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"Are you coming?"

The lioness was curt when she spoke. This attitude wasn't uncommon from her, why the orange lion expected anymore from his mate he hadn't the foggiest. There had been days where others had asked what he was thinking when he chose to remain with this fem. Some days he wasn't even sure, but there were always the days where he was sure. Those were the days he reminded himself of when she was acting like this. "Yes, I'm coming Rahisi." He smiled as best he could and left their den, the place they had chosen when the changes had been made and the pride was now outside of the walls. It was still weird still for him to see the sky when leaving their home, he was so used to leaving and seeing nothing but stone walls.

"I just don't want to be out to late in the day."

Her admittance was refreshing. He figured she was aware of her moods some days and it seemed today was one of those days. "I know you don't. It's far to warm these days." His smile was true this time as Throek`Irid rounded the corner to finally catch a glimpse at his mate impatiently waiting for him. Around her shoulders and sitting at her side was a satchel type bag, the bag he assumed would be for collecting things they found, Rahisi hadn't the foggiest idea as to what she would collect, but she was sure there would be flowers, shells, nice stones.

The orange lioness gave her mate a quick side glancing smile and then began on her way. Throek had mentioned he would briefly need to speak with Alduin before he truly would be able to leave, this was fine. They would have to cross paths with him either way. Today, rather than travel down the mountain, which was all the rage, she had wanted them to go up the mountain. Recently it had occurred to her that everyone had been so focused on what was down that they'd never thought to search around the mountain including up. Not that she was alone in the idea, others had likely done this, but not that she was aware of and so she took pride in it. "Where is Alduin, the mountain?" Her ears twisted as she made a steady pace up the common path towards the mouth of their previous home.

The mountain had become a safe house at this point. As she approached it she took in the view of an open mouth cave, one which lead towards a serious of now unused dens and places to rest. This was where the new lions and older lions would come. She had recalled already suggesting they use this as a place to protect others that needed mending and more. Perhaps they could create a plan to use it as an escape route. Her thoughts had carried on longer than she had figured and Throek was already returning to her side.

"Did you talk about everything you needed to discuss?"

Rahisi was quick to turn as she spoke, Throek followed. "We did. We were talking of your ideas in regards to the tunnels and some of the items you had been considering gathering. He thinks some of the other lioness' would like some as well if we find enough flowers and such?"

The grin that grew on her face made Throek recall those happy memories. This would be another that he used during those harder times. This was all as they began their trek up the mountain. "Oh, what about that?" He moved quickly towards a flower - it seemed to glow, not quite, but the colors were incredible! He inhaled deeply and was greeted with a wonderful smell. "Perhaps we can keep this, this would be nice for the den."

"Throek Irid." She said his full name a teasing sarcasm thick in her words. "You are such a corny lion." She mused lightly and approached the flower. He was certainly right though. The flower was just perfect and she saw no other like it. This was the beginning to many many new finds, she was sure of it. There was no way they could go much time without discovering a thing or two. Excitement grew within the lioness and she was soon bouncing around, collecting and chattering about various things. This includes stones, flowers, various foliage and more. All the while Throek watched and eventually took over the bag.

Shall we head back? Both lions were tired and he was finding the bag becoming heavy enough to be a burden. She agreed with a weary grin. "I cannot wait to show the others what we've found." He smiled at her warmly. To see her like this was incredible. They took the path back slowly and made the time to view what they could, there was no need to rush. Looking up to the sky his breath was taken. The orange, purple and pink hues that captured in the sky as the sun began to set was just a perfect way to end the day.

"Look at the sky Rahisi."

She stopped in her tracks, huffed a small amount, and dropped her rump. Though she appreciated the pretty things in life she was just about exhausted enough to sleep on this trail should he slow her down any further. This time she was absolutely appreciative of the sky, the hues pulled her eyes up and she found herself leaning against Throek. This was a wonderfully shared moment between two lovers.

"So beautiful, Throek."

Her eyes closed lightly and the orange lioness heaved a gentle sigh. "Come on." Throek nudged Rahisi lightly and helped her get up to her feet. Then he guided her back towards their den to where they could just rest and regain their strength. He was sure that she would want to do this all over agan th nxt dy. Upon getting home he helped her to her patch of grassy nest and then took her bag. There were a good handful of items that were likely unidentified. Throek made a mental note to ensure someone else has a good look at these items as the flowers could have other properties.

With that as he final thought the orange lion curled up with his mate and fell into a gentle slumber.