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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] Reunited [Tethys / Zili / Xochi]

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:32 pm
Zili walked awkwardly across the uneven terrain, trying to put as little weight on his leg as possible without losing his balance and taking a tumble. This was, after all, just the beginning of his journey and he didn't want to lose face so quickly into it. It didn't really matter that Tethys had already beaten him twice. Now that he had risen to the challenge, he couldn't risk looking an idiot again in case the male changed his mind and sent him packing. Part of him still wondered whether that was a possibility that he could face.

"Tell me, if you would...are the healers where the bulk of the pride dwell?" He didn't want to leave it too long to find Xochi - in case some meddlesome male was already trying to make off with her, "it's just that...I'm looking for someone and I have no idea where to even start." The pridal lands were more expansive than they had first appeared and they were buzzing with the comings and goings of many, many lions. Already his nose was overflowing with new scents coupled with the salt of the sea and the savage wind that brought with it a number of different smells altogether. It would take some time to get his head around.

He just hoped, now that he was here, that his visions didn't start getting out of control. If that happened, he could kiss goodbye to any sort of life here amongst others.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:40 pm
"They're usually in the main township," Tethys replied as he strode with purpose towards that very area. If Zili had thought the outskirts were buzzing he was about to be in for a shock, not only would he see many more lions, but he'd have the opportunity to see some of them completely, and utterly, off their faces. Charming as it was, this was one of the few places that the Reavers were allowed to let their hair down and they tended to do it in style.

"Everything is usually there," he added. "You need supplies? Then that's where the Reavers tend to drop them off. Need something made? That's where you'll find the crafters," he paused. "Healers come and go depending on who happens to summon them, a warband who've taken heavy damage will usually be met near the borders but most will be here -"

He pursed his lips and came to a halt.

"Depending on how masochistic you're feeling I can always introduce you to my sister, she happens to be one of those fabled beings," he shuddered. "Though I wouldn't wish her ministrations on anyone her bedside manner is miserable."

...Well to him it was miserable at least.

"As for trying to find someone here; usually if you know how they look, someone will know who they are and where they might be, even if it's a rough guess," he smiled wryly. "We all tend to like hiding out in specific areas when we're relaxing, the others tend to pick up on that."


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:51 pm
A shock it would certainly be. Zili - who had spent much of his life alone - had never even considered that living in such a populated area would be a possibility, let alone a large pride such as this one. As they continued their journey onward, the full scale slowly crept up on him, like a cold shadow crawling up over his back.

"Your sister? Sure,"he replied, somewhat distantly, clearly torn between trying to make conversation and just staring around him in silent awe. Okay, so this was going to take a lot of time to get used to. Still, if what Tethys said was true, his friend wouldn't be too hard to find. She wasn't exactly the most average looking lioness around - a blessing in this situation.

"Someone should have noticed her. She does stand out in a crowd. Red pelt. Gold eyes. Oh, and a white skull marking over her face." He gave a short laugh, "I hope she hasn't forgotten about me after all this time. It seems an age ago when she won her challenge." A challenge she had won first go, no less.

"If she asks, maybe don't tell her how many attempts it took me to win my place here..."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:59 pm
Tethys came to a halt abruptly and regarded Zili with interest.

"Are you talking about Xochi?" he asked curiously. He had only met one lioness by that description, in fact he could safely say that he was almost certain she was the only one with those markings. He knew that particular lioness all too well, she had introduced herself rather abruptly to Dione and he during one of their bickering sessions.

...And then one thing had led to another and he had found himself bringing her along on what was arguably one of the best Vikings he had been on. Ah, the jewels he had brought back! Granted this had come with some utterly ridiculous stares as he had paraded straight into his sibling's home to declare that he was back, but it had been worth it in the end.

It had been a spectacular haul and one he hadn't managed to repeat since (distractions aside of course).

"If you're talking about who I think you are then...Pretty sure I can find her with reasonable ease," he mused. Hell maybe if he just stood on the spot in the middle of the township and yelled for loud enough and long enough, the message would get to her? He'd done more ridiculous things in his life than this, didn't matter what rank he had become in the interim, he'd just be having one of his 'moments'.


