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Feyn had gotten Aakrelnah to join her for a day to themselves. Surrounded by males tends to get over baring sometimes. So, she decided they both needed a day to relax away from males, away from lions. She smiled to her new friend before deciding that this was a good spot to lay in the snow. The snow was falling lightly. The first sight of snow had happened, and things were going swell. It was only a matter of time before the King announced the festival to start. Which was what she was hoping to happen soon.

They needed something to bring the pride together. Something that would get everyone involved and in better spirits. "Today is a good day, Aakrelnah."

"Yes," she started in reply to her friend. Today she was going to be lazy. No hearing about doom that may or may not be happening, It was stressful being a hare to a lion that could see into the future. Though, she wasn't sure how well he handled being able to see events like that. Sometimes he seemed more off than other times. He was slowly slipping away. Not that most could tell, but she could.

"The snow is quite nice today." She added with a smile. She ignored her worried thoughts and decided today she would relax and forget all her worries. Things were going to be just fine today. "I don't feel like doing anything!"

"My thoughts exactly!" She was glad she found someone who understood her and accepted things just the same. She was enjoying every moment of their lazy day. "Perhaps we should do this more often, Aakrelnah." she started. "to keep us sane!" She added with a giggle. Of course, she loved Yafeu, and he never really irritated her. But it was nice to hang out with Aakrelnah from time to time. She needed more hare friends after all.

"Like, once a week, or more." She added with closing her eyes as she lay on her back.

"That would be quite good!" It was something that she'd look forward too, she agreed. Maybe she could get a big group of them together! Of course, she'd have to run it by Feyn first. Not today, though. She didn't want to ruin the moment in case that she wasn't for that notion. It was, after all, Feyn's idea to come out here and relax. She didn't say WHY she wanted to, but Aakrelnah wasn't about to pry into it.

"We could even bring a little snack next time" She suggested now realizing her belly was more empty than she realized. It was going to be tough, finding something out here right now. She'd have to wait until she headed back to the cave before eating. All the hares tend to gather things to prepare for the winter months. It was a lot of dried veggies and nuts, but it worked well. Was better than trying to eat something the lions brought back. For sure!

"Oh! Good idea!" She giggled and now realized, she too, was more hungry than she originally thought. "Maybe more than just a snack!" Now that it was brought to her attention, she didn't know how long she could stay out here before she started getting hunger pains. She would try as long as she could, however.

"I guess, we'll just have to call it a short day soon" She said with a sigh. It was okay, though. The festival would happen soon, and lots of fun games to follow. That she couldn't wait for. She wanted to participate in the sledding and the snowlion buidling. Of course, she wasn't good at that part, but it'd be amusing watching Yafeu try to do that. She giggled at the thought.

"I can't wait for the games to start." She said looking up at the sky watching the snow fall slowly to the ground at her. It was a lovely image, so peaceful. Everything seemed so quiet when it snowed.

Aakrelnah hadn't been around for the last games, though she was curious on how that would goo. Her ears perked up when the other had started to talk about it. "How are those anyways?" She asked curiously. Her thoughts on food forgotten for the moment. She always figured the games were just for cubs, though the way that Feyn seemed very passionate about them suggested it was for everyone.

She couldn't wait to find out what it was about, now.

"Well, there's a verity of games. They can change each year depending on what everyone wants to do." She said with a nod."But it's for everyone." She smiled. "First, however, we do a feast before the games starts." She went on explaining it all to Aakrelnah. It was something she loved about each passing year. "When the first snow of winter comes, the following days there is a festival, and then the games" She said just in case she didn't know.

Aakrelnah was far newer than she had realized. "It's a tradition!" she said with a nod. "Everyone participates in it" Even all the royalty lions.

"Oh!" She had heard about it sort of, but not with good detail. It was a thought, and she now couldn't wait for the activities either. It was to happen soon, as Feyn had suggested. She wondered when it was going to happen!

"We could team up?!" She asked curious on how that would all work. The excitement that was going to happen in the fallowing days! The first snow happened very recently.

"Yes!" she said with agreement. they would be partners in the events! She liked that idea. "But we should get back before we start getting too hungry." She said after her belly started to rumble more. "I don't thing I can stay out too much longer!" She giggled at that and hopped up from her back.

"Come, let's go get some food" She said with a nod.

Aakrelnah nodded but didn't say anything as she too got up. Following the other one back to the den area. They were both hungry, and it was time for some food! Plus, the sooner they get back, the sooner they hear when the games start!