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Throek woke with a start, he remembered quickly about having gone out with his mate the day prior and bringing back some, perhaps, questionable plants with which he wanted looked at immediately. Who better to find who would be best suited for the job than Alduin. The large orange lion stood slowly, sure his mind was awake, but his body would not follow no matter what he tried to do. It was slow, groggy and all around hard to deal. "Come on." He pleaded with himself, this was very important to him.

Once he was able to fully wake he realized that Rahisi had already left. He wasn't entirely surprised, it was as though the lioness couldn't sit still these days. He thought on this briefly and tied it back to a quick comment she had made once many moons back, an empty den would leave a very bored lioness. He knew what she was hoping for, knew that she was looking to start a family. Sure he had tried, it just didn't seem to be in their cards at the moment, which was unfortunate, but he wouldn't give up on that not in their young lives.

"Focus." He muttered to himself.

Giving himself another second to get his thoughts back on track he began his search. Firstly he left their den. The walls had shadowed him very nicely, but caused him a brief shock as he left due to the high sun that glared down upon the earth. He could almost hear a fizzle of droplets hitting the grass below him. This type of heat would be unbearable if he kept himself out here for much longer. That was even more persuasion to begin ascending the path towards his previous home where he assumed his long time friend would be.

"Alduin? Alduin, are you around? I need to speak with you again." Throek threw his great orange head from side to side in what could only be the saddest attempt at looking around for his Jun as he entered the large mouth of their mountainous 'temple'. The orange lion wasn't disappointed this time around when a greyish figure appeared from around a wall and headed directly for him. "Throek, what a nice surprise this morning!" Alduin gave him a teasing grin. The important things they had to discuss yesterday was about Throeks and Rahisis tries at a family and it seemed that Throek would never escape the teasing of 'I know what you did last night'.

This time he laughed it off, but promised himself that he'd speak with his friend later about that matter. For now he wasn't as concerned about this as he was about the presentation of unknown plant life. The plant life which he had handled and so had Rahisi. With that in mind he was even more nervous about this. "While out yesterday we discovered some new foliage and stones." He pulled at the bag on his side indicating he had brought some with him to show the Jun. Alduin peered at his friends side and was almost amused, how many new items could he possibly have carried in such a small bag. "Among these items is a flower, very beautiful and brightly colored - hues of the sun setting in the sky to be precise.." As he spoke he dropped his rump and began to fiddle with the bag.

"What are you concern with a pretty flower?"

Alduin was asking the question sincerely. Had his friend encountered problems? Was this a flower that could do something to the bodies. He wasn't about to start thinking they'd found something deadly without creating an enemy. The Jun was beginning to over react and heaved a soft sigh to begin grounding himself as the other pulled free the flower and began to speak again. "This is it." Alduins eyes widened slightly, not in fear, no but he was astounded by the beauty of the petals. Throek watched as his companion inspected the flower with a detailed ability that astounded Throek.

"I can't tell you much, unfortunately there may be no one here to help with a task like this." He thought hard, really hard, was there anyone who would be able to identify these flowers? Likely not. If they were just being discovered now then no one within the mountain would be able to help. If they were going to find out more they'd likely have to send someone out or determine how best to find a God to help them out. The God scenario was almost entirely out of the question as most within the pride knew very little of them as well. Ignorance, what was it doing for anyone.

"We may have to heavily consider the fact that outside help is necessary. I am not even sure where to begin with something like this Throek." A concerned look washed over the face of Alduin. He had dropped the plant back into the safety of the bag and gave a quick sweep of the ground with his paw. Not that it would do much if pollen had touched him and it had harmful properties. Peace of mind at least. At this point he was beginning to prepare the fact that he may have to relinquish a body to discover higher educational levels outside of the pride. Something he wasn't sure would go over so well in a meeting. "Throek, don't show this to anyone yet. Don't breathe a word of it. If Rahisi has than please have her blow it off as nothing. This isn't something to be concerned about, not yet anyway and I don't anticipate we will have any issues. I just want us to investigate this further, before something does happen."

The pair of them sat in a silence briefly. A silence that was filled with potential ideas, solutions and possible changes to life. If there was an issue they would have to generate new rules and hope that no one got curious. That would likely be a tough go, not to mention those who opposed leaving the walls. Throek had to applaud his mates way of doing things, she always seemed to find things at the wrong time. Or could it be the right time?

"I'll leave you to your thoughts, Alduin. For now I'll reach out to Rahisi and hopefully keep her hushed before she spreads something." That's the last thing they needed. With many bits of information, or lack thereof weighing on the pair Throek took his leave.