It was a cold and dim night, the clouds had almost completely blocked out the stars above and dimmed the moon. A chilling wind blew over the mountain range, winter was beginning to set in. We've been camped out here for two months now, both sides reaching a stalemate. We tried to stop their advance much further away from Mt. Silver, but there were too many of them, they just kept coming, we lost a lot of good men in our initial defense.

Speaking of, morale is at an all time low with winter just around the corner. The men have convinced themselves that the enemy will break our line with the first snow, that we are doing nothing more than delaying the inevitable. Maybe they are right, maybe this is all in vain. Doesn't matter to me though, even if I fall here on this mountain I won't have any regrets. In fact, if I had another chance I would do it all over again. I'll never just let those monsters win, not after what they did back in Viridian Forest. General Gardy was never the same after what the papers have titled the Viridian Forest Massacre.

Our noble general figured that Viridian Forest would give us shelter, a place to rest before we continued our retreat back to Mt. Silver. Never did she nor the rest of us imagine the Snowchu who catch up to us that quick. How they escaped the Seafoam Islands so quick is still a mystery to us all, but they did it. We had only spent two nights in Viridian Forest before they attacked, destroying almost half of our forces in one night, and completely destroying the entire forest by daybreak. General Gardy lost a good friend in the ensuing chaos. Colonel Masque will be remembered for his selfless efforts, it was only because of him and his men that we were able to escape the forest with what forces we had left.

[To be continued...]