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[PRP] What do you want? [ Zjarri`Fol x Curare]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:47 pm
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Zjarri`fol was home, again. The Vikings were intense and she appreciated both opportunities to freely roam the widely and get a taste for what was out there. All it did was cement her goal to become a Captain and she felt like she could really accomplish it now.

This was how she felt as she went to sleep that evening. The morning wasn't much different, in fact she was half-surprised that the sun was so low in the sky. Had her Father allowed her to sleep in as a reward? Typically the large, bumbling and proud Father was at her door step soon as he could be and today she expected to be no different.

It was a treat not be greeted so early, as it would seem she definitely needed her beauty sleep, perhaps she would seek him out and tell him all about her adventures and how weird their Captain had acted. Would he know why? She decided that he likely wouldn't, but still she should at least let him know she made it home.

Now where could he be.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:30 pm
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The green lioness was only somewhat happy to have returned to the pride. She had been hoping more for fighting others an dragging home and sort of thrall she could. Although the fact she had seen a c***k in the Captain's armor was amusing enough for her. Still she was not happy with the trio and how comfy they seemed to be getting with each other. Somehow she was going to need to snake her way into that and tear them apart or something. Her mind wandered to the green lion she had challenged to get in. She'd see him soon.

A blue form she recognized came into view and she snarled. Oh she was going to start to hate this female who seemed to haunt even her waking moments. They would work together towards a common goal, but she did not have to like her in the slightest. She wouldn't even go as far as saying she respected the other.

"You." The word snapped out of her maw. Teeth coming together loudly once she finished.



Ruthless Werewolf

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:36 pm
A noticeable cringe rippled along the spine of the blue lioness and she paused her steps. It would seem her Father would have to wait, these matter would have to come first - he would surely understand. If he didn't, then he would have to get over it.

Slowly Zjarri turned to come fave to face with the green lioness whom she had come to know as a bitter hag. These kind of meet ups weren't ideal for either party it seemed and she was sure that there was something up the lioness' paw. This was uncalled for. "You? Haven't you got any manners?" Though she was a touch nervous about the manic attitude the green lioness had she was sure she needn't worry to much. If it came down to a fight she would stand her ground.

"What do you want, make it quick?"

A snarl, that she hadn't intended, occurred and loudly. It was a lot more threatening than she had ever thought it would be, but it made her smile mentally. The look on her face was a clear scowl, she wasn't impressed by seeing this individual outside of their Vikings.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:07 pm
She gave a snort of a sound at the word manners. Manners? "What manners am I supposed to have?" The green lioness hissed. They were equals so treating her anything differently was a joke. "You are not my better. You are my equal if I can even call you that." This female did not scare her and nor did the snarl she let out. She had seen far worse than this when she was younger. And she would see worse as she got older.

"I was passing through. You are the one who got in my way." Oh she wanted to fight this lioness and get it over with so badly. Prove her strength to the other. If she lost, it would be different but still at least she would show the other some ferocity. "Why don't we duel."



Ruthless Werewolf

Ctrl F Greenie rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:00 pm
Zjarri wasn't entirely surprised by the lioness' reaction - this was her typical attitude afterall and the blue lioness hadn't forgotten this. "The manners taught by a Mother at birth." A growl followed her words, this was such a foul way to begin the day. Meeting this ungrateful creature first thing was something she planned to avoid as best she could for the rest of her time living.

"Equal? Darling, you aren't even on my level." The words were out before the petite lioness knew what she was saying, oh goodness was she in for a world of hurt. Not that she couldn't defend herself, she was perfectly capable, but she felt certain her opponent wasn't going to make this an easy battle, should it come to that.

Of course the thought wasn't even complete when the words were uttered, a duel. How was it that she got herself into these situations? By this time there were passerby's staring at the pair of them as they got riled up. This would become a show very quickly, and one that shouldn't happen in the middle of a path. There'd be humility today, for one of them, Zjarri hoped that with all of her dreams on the line it wasn't her. This was also why she couldn't back down, not with all her dignity in tact.

