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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[JRP] Hey bro-to-be! (Brummen & Raskogr)

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Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:57 pm
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The pride was large, which frequently made it a challenge to run into somebody if you had not already arranged a place and time to do so, but Brummen was unusually good at finding people. It came from having to hunt down his little sister Reka for much of her childhood, he supposed. At any rate, it did not take the dark-coated reaver very long to find the lawspeaker who would one day become his brother-in-law.

"So!" he boomed at Raskogr as soon as he was in sight. "When are you and my sister finally going to get married?"

It was not Brummen's style to mince around the point. He was always one to get right to the sucker, even if doing so meant that everyone else around him winced. If they weren't tough enough to handle words, that was hardly his problem. This was the Stormborn, where lions were brave warriors. All others could bugger right off. Except the skinny bloke who was going to marry his sister, but because he would someday be family, Brummen was willing to overlook his physical failings.

"I ask because I want to get started planning your last single night, but I can't well do that until I know when your wedding is, right?"

It didn't occur to Brummen that he might not be Raskogr's first choice to plan that particular evening. It certainly didn't occur to him that Raskogr might not even want one, because as brainy and grouchy as he was, no one could possibly be too brainy and grouchy to want an excuse to get thoroughly inebriated and enjoy the favors of any interested lioness who happened by.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:13 am
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The sudden booming voice that called out to him shattered Raskogr's concentration. Starting badly he looked up from the scratchings he had been working out on the ground, he had been trying to solve a nasty case of broken honor between two reavers which involved lots of family connections. Raskogr had taken to scratching out the names in question and connecting the various family lines in an attempt to work out just which claim was the most valid.

But with his thought process suddenly severed he swipped a paw angrily over the whole map. It was useless now. Scowling as the giant lug walked up he inwardly growled at the brother to his betrothed. He had come to... accept Seqineq and the fact that they would be sharing their future together. if pushed, he might even admit to himself that he wasn't entirely against the whole thing. never would he admit, even in his own head, that he liked her. Even if it was a truth that was slowly becoming harder to ignore. But her brother?


Brummen was a typical reaver, and embodied everything that Raskogr disliked about them. Big, strong, powerful, tough, and impressive to look at. Everything Ras himself wasn't. Scowling at the brute he flicked his tail with annoyance. "I was working." He pointed out rather sourly, but had already given that up for the time being. He would get nothing constructive done whilst Brummen was around, that was for sure. The reaver was a menace to all things intellectual.

"I've no idea. We haven't talked about it." He returned sharply, hoping that if he answered quickly, Brummen would leave him alone again. In truth, the big reaver made him nervous. He reminded Raskogr far too much of his own brothers, Ronan and Ragnvard. Just as he was about to move away, Brummen's words halted him on the spot, a cold feeling slithering down his spine in shock. Turning round snake-fast he eyed the reaver dubiously. "Last single night?" He half-squeeked, half-growled. It wasn't the idea of a party that disturbed him so greatly, well, not only that.. It was the thought of being stuck with a bunch of big, brawney and very drunk reavers that made his blood run cold. Typically drunk reavers meant brawling reavers, and he had no desire to either submit himself to their stupidity, or to risk getting dragged into a fight. He knew he would be the one to end up splattered on the ground like so much ripe fruit.

Haha! I love Brummen already!!!


Allied Recalibrator


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:44 am
"Really?" Brummen asked, his tone rising with genuine interest. "Sorry, Rask. It's hard to tell with you lawspeakers when you're working and when you're not, what with you doing all your work in your head and all."

That was about as much of an apology as Raskogr could expect from Brummen, who felt that having said the word "sorry" everything ought to be okay now. He also felt that it was just a little unreasonable of his future in-law to be annoyed at him for interrupting his work when there was no possible way he could've known the little lawspeaker was working.

"You should put up a sign or something. 'Brainy lion at work,'" he suggested helpfully, unbothered by the fact that neither he nor most of the lions he knew could actually read. Reading was a rare thing, restricted mostly to lawspeakers, the occasional priestess, and the very unusual few they decided to instruct in runes.

"Yeah, I kind of figured you hadn't talked about it," Brummen boomed, settling down to talk. He had not failed to noticed that he'd startled Raskogr, nor how quickly the smaller lion had turned around when he mentioned the party he wished to plan. It seemed to Brummen the best way to handle a lion that jumpy was either to scare him until he stopped jumping, or hold very still, and while the first option might be more fun, and he'd certainly look into it, right now they needed to talk.

"Which is why I'm here. Sort of. I mean, far be it from me to intrude on Seqi's personal life, but you guys have been betrothed for a long time, and it's starting to look like maybe one or both of your is avoiding getting married, which doesn't look good for either of you, if you know what I mean."

