Schatzi woke from her slumber, her paws still aching from all the walking she had done. She yawned and lifted her head cautiously, sniffing the air. The adolescent had been separated from her family not long ago and she had taken to wandering the rogue lands, looking for them or a place to stay safe. She had come across the Bonelands first and had decided to settle down for a while and learn how to hunt and live. Her mother had done a good job teaching her how to stay hidden and to take care of herself as a cub, but now that she was older she didn't know how to fend for herself in terms of fighting or finding food. This place, full of females, seemed to be the best place to learn.

Emrys had noticed the arrival of a few new females, but one of them had caught his eye. She was young, barely of age to be on her own, and was obviously nervous. He decided it was his job to make sure she felt welcome as he knew the ladies of the pride tended to be wary of strangers. Thankfully her coloration was up to snuff - unlike his own - so he was sure she'd fit right in after a few moons. He had just finished up his patrol around the border of the pride to make sure no one else wanted in and had spotted the tan female under a tree, looking around warily.

"Hello," he called out cheerfully as he approached her. He made sure to keep his distance at first, not wanting to scare her off even more than she already seemed to be.

Schatzi heard the voice and turned to see one of the few males in the pride heading for her. She knew not to be afraid, but she'd never seen a fully grown male before. All she knew was her brother, and he had been about as big as her when they had split. To see a full mane on a male was intimidating to say the least, even though he was approaching with a smile.

"Hello," she returned weakly, her ears pressed back against her head, dark eyes looking anywhere but at the male as he approached. Emrys picked up on that instantly and sat down a few paces from the female, not wanting to make her run.

"I'm Emrys. It's nice to meet you," he said, his tone pleasant and calm. "I noticed you joined not long ago with a few other were the youngest of them all, certainly. Did you come with any of them?"

Schatzi shook her head, not trusting her voice at the moment. Emrys nodded slightly, a soft 'ah' leaving his lips. She had been separated from her family, perhaps, or chased off by a male that didn't like young lions in the area. The poor thing was probably terrified.

"'re in the Bonelands now, my dear," he said comfortingly. "We're here to protect you and help you in any way we can. So if you're ever scared or hungry or just want to talk, I can assure you anyone here would be glad to listen or help." He couldn't really assure that but he knew there were plenty of welcoming and warm lionesses that would take the young female under their wing.

Emrys' kind words and gentle tone slowly allowed Schatzi to relax a bit. Her ears loosened and she lifted her head a little, a hesitant smile on her face. "That...that sounds nice," she said quietly. "I'm Schatzi.'s nice to meet you, Emrys."

"Schatzi," he repeated, nodding with a smile. "The pleasure is all mine. Would you like some company or would you prefer to be on your own for the time being?"

Schatzi swallowed thickly at the offer. If it were a female that had approached her perhaps she'd have asked for the lioness to stay, but even though Emrys was being very kind, she was still a little nervous of the male. She was quiet for a bit before the male took that as a hint and chuckled while standing.

"Some time to yourself is fine," he said reassuringly. "Just know that you're surrounded by those who wish to see you do well and succeed here. Help or a friend to chat with is only ever a roar away. Even a quiet roar," he added, giving her a wink. That made Schatzi smile a bit more and she nodded to let him know she understood.

Standing up completely, Emrys gave his head a little shake. "Well then, Schatzi, I'm sure I'll see you around. Take care and enjoy the day!" He turned to go after that, not wanting to overstay his welcome. He felt as though he had done a good job in cheering the little lioness up, at least. Hopefully she would be encouraged to explore the pride and make some friends now that he had come over to break the ice. He gave her a little wave with his tail before turning to head off, back to the edge of the pride to make sure there were no males lurking around.

Schatzi watched Emrys go, relaxing a little even though she wasn't as nervous as she had been upon his approach. The pride seemed very focused on being close-knit and helpful which was nice. She hoped she'd find a comforting home here. Her mother had told her and her siblings that pridal life was wonderful, especially while growing up. It offered a sense of security, family, and happiness that being a rogue couldn't do. She knew some day she'd be on her own, but she certainly hadn't expected it to be quite so early. Still, her mother's words rang true. The Bonelands seemed like a good place to start, certainly.

She got to her feet and gave herself a shake before deciding to take Emrys up on his offer. She'd go find some other lionesses to talk to and get to know. Maybe they could even teach her how to hunt properly! She didn't want to be dead weight here in the pride, after all. Determined but still a little nervous, Schatzi trotted off towards the center of the pride to try to find someone that would be both friendly and helpful.

WC: 1059