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:09 pm
"You know her?" Zili blinked in surprise and nodded fiercely, "yes, yes. That's her." His heart began to hammer in his chest. Strange, in truth, because he'd been desperate for the day they would be reunited and yet, now, he was absoloutely terrified. It seemed, suddenly, as if she was fitting in well without any help. Made friends, even.

But then Tethys seemed confident he would be able to find her and if he backed out now then he might start reading into things and he'd look a fool and...

Urgh, his head hurt again.

"I don't want to take any more of your time than necessary..." he trailed, unsure whether to try and dissuade him or just accept his help and get the meeting over and done with. Perhaps it would be better to have him there to help disperse any potential awkwardness that might arise.

Certainly, if Tethys decided to call, Xochi would come. She was not far away.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:20 pm
"Course I do she caught me arguing with my sister one day," Tethys shrugged and waved his paw dismissively at Zili's concerns about his use of time. If Tethys was well known for one thing, it was generally showing others around. Granted, some Stormborn might disagree with how Tethys did things and would probably discourage such antics, but when they worked no one really tended to complain.

"Real nice girl," he mused. "Bit anxious, didn't think she'd fit in until she realised we're not half bad," he paused and glanced at Zili thoughtfully. "You seem to be giving off a bit of that vibe too - relax we only bite when we're asked... Usually."

Another pause followed as he trotted into the middle of the township and hopped on to one of the platforms often used by the bards to tell their tales. For the most part, most ignored him as he was having one of his 'moments', but in no more than a minute they would have no choice but to listen. Zili may not have wanted to make a dramatic entrance to the pride, but unfortunately he had picked the wrong lion to associate with today.

"Has anyone seen Xochi?" he roared. "Can Xochi please report to uh... whereever I'm stood; hang on -" he looked down at where he was. "The bard pedestal near the tavern!" he continued and then cleared his throat. "Or can someone tell her when they see her that she needs to report here, it's super important!"

...Another pause.

"Alternatively if someone could just run off and get her that would be great!"

And then one final pause.

"Thank you, that'll be all!" he finished and promptly took a seat, settling himself comfortably on the pedestal as if he had been born to sit there.


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:00 am
Arguing with his sister? Wow, Zili couldn't imagine what she was like. Tethys was so calm and professional - or that was the impression the captain had given, anyway. So what was his sister like? A fiery, angry creature who spat fire and lunged at you with claws at the ready? Perhaps he was better off not seeing her for his injuries, after all...

He visibly relaxed when Tethys told him too, trying not to be so intimidated by everything that he was seeing. One day - he hoped - this would all seem normal and he'd look back at these days and laugh.

The black lion almost jumped out of his skin as, without warning, his companion roared out some orders as if...as if he were someone that people would listen to. Like a leader or something. He stood there, dumbfounded, mouth slightly agape and then turned to look at him when all that was to be said had been. "Uh...well, that's a more efficient way of searching."


Thankfully no one would need to fetch Xochi. She had been lounging near some of the other relaxing reavers, trying to get to know them and catch hint of a rumour of who would be joining Tethys' viking. Most, however, seemed not to be too interested in talking about work. A couple of males were eyeing up passing females, rating them by a number of different criteria that Xochi could have found insulting had she really cared all that much. One other seemed to be in a half-daze, saying little more than 'yep' to his companion who was talking so much that she couldn't get a word in edgeways.

Then Tethys called and she wasted no time in excusing herself and making a hasty beeline for the direction he was calling.

Twisting out of the path of two young Stormborn she came into a view a few moments later and caught sight of Tethys' white belt. A smile widened her maw.

"You called!" She raised her voice so he could hear her and trotted across to greet him.

Then she noticed the dark lion standing beside him and her forward momentum was brought to an abrupt halt.


And then she threw herself at him.


Zili braced himself for impact, his body tensing, his eyes screwed shut. Then she was there, her paws wrapped across his shoulders, her head pressed to the mane at the side of his neck.

He wanted to cry but, luckily, he held himself together.