He smiled broadly, to let Raskogr know that he meant no offense by the offensive things he had just said and was about to say. They were just two guys talking about things that needed to be talked about.

"Which brings me to your party for your last single night. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you've never actually had sex, right? That is something you should definitely fix before you marry my sister. Not that I want to know anything about her sex life, once she starts having one. Which she hasn't. Yet. But she will once you're married, and I'm sure you both want her sex life to be a happy one, yes? Your party can be very good practice for that with the bonus that you're expected to do that kind of thing, so Seqi can't even be mad at you for being with another girl, am I right?"

Another broad grin.

"So. Let's nail down a wedding date so I can start making plans."

I think I'm with you. He's so much fun to write.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:15 am
"Yes. Really." Raskogr replied in a short and clipped tone, more than a little annoyed at his work being regarded so lowly. Though he should know better he knew, certainly a reaver who spent his life beating up people, things and problems with his paws wouldn't understand the finer points of mental work. However, he didn;t feel up to explaining, again, that it was possible to look busy while not beating something up. And when he looked busy, it was generally a bad idea to bother him. But... it was about as futile as beating his head against a rock wall, so he would leave it alone.

"Maybe a pair of skulls splattered in blood would do it... " He mused after a moment. "At the very least no one could complain they hadn't known I was occupied. He cast a sidelong look at Brummen. "And it would be a warning to any who inturupted me. I'm sure there is a reaver or two around who would be heappy to bash in their heads for me..." Rolling a shoulder he shook the thought away. It might be something to look into, maybe hire himself a pair of guards who could keep the riff raff away from him. After all, he was never going to be a physical threat to anyone. But hired brutes? Hmm... he wasn't sure he could put up with two louts following him around the pride though.. It would probably just distract him.

Sighing he forced himself to focus on his brother-in-law-to-be. The faster he answered the big reaver, the sooner Brummen would be satisfied and leave. He felt the fur along his back flatten as a scowl darkened his features. He had been busy, and they had agreed that he would become a lawspeaker first before marrying. Sure he had managed that part, but his powerbase was far from certain yet and he was determined to give her the life she deserved, with all the privladges of thrall and home that could be claimed. Hu... maybe he needed to look into aquireing a thrall or two. One as his assistant, and one to keep the den neat and help Seqi with the cubs. The idea appealed, and he wondered what kind of thrall would be suitable. A male for stength? Or a female for cub raising. One of both? He could breed them... create perfect thrall offspring who knew the proper mode of respect. He could trade them to others in the pride even...

Suddenly realising that Brummen was still talking at him, he refoced his attention and heaved a sigh, then he caught on to what the reaver was yammering on about. "Wait.. what??!!" He practically yelled, startled and shocked by the direction of the conversation. "How do you know that! And anyway, why would she not be mad at me?" He stared at the other male, baffled and embarassed. "I... I..." He couldn't get the words out but the whole idea of having sex with some random female... it had never occured to him. He didn't want to bother with getting to know someone, never mind that he generally couldn't stand most of the females who approched him. Not that there were many... The few that did talked entirely too much, simpered and sniveled and generally made him want to kick their sorry asses off the nearest cliff. Seqi was... well, she was Seqi. Known, and relatively safe despite everything. She knew him, he knew her. He knew she didn't make him want to swallow a poison frog as an escape plan...

Reaching up he rubbed at his brow roughly. "I really don't think that's a good idea... "

Sorry this took so long, I struggled with it


Allied Recalibrator


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:09 am
Brummen had the good sense to realize that his advice on the manner of warning people off when Raskogr was working would not be welcome, and so he restricted himself to a disapproving hum when Rask put forth the idea of a pair of bloodied skulls. For one thing, Brummen seriously doubted that they would have the desired effect. He certainly wouldn't know to interpret a pair of blood-spattered skulls as, "I'm working, please go away." Not unless he had already been told that was their purpose, which would've meant interrupting Rask at work and earning a lecture about the meaning for the skulls. Which would defeat the point entirely.

He didn't realize he'd lost Raskogr's attention until the smaller lion interrupted him with an astonished exclamation of disbelief and denial. Brummen smiled fraternally, doing his best to seem nonjudgmental. He didn't judge, really. It seemed only logical to him that a betrothed lion with so little going for him physically or socially would be a virgin. That wasn't what he said to Rask, though. He had the feeling that particular explanation would go over very poorly, and he would have hurt feelings and ruffled feathers to soothe, which really wasn't his forte.

"It's a great idea," was his rejoinder. Unless Raskogr brought it up again, he planned to do the lawspeaker the courtesy of not mentioning how he had reached his conclusions about his experience.

