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Nianzu was back in the moorlands of the North House training. He had been slightly embarrassed by the lioness Suyin. At the time, he had been calm and relaxed, excepting his defeat with grace. However, the more he thought about it, the more bitter he became about the situation. He had been born to become a soldier for the North, but was beaten by a lioness who was not raised among them. If his parents were still around they would have been furious.

He had to remind himself again and again that he wasn't his parents. Unlike them, he didn't have a dislike for rogues. However, being defeated by an outsider was still humiliating. She had even told him that he needed more training.

As he practice, he struck harder at his imaginary target. He knew that he had to get better in order to face her again. Until he was stronger, he did not want to train with her.

While Nianzu was training, Suyin had been watching from a far. She couldn't help but smile while thinking that this was the exact reverse situation that they were in. After their last run in, she had expected to see him sooner, but for some reason she felt like he was avoiding her.

She was still relatively new to the pride and since joining she had stayed to herself. Nianzu was the first fellow soldier she had taken the time to talk to. She hoped that he wasn't upset over losing. As she watched him, she would move slightly with him, pretending that she was facing him. While doing so, her stomach let out a soft grumble.

It was then that she realized that she had forgotten to eat. She had been so focused on finding Nianzu that she didn't even bother thinking about hunting. Annoyed, she turned away and started going toward the grasslands to go hunting, when an idea popped into her head. She turned back toward Nianzu and darted toward him.

He was imagining facing Suyin again and what his strategy would be.

“You want to keep your back straighter.” she said just when he went in for the strike, causing him to lose balance and trip forward. He managed to catch himself, avoiding landing on his face.

He was quick to stand up and look straight at Suyin. Despite doing his best to keep his temper in check, it was clear from his expression that he was pissed. “How long have you been there?”

“I did not mean to surprise you! I was only trying to help.” She said defensively, circling one of her claws in the dirt. “I just got here. You seemed so focused, but I wanted to make sure you had the proper stance.”

Nianzu shook his head angrily and turned around to resume his training. His attacks were faster and stronger then before.

Suyin let out a huff and walked around him to be in front of him. “Is this how you treat fellow soldiers?”

“I am trying to stay focused and become a better fighter.”

“You look tired, why don't you take a break and go hunting with me?” She suggested.

He ignored her for a moment, continuing his attacking, perfecting his form, but she remained there staring at him. “Alright I will go with you.” he said, as he stopped moving. “But I am not treating this like a normal hunt. It will be a competition.”

Suyin let out a laugh. “You want to try and out hunt me? Seriously? I have lived part of my life as a rogue. Hunting was how I survived.”

“Bet I am still better then you.” He responded with a grin. If he could get a bigger catch then her, he was sure that he would regain some honor. “What do you say Suyin?”

“Alright, lets do it.” It wasn't what she had expected. What she wanted was a friendly hunting adventure, but this would have to do. “3, 2, 1 Go!”

The two lions were off.

Nianzu headed straight to the grasslands. She might be a better hunter, but he knew the geography much better then she did. He darted, avoiding any obstacle in his way. Glancing behind him, he saw that she was going in a different direction. He couldn't help but smirk. She had no idea where the best prey gazed, he thought.

He slowed down when he spotted some hogs a good distance away. Quickly, he crouched down, hiding himself in the grass. He surveyed the different hogs, looking for the one that looked the meatiest. There was one that caught his eye. Nice and large, but didn't look like it got into many fights. Perfect catch.

His focus remained on the large hog, but would watch the others. He did not want to go after them and end up getting injured by one of the other hogs. After taking a deep breath, he charged forward, tackling the hog to the ground. The other hogs scattered, leaving their companion to be captured. He ended the hogs life quickly and humanely .

He grinned at his catch. There was no way that Suyin caught something bigger. He began the trek back to where the two of them met, dragging the dead hog in his mouth.

When he saw her waiting, he almost dropped his hog. Not only had she beaten him back, she also had a large bushbuck lying next to her. He could kick himself for being so arrogant about the situation. Instead of running away, which he was seriously tempted to do, he continued to her, dropping his hog next to her buck.

Her catch was indeed larger then his, however, he was still proud of the large hog.

“Congratulations, it looks like you are a better hunter then I am.” He said, trying to sound sincere.

Suyin laughed. “Well, I have been hunting for such a long time. I had to hunt to survive. I would offer to give you some pointers, but last time I tried that you didn't speak to me for a while.” She explained.

She had a point, he thought. “I am just not used to an outsider being better then me.”

“Stop thinking of me as an outsider then. I joined your pride and been accepted within your ranks. I am a North soldier, same as you. You can learn plenty from me and I can learn from you.” She said, with a genuine smile. “I might not have been born here, but Tianxia is my home.”

Nianzu nodded his head. “I should apologize. Even cubs behavior better then I have been. If you could forgive me, I would be extremely grateful.”

“Hmm well I guess I could. In exchange you should do some practice matches with me. Not now, but another day.” She responded. “Right now we should be eating, making sure this food doesn't go to waste!”

“Agreed.” Together the two soldiers started to eat.

WC: 1,173