Oh, she had missed him! Her shadow. Her friend who had dragged her out of the darkest of times and given her a hope for the future that she had never before imagined. And now look at the both of them, here in these lands where their future would be brighter than ever. They belonged here. She knew that now, more than ever.

Xochi pulled away with slight reluctant and looked up into his dark eyes, looking critical. He was the same lion who stood before her. Tall and lanky with a slightly tussled, ungroomed look to his fur. Yet, behind those eyes there was something different. He was changed.

"Welcome to the pride," she said kindly, "though uou took your sweet time getting here. I have so much to tell you. I was starting to think you had forgotten about me and gone back to live on your own."

Suddenly remembering her captain was standing right there, she turned her gaze gratefully towards him. "You found him wandering around, Captain?"

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:26 pm
Tethys had proceeded to mimic a proud mama with a passing elder, draping his paw around her shoulder and tapping his free one against his chest in a heartfelt gesture. Oh he was just so emotional! Or at least this was how he was pretending to react to the heartfelt reunion that was going on in front of him - here he was assuming he was just here reunited friends and apparently they were so much more. Oh but if Xochi was big enough to sweep Zili off his paws she probably would have!

Still, he immediately froze in his antics as Xochi addressed him and offered a beautiful smile... Serene almost.

His sister probably would have described it as a 'punchable face' and it tended to be a standard setting for the lion who knew he had clearly done something very good. All right so he might have known about the fact Zili was looking for someone, Xochi may have made reference to someone outside, and he hadn't been able to add the two together but he had helped.

... A lot!

"You know you could have just said he was your boyfriend and he would have been allowed in," he pointed out with a chuckle and shook his head. "And I didn't find him wandering around, he challenged me to a duel," he added diplomatically, keeping the truth of Zili's trials to himself as had been requested...


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:59 am
Zili's delayed processing of the word 'captain', meant that his reaction was also delayed when Tethys made a horrible, horrible assumption. His heart felt, almost, like it came to a standstill, his whole body freezing as he awaited Xochi's reaction, not even releasing the breath he had drawn.


Xochi, on the other hand, gave a short burst of laughter and said, "nonono, it's not like that. We're just friends. He helped me out in the rogue lands. Saved me, really. We stuck together out there until we realised that it wasn't enough to forever wander alone." Well mostly it was her who had decided that, but Zili had come around to her way of thinking - he must have if he was stood here now!

"But enough about that, do you mean to say that he beat you in a duel?"

Tethys, to her, was a hero to look up to. A shining beacon whom she would follow to the very edge of Africa. And yet, somehow, despite all of that, Zili had defeated him? She wouldn't say it out loud, but she found it hard to believe - even if they were both standing before her right now. Had he, somehow, become a great fighter during the time they had been apart?


"You don't have to say it like that," Zili replied, sounding more irritated that he meant - mostly because of her instant reaction to say they were just friends.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:36 am
Tethys winced on Zili's behalf, very visibly so at that. Now it was one thing for Tethys to be rejected when he made a move, but it had been obvious to the Captain from the start that this lion clearly wanted to be more than just friends. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have been beating himself up into a bloody pulp, he'd have eventually realised it was much easier to simply find a home nearby and say hello when the lioness came out on one of the expeditions.

...At least that would have been what he would have done.

He afforded a quick glance between the two again, as much as he might have wanted to ask if Xochi was absolutely sure about her response, it would probably have backfired considerably. Zili needed the chance to settle in, then Tethys would rub his shoulders and reassure him that he had this, that he could do it. One thing at a time, the poor guy still needed to find his own paws first and pursuing the object of his affection may not have been his immediate priority...especially when he realised someone else wasn't pursuing her.

Or maybe they were, perhaps Tethys should look in to that and puff out his chest warningly? He definitely appeared to have picked up his mother's disposition for meddling in the affairs of others, but think of the happy ending!

"That is how one acquires access to the Stormborn," Tethys confirmed, failing to miss a beat as she asked her question. Zili might not have beaten him outright, but she didn't need to know that. "To my knowledge no one has acknowledged him as a relative and he's definitely not my thrall," he added with a shrug.