"A duel, you mean play time? Bitter, old, hag."

Another growl rumbled in her chest and echoed through clenched jaws. She crouched slightly and lunged, attempting to land a not so steady blow - this left her open to attack, something she hadn't entirely considered.

DavyJnah rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:36 pm
Bitter old hag. Maybe she was. She was probably older than this lioness at least by a few years but she still knew her way around enough to know what to do. It seemed the other was ready to fight her. As a crowd was starting to grow she felt something swell within her. It was not a pride, just a frenzy of joy. This was what it felt like to be a part of the Myrsky Syntynyt? If so, she wanted this now more than anything else. This was even better than the Askorun she had had with Calder.

As the female lunged at her, she barely moved out of the way, unflinching in the face of danger. Then she attacked full might. Not a duel to the death of course, that would get her into too much trouble so she had to pull her death throws but that didn't mean she couldn't wound the other. Scars were a warrior's mark.

Claws felt purchase across the blue female's face and she felt a bit of blood spray on her. Licking her maw for a moment she got ready for the attack that was coming, almost reacting to its rebuttal in slow motion.



Ruthless Werewolf

Ctrl F Greenie rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:38 pm
Silence entered their arena and it was clear that the competitors were focused on the task at hand.

Zjarri took the blow with a grace she didn't know she hadn't - still she winced. The claws certainly connected with the sensitive flesh of her face they dragged across the bridge of her nose and connected with her eye that had luckily closed. She'd be lucky if she came out of this with her sight in both of her eyes at this rate. She pleaded with the gods to not take that away from her, but it was her own battle she had to fight.

On the immediate defensive she coiled her legs and lunged once again, perhaps this would become her key move. Though she only favored it because of the size difference. It seemed a necessary action taken when she was as petite as she was. This time her lunge was much more acceptable in her eyes, making a connection with the other. Claws extended, reaching for the face of the other, if she was going to have scars, so was the other.

The choice became whether to stay in close combat, or move away. Instead of creating a distance between the pair of them she decided to try and do more damage. Her determination raged on after her success, the feeling of being in a true fight, no matter her inexperience, was incredible. All of her training was preparing her for these moments, moments like these to try and make her lineage a proud one.

DavyJnah rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:38 pm
It had been a very good hit. Both of them exchanging good shot between them. When the other came for her face she felt the claws upon her and she snarled out. Maybe it was less of a snarl and more of a horrible yowl that shook through the crowd. It was easy to see that these two were quite well matched. The slightly bigger green lioness to the petite blue lioness. It was no secret that they were a good pair to fight each other.

She back peddled away from the other, trying to slash as she did. Her claws grabbed only air. This caused her to become furious. The rage was billowing within her. Could she possible lose to this female after everything? Do not amuse the idea of this. That is what everything told her.



Ruthless Werewolf

Ctrl F Greenie rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:39 pm
How. How was it possible that she was coming out on top? The astounded lioness welcomed the distance between the pair of them, especially with how close the green paw came to colliding for another blow.

It was in the moments where the well matched could breathe that Zjarri first took notice. Thinking it had been blood clouding her vision at first she suddenly realized that her right eye had actually become blurry and agitated. No. No. No. The blue lioness felt her blood boil, this was not part of her plan, the plan that would make her entire life worth something, at least in her eyes.

She had been to reckless before, not again. Zjarri's good eye was glued to the green lioness, it stared with attempts of burning into her very soul. The damage caused was about to change this fight.

Fueled by the pain, anger and distress of having lost her sight she lowered herself and snarled, this was something deep, dangerous, and threatening - not her previous attempts at being frightening. This was purely crazed. Something she was sure the green lioness could relate to. "You." The word came out as a growl, again - deep and dangerous. This meant war, one she was suddenly very sure she could win.

