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"Comrades isn't simply a word..."

"What kind of your mother's magic will defeat us, you stupid brats!" it provoked them as it lunged at Dragon Slayers. Nashi and Mavis evade it, just as Mavis drew her dragon sword from her Drake form before she use her speed to appear in front of Clown, "It's power of bond! Talon!" she shouts as she attack with her dragon sword. Clown's black blood made it impossible to cut, "You called it bond, what kind of fool would do that," it sneered at Mavis, who returned with a smirk, "We always work together as comrades," she replied, just as Nashi pulled her arrow to aim at Clown. Clown senses a threat as it turned around, "Star Shot!" she shouted to fire the multiple arrows made out of stars, which caused the explosive in one contact.
Lupus and Cecil looked at Simon and Seigrain, Cecil summoned his keyblade and placed it against his shoulder. He and his younger twin brother looked at each other, Lupus smirked at Simon, "We might need him to get blind temporary, Cecil and I will make the room very dark and try to restrain him," he suggest as he and Cecil exchanged demonic smirk. "You know me little brother, so let's go. Siegrain, you know what to do?" he replied to his younger twin, then looked at Siegrain with a smile, before he and Lupus dashed off to track Asura down as they summoned their keyblade.
Asura watched the battle between Justin, Merle, Sora, and Orpheus through the security camera as he finds it amusing. He read Sora's both alternative and current life span, he noticed one without Merle was her death, while her current life span was Merle arrived. He was suspicious about Merle, until his mind clicked in realization, he growled in anger, "That brat, so he was the one interfered abomination's death with Speedforce. I recalled from father that it only exist since the creation, and it only choose either creation and end. Those two seems very close," he said to himself in anger, but he slowly smirked, "No matter, he will watch that woman executed in front of him," he added with insane tone as he pressed the speaker button to let Justin know, "Justin, that blondie with blue lightning, make him watch her final moment," he ordered him through the speaker, until the door slammed opened to reveal Istairi and Lucky. He turned his attention towards the group, he wasn't pleased to see their arrival, "Really, pointing your wands at me," he comment as Ankhseram groan in pain, his third eye begin to open very slowly. Asura took a notice on Soris, then he smirked, "Ah, you must be Emrys' son and nephew of that cursed Mavis."
Sora widen her bright blue eyes about the wall covered in huge cut. She have to agree with Merle, but wonder why he postponed the questions, "I have feeling those two will have our head, and maybe Asura and his entire army finding that company better hideout," she replied to him as she imagine both Alex and Simon's bad reaction. She made a theory of why Asura chose the company. As Merle pointed out about Research and Development room, Asura's voice speaking out to speaker to talk to Justin, "Justin, that blondie with blue lightning, make him watch her final moment," he told to him, making Sora puzzled of why Asura wanted Justin make Merle watch her final moment. Justin glanced at the speaker, then focused on both Merle and Sora as he recalled Merle blocked his attack as he gone mad with ominous expression, recalled the battle between Marie and Stein before they slain him, "You two reminded me of Stein and Marie, you two are awfully close," he comment as his blade appeared by his both arms. Sora blinked once and twice as she flustered, "We are not like Professor Stein and Marie-san!" she cried out loud to deny that idea, just as Justin aimed at Sora, "Law-Abiding Silver Gun Radiant!" his shouts as his cross on his sleeves shot the bright wicked light towards Sora, who quickly used her teleport magic to Research and Development Room. In much of Justin's annoyance for his target escape death, he quickly dash towards her to prepare to execute her,"Die you abomination! Holy Cross Slash!"

"... Comrades are about heart."

Marcus Emrys
wolf of warriors
Fiendish Az

Sora Lupus Cecil Nashi Lucky Asura Spirit Ankhseram