a shell and pushed it her way. "Oh, that is the neatest thing." She said nosing it and then poking it with her paw.

When she commented about her markings being socks and complimented her eyeliner she gave a shy smile. "Aww, why thank you." She wondered where her brother had found her. "Will you be around often?" She was curious to know more.  



Winter Wolf


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:27 pm
"Well..." Yukio began as she tilted her head to one side. Clicking her tongue softly her gaze lazily trailed down to Nalorakk before a impish grin formed on her face. "He is own brand of trouble-"

"Hey!" Nalorakk exclaimed with a stop of his foot in protest.

"But he's nothing that I can't handle. No beatings are necessary here." She turned her head back to Diandra, giving a knowing wink her way. "Though I've found the best way to annoy him is to tug him into a big olde cuddlefest!"

Letting out a groan Nalorakk flopped down onto his hunches. Bringing up his front paws he scrubbed them down his face. "Why do I hang around any of you?" He muttered to himself under his breath.

Yukio only responded to Nalorakk with playful bump of her hip. "I'm glad you like it! The sea back home gives us lots of cool things to play with like all the time!" Was she gonna be around here often? Now that certainly gave the cub a reason for pause. She certainly wanted to be here often to see her new friends, but at the same time she was already starting to get home sick.

Ohhh, why couldn't all the people she like just be in one place!? It would make her life so much easier.

With a soft sigh she gave a shrug of her shoulders. "I dunno honestly. Daddy doesn't like to stay in one place for too long, he says I need to 'see all of what the world has to offer. Maybe though you guys can come visit me instead sometime!?"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:37 pm

"Well you are." She expressed at her brother with the females comment. He was definitely his own trouble.

She gave a frown at her brothers new friend. "So you'll be leaving soon? Hopefully we will be able to visit you then." She expressed with a smile trying to be positive about what the lion cub had just said.

"I am getting a little tired right now though, if you want you can take a nap with us and then maybe we can play more later?" She offered.  



Winter Wolf

[IC] Nil'nocere Lands

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