Using her size to her advantage she darted forward towards her opponent. She aimed directly for the legs as an attempt to knock her opponent to the ground. She'd finish this with Curare on her back, hopefully realizing that Zjarri wasn't a fool or weak. Though, had Zjarri taken even a moment to think about any of this she likely would have attempted away, but that was why she let instinct take over.

DavyJnah rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:40 pm
The deep snarl had off put her for a second. The ferocity was welcomed and as she felt herself get slammed to the ground she gave a whoop, not in pain but in overall crazed joy at this battle. Could she possibly die here? She doubted it greatly but as the pain coursed through her she seriously thought about it. If she did, well it was a good death. At the paws of a good warrior too.

Iron in her blood. That there was as she kicked out, claws dragging against the other as she kicked out to get out from the other. The blood getting into her eyes. The other had gotten a good shot on her face, almost doing damage to her own eyes.

She was feeling tired, having exerted so much rage and power into this fight to put her down quickly.



Ruthless Werewolf

Ctrl F Greenie rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:42 pm
This was close - the pair of them fought hard and each of them deserved the victory of this battle. Zjarri was shocked by her own performance, handling herself better than she had anticipated and especially against such a foe. If given the chance she'd try to keep this relationship.

These thoughts were brief very brief. The blue lioness rolled with the other and felt tender flesh rip at her chest as Curares claws connected to attempt at kicking her off. This wasn't going to deter the already enraged lioness. It was pain that fueled her now, she would feel this whole encounter in her muscles when it was all said and done. For now there was adrenaline.


Rewarded with her perseverance she had successfully pinned the other down. At first she was shocked and hadn't entirely come to grips of her impending victory. Then suddenly she realized her position and dramatically stood and brought a 'heavy' paw down onto the others throat. Rage was beginning to burn to embers, but still burned on and in that rage she burrowed claws into the flesh of the other whilst pinning her.

In that moment she drew her face close, having no fear of another attack. If the other was intelligent she would know that this was an end, all it would take was a wrong move of claws to end her life. "You fought well, sister."

DavyJnah rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:42 pm
She could see now that this was going to be a losing battle for her. Still on her back she was and open target. All her fleshy bits were open and waiting to be torn into. This was the end. When she did not feel the other tearing into her and instead felt the paw upon her throat keeping the air from her lungs she scraped on the other's limbs. The green lioness knew she had lost. Admirably as well. This blue lioness was an admirable foe and she had won.

"Off." Using what air she had left to try and get the other off of her. Zjarri won and Curare would respect the lioness and her win. Having been bested in good combat maybe she should humble herself a little. Was this how Curare felt being bested by her? Next time she met the male she'd try to look at the situation through better eyes.

Feeling the other's paws get off of her, she rolled to her own paws. "You are a good warrior." This was severely humbling for her, take it in stride. "I respect you. My name is Curare."



Ruthless Werewolf

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:39 pm
Adrenaline had still been pumping through her veins when she forced her paw from the others throat. Kind words rang from her opponents mouth, perhaps the first she had ever heard from her. The moment was so surreal.

Zjarri was staring at the lioness in almost disbelief, but wiped it from her face and kept any rude comments to herself. This a change for the better, something she could live with. The pair of them were bloodied up and done a fine task of pummeling one another. She wouldn't forget this.

"You are as well." She gave the other a warm smile. It was obviously a life changing moment for the other, one she was proud to have been involved with. "It's nice to finally speak with you Curare." The remark was meant to express a true happiness for finally just speaking with the green lioness, learning her name was a bonus. Something she hadn't expected in the slightest.

"Let's get cleaned up, perhaps we can talk more another time, perhaps even discuss future vikings."

Having said their goodbyes the blue lioness, staggering, began her walk away. Feeling weak, yet empowered at the same time. Her muscles seemed ready to give out on her, but her own pride gave her the strength to continue standing until she could get to her wounds. There was also that eye to deal with...

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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