Tapana wasn't sure what she hoped to find at the end of such a trail. A horde of seething, bloodthirsty Nergui that they'd have to battle with (it felt to her like poking a hollow of snakes with a stick) or no trace at all. She vaguely understood the need for vengeance but part of her thought it would be better to just let the dust settle and move on. Those who were dead would be so forever and there'd be no bringing them back. Still, she'd play along with it for now.

"See that you do," she replied sharply at Adanna.

"If there's nothing further to say, then you're all dismissed. Have your meeting with Nawvlee then start to put together the information we need to send out a scouting party."

Part of her wondered whether they might be sending lions and lionesses into a trap. Part of her also wondered whether she was just a little too paranoid for her own good. Either way, she wouldn't rest easy until the first reports came back telling her that the Nergui had gone.

And if this was a trap? Oh....just let them see her fury, then. She had quite a temper when occasion called for it.

((OOC: Last post from me. Happy to call this finished but feel free to post again if you would like.))

