The day had begn quietly for Zjarri`fol, she hadn't told her Father about her first Viking yet - nor her prize. The prize that had been secret to most since she had gotten her. A Thrall. This was a victory she hadn't expected so early on in her career, but it was certainly a gift from the Gods. One that she wouldn't have traded for the world and certainly wouldn't forget anytime soon. Head in the clouds she left her den slowly, taking the time to stretch herself and yawn. The early morning was becoming far to common of habit for her and she was never excited to see the sun so high, yet here she was time and time again.

It was as though her red companion had known she was up and about. This untimely meeting was becoming rather annoying as well, not that she'd voice her opinion on that matter. It was the second time she'd seen the female so early and just didn't want it becoming a habit. This time though seemed different, before it had been in more of a passing, this time the other seemed to have something on her mind. "Cmon, out with it." She began to plea lightly, it came out as an almost whine, not what she had intended and of course the red lioness smirked slightly.

"Now, now there princess. I have something I'd like to ask. You had mentioned becoming Captain?" Had she? Zjarri was unsure at this point, but recalled how quickly rumors could fly. She had never been quiet about her goals, not that she had to be. "What is it you want?" Paws carried the pair slowly, purposefully towards an edge where they could speak together, in private. Was she entirely comfortable with this arrangement, no.

Sabia was sure about her choice. Whether the lioness accepted her or not wasn't entirely something she cared about. She was sure she was over leading things and was eager to get back into something aggressive, not that the little lioness had been aggressive yet, but she had hopes. More than likely her attachment to this little blue fem was due to her lack of knowing others. She made a mental note to correct this going forward. "I hadn't been rude, yet. I simply wanted to let you know I'll be available to join your Viking group, when you do become Captain. Consider this a form of alliance." The blue lioness felt alarm bells ringing all over the place. Recalling the first time they had met she firmly believed that once a shady character, always a shady character. She also couldn't shake the fact that the red lioness wore a skull that appeared eerily similer to that of a lions.

"Well, what do you say?" Finally they had reached their destination - the remainder of the way there had been acheived in silence. Zjarri appeared honestly thoughtful. Was this a chance at something great? Or a risk she shouldn't take. What other options did she have? Eventually she would need Reavers beneath her, this was an obvious thing. That eventuality could possibly come sooner than she thought as well. If that was at all possible. This all seemed to be happening so quickly.

"Well." The blue lioness began slowly. She chose this moment to seat herself. The other didn't seem so eager to sit, nor did she appear to be in a patient mood. Should she end this quickly? There wasn't a need to fear the red lioness, not yet. All the ideas she had about her companion were just that, ideas. These had been generated by her own mind and had plagued her for their time together during their meet and greet. Something their mutual Captain had seen as necessary. "I say that is fine." This alliance was forged on nothing more than hopes and ideas. The red lioness appeared fearsome and brutal, she also carried the air of someone who had accomplished things, terrible things. These would be necessary qualities should anything come to light out in the lands around the pride. Zjarri herself knew she didn't have much brute strength - it was a possible weakness, by creating an alliance here it woudl benefit her.

The pair of them sat in silence, Sabia having not replied just looked away and appeared to have thoughtful eyes behind the ivory adorned upon her face. the blue lioness openly stared at her companion. Something that was entirely rude, but yet she couldn't tear her eyes away, so when the other turned to look back they came stare to stare. Sabia didn't react, instead she simply stared back in return, not looking away. In fact neither of them looked away. "I'd like this very much."

That was it, a pact was made. Quick, easy - to easy. Was this a trap? Well to late now, the blue lioness shuddered at her thoughts. But she remained in her seat, blinked and looked away to some forestry nearby. This was a big step, a real step. Sabia looked to the direction her 'Captain' looked. There was nothing and so she figured the other was lost in some thoughts. "Goodbye Zjarri." That was the moment Zjarri realized something. What was the red lioness' name? "Goodbye...?" She questioned lightly.

"Sabia, my name is Sabia`Deimos."

The red lioness moved away from the other in a casual pace. The pace didn't strike Zjarri as a pace that could cause any harm, what could happen. It was in her moments alone that she recalled her childhood dreams. She imagined them a moment - her surrounded by family and close friends, all gathered to celebrate her first moments as a Captain after returning on her first Viking. The first one she ever lead. It was the close friends she was missing right at that moment, but perhaps it was time to start making them rather than dream about them.

Sabia was lost in her own thoughts as she wandered of, thinking about the new alliance. Her thoughts didn't stay so pleasant though as she began to have second thoughts. Was this really what she had wanted? Not that she could truly go back and say otherwise. That was when her mind began hatching ideas - had the lioness been aware of how truly terrible her newest 'asset' was she likely would have had second thoughts.