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Snow started to fall a bit heavier today, Azuka noticed. It was getting colder, and he was glad. Snow was a sign of good things to come, and that was something that he was looking forward to. He moved slowly out into the cold brisk air. The slow melted as soon as it landed upon his fur leaving drops of water here and there. He shook his fur before he started out, the day had just started to begin. Already good, with the sight of snow falling steady. Not even giving a chance that it was going to stop anytime soon.

However, before he could continue too much father, he heard a voice behind him. Turning to see who was calling him.

Aeeninwen Taldel caught up the the lion she had spotted first. It was early morning, and the caves seemed silent until she noticed a gray and blue male. "Wait up, Azuka!" She said as quietly as she could to where he could hear her. She didn't want to wake anyone else up. But she didn't want to be alone either. She had only met him a few times, and had only really remembered his name.

"Where you going?" She asked him as she peeked out side of the cave at him. It was snowing, how fabulous! She decided she was going to go with him, where ever it was he was going. She needed a bit of adventure, after all. This was the best day to do it. Right before a blizzard!.

He hadn't expected to seen Aeeninwen, then again, he was sure she was one of those early morning lions. He generally wasn't, but he couldn't sleep any longer. He gave a shrug to her. "I figured I'd go out looking for a hare companion." He told her in all honestly.

Today was the day, he could feel it. He'd find the perfect little friend that will help him from here on out. He felt envious of everyone who had one, and the fact he didn't. Though, he wasn't originally from this pride. Then again, there were a few that were that still didn't get hares. He was told that they come to you when you needed them the most.

That was totally today

"Oh! I will come too" She invited herself. He didn't mind, she was sure. "Let's go!" She said as she hopped out of the den without any hesitation. She was ready to do something, anything. She didn't have a hare either, so it was a perfect opportunity. Though, the weather was getting colder, and her fur wasn't quite as thick as most lions around here.

She wondered how long she could last in the cold. She smiled at the other, giving no hint of her worries about the cold. She could handle it. If a cub could, she could. "We will find a pair of hares in no time!" She declared.

It wasn't exactly what he was expecting, but he could use some company. "Sure, we could make it our own little journey." he told her with a smile. What harm could a partner be? She seemed like a nice enough lioness anyways. "I just am not sure where we should be looking." He said honestly. He was never told the best place to find a companion, but then again, he was told to not go looking and just let it happen.

"We shall start here first, then wonder around the pride." Since they weren't allowed to leave the central part of the pride without a hare companion, it was what made most sense to him.

She nodded at him. "I haven't a clue either, so we'll go with your plan." She moved about looking under some bushes, and behind some rocks. This seemed almost silly it was fun. She felt like a cub again. Playing some type of hide and seek. "do you think they'll be hiding from us?" She asked him curiously. Of course, she didn't think they would be. Hares were suppose to come to them, after all.

"Are we suppose to be doing this?" She asked him.

He chuckled "Well, not really." He said honestly. "I was told to let them come to me." He said with a shrug. "To be fair, I was not told not to look. Just that I can't expect it find a hare to help me." He said with a chuckle. He wanted one though, he wanted to venture out farther than he's allowed. To see the rest of the snow land.

Perhaps he was being a little selfish than he out to be, but he wasn't sure he could help that too much. "I just want to be able to do my duty here well." He said. It wasn't completely true, but it was part of it. "What about you?" He didn't know what rank she was, and assumed she was a snowman just like himself.

She supposed that he wasn't really against any rules then, just that it wouldn't work. Who knows, maybe it would. She smiled and continued to look behind and under things. After she looked at everything she could, she stopped and sat down, looking at Azuka. "Well, I am a guard, and I can't do my full duty until I have someone to watch my back." She said with a nod.

She was in training still, even though she had the title of guard, she couldn't go too far and was only able to watch the central area. Though, all trainee's go through that part, with or without hares. She was told she had to prove herself before she could do better routes. Which she completely understood that.

She figured when she was ready to finish her training, her hare would pop up right when it was needed.

He was surprised at her rank, though he nodded. It made sense now, though he wasn't really sure if he'd seen her doing much of her job. He suspected she was still in training. But that was none of his business. He sat down in front of her and smiled. "Let's make a pact." He said finally.

"We will come out here every day, until we find us both a hare." he said with a smile. That seemed reasonable enough! Sure, he wouldn't like getting up early every day, but it wasn't just for him now. He decided that this lioness was going to be his friend. Maybe she'd even become friends with the lioness that he was crushing on. Which, he wondered what she was doing today.

"It won't take much of our time, but it won't hurt to try." He said as he stood. "Come, let's go look around the court yard." Snow had fallen about them so much, that their fur had a light white layer that wasn't melting as fast anymore..

"You would do that for me?" She asked him. Surprised that he was so kind. Handsome and kind, great personality traits. She smiled at him and nodded in agreement to his conditions. "Okay! A pact it is!" She smiled and stood up with him.

As he moved, she followed him. Though they were in no luck today in finding a hare that would become their friend. In fact, they didn't see any hares that weren't accompanied by a lion already. It seemed like an impossible task, but it was only the first day of their pact.

She turned to him when they reached the cave and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, Azuka!" she said, then vanished into the caves back to where she had come from before spotting her new friend.
