"Do you want to die?"

The voice had asked this before.
Three times in fact and she still had yet to answer it.
Each time it asked it grew more annoyed, but her voice failed her.

'NO!' Her mind cried out.
Somehow the word must have gotten out.
It listened and she lived, but not as she once was.

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Ignis stared. He couldn't help it. What laid in front of him was an impossibility that had become reality. Before him, resting atop of a bed of dried grass was the body of a friend he would never forget. Pale in color with white stripes lacing up the forelegs. Arita. She had been his twin brother's childhood crush, a thing that Ignis had been so damn sure would break once the huria had left the pride that he even bet against another apprentice about it, but it had only gotten worse once she left. Those days following were as vivid and real as she was.

He frowned.

She had wings. Large, white, fit for a bird, but they were transparent, though still somehow solid to the touch. Sprouting from the top of her head were two grand horns that reminded him of stories he heard from somewhere about a red antelope with white stripes that had lived in a forest. He had seen one of their horns at one point...Yes, they looked like those.

Brown eyes narrowed as he took stock of the situation. She was outside of the Outpost and out of Firekin territory at the very least, keeping her safe from the pride whose anti-god ways would surely spell disaster for her. That's what she was, right? A god. The word was thought sourly. This sleeping lioness was the same, or at least looked like the same huria that had taken his brother from him, but she had features that there was no other feasible way to explain them away.

The frown that had been on his face mutated into a fierce scowl. What the ******** was he supposed to do now?