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Rae found himself bored again. He was laying on a hard pile of ice-snow mixture. His fur was thick enough that he could hardly feel the cold touch of it under him. He pawed at Naarro."Entertain me." He said as he looked at his hare twin. Naarro was the one that kept him in line, so it was only natural that he would look to him for entertainment. Even though he knew well enough that the hare was boring and had no interest in anything that Rae did.

He sighed and pawed him again, annoying the hare seemed like the good idea at the time. "Can't we do something?" He asked finally. The hare seemed to be ignoring his every word. That wasn't unusual, though.

Naarro took the pawing and sighed. He always asked himself why he put up with this big oaf. There was nothing that benefited him in anyway. Other than having an overgrown body guard. He supposed that was the reason he hung around this guy. That, and the fact that he was curious on how they matched so well. That was something he never let anyone know he was pondering.

"Go do something yourself" He spat back, getting rather irritated at the male. Why couldn't he entertain himself? Well, Naarro knew that answer too. He always ended up getting himself into trouble when he did. He had to save his a** from a certain council lion once. That was something he didn't plan to do again. Though, he was good at keeping the two away from eachother.

"I'm busy." A lie of course, he was doing nothing at all.

Kufungia'nchi had stumbled upon a male lion what looked like was trying to play with a hare. Curiosity sparked as she got closer, though it seemed the hare wasn't enjoying anything that was happening. "Excuse me," She started as she interrupted them. It was odd, she had never seen a lion being friendly to a hare. "I think I'm lost"

Good, that was what she was going with. Though, it was true. She was lost. "Where am I?" She asked. She had never seen snow in her life, and here she was! Lots of snow everywhere! She had heard stories of such a thing, but didn't believe it existed. She lost that bet! But she was sure she'd never run into those who had told her. She didn't thing she'd find them here. Maybe they had come to this land and that was why they knew of it.

"I mean, if you're not too busy".

Rae's ears perked up the moment he heard a lovely voice. Entertainment has arrived! He stayed rolled on his back as he turned his attention to the lioness. His paw still stretched out at his companion. "Why hello, there." He said with a stupid grin upon his face. It didn't help that he was upside down, so to speak. "I might be able to help you." He said with a wink. He thought he was such a ladies man.

With that, he rolled back to his feet, his belly touching the ground. Flicking his tail he looked from Naarro to the lioness. "I'm Rae, and this is Naarro." He said with introductions. It was a good start, yes?

Oh bother.... he was at it again. Naarro looked to the lioness and gave a bow. "Hello there," he started "Don't mind my friend here... He's kinda stupid." He said with glaring back at the lion. "We're in the land of Schnee la Neige'milima" He told her. He'd be much more help than Rae was being.

"Is there a certain direction you are looking for?"

That, Kufu couldn't answer. She gave a shrug. She looked to both of them and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you both," She started. "I'm Kufungia'nchi" added finally. She didn't want to be rude. "I..... am not really sure which direction." She laughed and shrugged.

She was mostly just looking for a place to stay, a place to settle down and start anew. "Is there a pride around here?" She asked. She had heard rumors that there was and she wanted to see if it was true. So far, everything she had heard had come true. So she wouldn't have been surprised if there was one. Then again, who knows for sure?

"I'm looking for a snow pride." She said.

A pretty name for a pretty lioness. Rae sat up and smiled at her. "Well, you've come to the right place then, Kufu. May I call you Kufu?" He asked her curiously. It was better than saying her full name. She didn't even want to hear his full name. What a mouth full it was. "You're in the Lands of Schnee la Neige'milima" he announced all proud like as if it might be his pride. Well, technically it was his pride, he just didn't own it.

He did, however, know who did. "Welcome and make yourself at home." He said with a grin. He stood, with that. "let me show you around."

Naarro rolled his eyes at the male and looked back towards the female. "he's right, you're in the lands already." he said with a nod. "If this is the place you're looking for, we shall show you where to start and get settled." He said politely. There wasn't much of a registration to join the pride, but it was good to get her started in the right place. Since Rae, and himself weren't able to welcome her officially.

He'd never heard of anyone actually being denied, though. It didn't mean it wasn't possible. He didn't think that would be an issue for the lioness before them. She seemed to be an innocent. "If you would follow us."

Well, that part did surprise her. She had entered the lands without even realizing it! Oh my, what a twist! She smiled at them, how kind they where! She didn't know what to say, so instead she just nodded at them rather stupidly. They seemed to want to help her, and she was going to accept all the help she could get. It was not easy being alone in the world, and now she was going to be apart of something! She'd be someone that other's would care about! This was all new.

"Thank you." she said with nodding more. With that, she followed them to her new beginning. Oh, this was going to be so exciting for her. She couldn't bare the wait. She wondered how the rest of the pride was..