"After all this time is it any surprise he came so prepared...?" He asked curiously.

In those moments, perhaps Zili would realise that he had at least one friend already. He might have been a fairly loud individual, but at least he could be tactful and well, he did seem to have the black lion's back. Suffice it to say that if Zili wanted to eventually tell the full story of how he'd gotten in and everything he had been through then he could, but Tethys wasn't going to blow his cover.


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:21 am
Seeming to sense that she might have knocked Zili's pride, she sauntered up to him again and gave him a nudge with her shoulder. "I'm sorry for being surprised. It's just that...you do know who this is, right? This is Tethys. He's a captain of the Stormborn. My captain."

To think that Zili had beaten him was...astounding and suddenly she wished she had been there to see the fight. To witness it. She imagined it had to have been a close match - a near win for Zili (no offense to him, of course) but she knew that Tethys had earned his rank well and it would take more than just anyone to take him down.

"I think you need to tell me everything," she said to Zili, "from what happened to when we separated to where you got your epic fighting skills from. Oh, oh, how about we duel now? Then I can see firsthand!"


Fighting her meant making contact again and at that moment in time, Zili wasn't sure that he'd survive the encounter. His poor heart was racing one moment and then sinking into oblivion the next. The less physical contact the better, as far as he was concerned.

Without thinking, the black lion backed up a step and was reminded, quite suddenly and painfully, of his wounded leg. He never thought he'd be so happy to be injured. What was it if not the perfect excuse to avoid what she had been suggesting?

"Another time, maybe. I might have earned my place but it was not without incident," he lifted the wounded foreleg - the blood now dried to his fur. "Tethys' was going to help me find a healer. There was mention of a sister but--"


"--Oh," Xochi's eyes went wide, "you're injured! I'm so sorry! Wow, Tethys, that must have been some duel. I wish I had been there to see it."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:37 am
Xochi has always been an enthusiastic lioness; she might have been shy when they first met but she had really come out of her shell once she realised she had friends. Her antics were enough to make him laugh as he observed the clearly struggling Zili and the red lioness. Ah, but wouldn't this tale be an interesting one to watch as it unfolded? He might have been getting ahead of himself, but he'd silently cheer for Zili's success...he'd already worked so hard after all!

Nevertheless as the black lion exposed his own injury, Tethys was reminded that not everyone could make great small talk while they were in pain. Zili was going to have to toughen up even more before he could have a conversation with blood pouring out of his sides. It was probably for the best though, he'd get overwhelmed otherwise and he'd be exposed already if he managed to give Xochi what she had asked for.

...Maybe Tethys should have simply said he'd found him?

"Perhaps you'll get to see his expertise at another time, eh? Plenty of other chances around here," he pointed out and cleared his throat. "But we should get that looked at before it gets infected," he added and nodded to Zili's leg.

"You can keep talking his ear off if you want, but maybe we should let you do that while we walk in the general direction of my sister's den," he finished with a wry grin.


Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:01 pm
Zili threw Tethys a hugely grateful look and gently set his injured leg back down. The pain had become a persistent dull throb, now, that seemed to be driving up the limb and shoulder. If that carried on a headache would not be far behind and then he really would be a pitiful sight to behold by his new pride-mates. What a great first impression that would be!

"Another time," he agreed needlessly, indicating that Tethys could take the lead again, "although...weren't you just saying that your sister was...uh...maybe not the most gentle of healers?" He wasn't sure whether he was ready to deal with being pulled around by an aggressive medic.


"Tethys said that?" Xochi gaped, tutting at him, "Captain, you shouldn't say mean things about your sister." Then, to Zili, "don't worry. Dione is perfectly lovely. You'll be fine in her capable paws." And without asking permission she shoved up next to Zili and tried to help brace him as they moved forwards.

When he gave a startled growl and moved away she laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Too big and brave to accept help from a girl now?" If she was offended, there was no sign and, instead, she moved ahead by a pace or two - seeming to know where they were going.


Just behind her back, Zili mouthed: "thank you," across to his new bro. Tethys, it seemed, had his back.

Epine de Rose
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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