
Tras Bothari
Waves crashed in a way that entranced the God. After a brief meeting with a local pride member at the oceans edge he had decided to take his attentions elsewhere, but just couldn’t convince himself to entirely leave the area. Something about the way the waters moved had him wanting to move forward, fortunately he was wary and didn’t attempt to enter her cold embrace.Low and behold, though he shouldn’t be surprised, he had crossed another border – or was at least nearby one. The smells radiating from the land were tainted with something that he couldn’t put his paw on. A breeze took his mind off of that as it caressed his nose with the lively scents of her waters. “What are we still doing here?” Then the spell was broken, Njia had spoken and broke the silence that had enveloped the pair. She stared at the ocean with little interest beyond her proposed question. She feared the crashing beast of water that could so easily wash her away and so her desire to stay was limited.

Agalia had decided to leave the centre of the pride and headed towards the water. Agalia loved the ocean, feeling her pelt mimmiced the way the waves cashed along the shower. Plus as a crafter she knew that the prettiest things could be find close to the water. Just a few days ago she had found a lovely shell that she had turned into a beautiful necklace, today the goal was some smaller shells to make earings to go with it. Reaching the beach Agalia squished her toes into the sand almost purring at the sensation. It was wonderfull soft and cool. She had already decided today was going to be a good day.

Tras Bothair
Suddenly there was movement the right of him – the movement was distant and so it came as no surprise that he hadn’t been seen just yet. There was just enough foliage to keep him at least shadowed until a true scan of the area was done. He wasn’t about to let that kind of thing happen.“What are you doing Tras, you shouldn’t speak with anyone else?!” Her words were conflicted as he emerged more fully from the shadows, fluffy pelt, large wings and fierce purple orbs. Certainly a sight among mortals, though he likely paled in comparison to most Gods. It was in his best interest to keep that to himself though. “Are you looking for something?” Large paws stepped in the sand at a slow and sure pace. That pace was maintained until he was close enough to speak – not allowing himself to miss a moment of enjoying the sands warmth and comfort.“You look as though you seek something.”

Agalia was suprized by the sudden introduction of another voice. The lioness had been so focused on finding her shells that she hadn’t paid attention to her surroundings at all. She was within the pridelands technically still so she never thought she would be in danger. When she turned and saw the lion that spoke her jaw just about hit the ground. “I uh I uh.” she stumbled over her words. “What are you?” she finally blurted out. It wasn’t a great introduction and certainly had nothing to do with the question she was asked but it was all that she seemed able to say.

Tras Bothair
His question went unanswered and the burly giant made a small facial expression of annoyance at her that faded fairly quickly as she began to speak. The stuttering told him all he truly needed to know - this wasn't the first case in which he had to explain himself, not his actions, but rather what he was. The mere thought of a lion species with wings that can show itself in many forms can be considered alarming, yet fascinating. "A God." He said simply, Tras had learned the hard way that to explain in to much detail often rendered the other speechless which didn't allow for much of a conversation. "And you, are a lioness." He smiled slightly, that also faded. It was his sour attempt at a joke, one that could have easily been read as calling her silly. For this statement Tras earned himself a stern look from Njia who otherwise remained silent."So what were you looking for?" He asked again, not truly figuring in that she may have more questions.