"I assure you, I may not be able to recite pride law or write or anything, but I do know about living up to expectations, and it is expected that you will have a celebration of this sort, and at this celebration it is expected that you will enjoy some female company."

He sighed deeply, making it clear that he felt having to explain himself was a great burden. Particularly since the lion he was explaining himself to was supposed to be very intelligent. Or at least clever.

"And Seqi won't be mad because of those expectations," he concluded. He may not have been completely correct in that particular assumption, but as far as he was concerned he was absolutely right about everything he'd said so far.

No worries.
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:44 am
Oh Stormlords... it was obvious Brummen was not going to give this up any time soon. And Rask could already feel a headache forming at the mere thought of socialising with anyone. Why was this even a thing? He would marry Seqi, a simple private thing probably consisting of just their parents, if anyone had to be present at all, beside himself and Seqi of course, and then he would take her to their den, show her the gifts he ahd got her proudly, then... Well... Life would go back to normal. That was all he wanted. No party, no women, no mint or fermented fruit. certainly no fighting. No unnecessary disruption to his daily life. That would be his ideal marriage. Wrinkling his nose he stared at Brummen with horrified exasperation as the big reaver just kept talking. As if what Rask wanted had absolutely no bearing on the situation. Never mind that he didn't have the first idea about what Seqi desired. Come to think of it, he should probably ask her... It would be a bad idea to annoy her on the very first day of their marriage. What if this whole thing was a deal breaker? The sudden panic he felt at the idea of having to not marry her shocked him, leaving him slack jawed. She had to be his wife, no other would do! He couldn't stand any other female, the very idea of them made him break out in a cold sweat.

Shuddering he eyed Brummen once again. "Fine. Whatever. Do what you like." He huffed, mind already elsewhere as he considered the most likely locations where Seqi might be right then. He had to go find her, discover what it was she wanted for her wedding, and then make it happen. But first he had to get rid of her meddling brother....

I like Brummen!!!! Im so sorry Rask is such an a**. ;_;
And I'll try and reply faster. DX


Allied Recalibrator


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 7:48 am
"Excellent!" he boomed.

So it wasn't the ringingly enthusiastic response Brummen had hoped for, but at least Rask wasn't refusing him any longer, or asking unnecessary questions. Brummen decided he could count that as a win, for now. After all, he'd gotten permission to go ahead with his plans, so now he just had to make it spectacular enough that Rask ended up agreeing that he had been correct in pushing for this celebration, and thanking him for being such a wonderful brother.

Just thinking of it brought a proud, fraternal smile to the large reaver's face.

"There's just one snag about the guest list. Not that I want to cast any kind of aspersions on your family or anything, but your brothers...Obviously they both have to be invited, since they're both, y'know, your brothers. But do you have any thoughts on how to have them in the same place, at the same time, not fighting?"

Because Brummen had exactly zero ideas of that nature, except to try to keep them separated, which was so obvious he knew it wouldn't work at all.

"I mean, it's one thing for some lions to get a little rowdy, maybe tussle over a girl or something, but your brothers...I understand things between them are a bit beyond that." It was as tactful as he could be about the fact that Rask had two siblings who despised each other.

No worries.
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:22 am
And just like that, his plans burst, splintering all over his mind as he realised with horror that Brummen was correct. Whether or not he even went ahead with the ridiculous idea of the party, his brothers would know about the wedding. And even if he invited neither, one was going to turn up just to spite him. Ragnvard would never miss the chance to watch his younger brother squirm and would most likely try and charm Seqi away from Rask, even on her wedding day, just because Ragnvard was that much of an a**. Fighting the urge to bury his head under his paws he groaned aloud. "Oh For!" Cussing inventively under his breath he began to pace. Well, this was just one more reason why the party was a bad idea. He would get Seqi to tell her brother to forget about the whole thing. The pair of them would simply go away for the day, get wed, and be back before anyone was the wiser. Only.... he knew his mother wouldn't allow it. And he couldn't face hurting her.

This was one huge mistake waiting to happen. But he couldn't see a way out of it. There had to be a wedding for his mother, his father would tell the family. Ragnvard would show up just to spite him. Ronan would be there to ensure their middle brother didn't do anything stupid... and Brummen was going to throw a party. "Why ...." He groaned under his breath, dismally.

After a few minutes he pulled himself back from the edge. Committing suicide wouldn't help maters after all, and glanced once more at the worried looking Brummen. "Neither of them will misbehave. I'll make sure of it." He replied, voice frustrated, filled with exasperation as he gave up fighting.

Seqi. She was his only hope now if they were going to avoid the wedding turning into a complete and utter circus.



Allied Recalibrator


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:52 am
"Great!" Brummen enthused, glad that he wouldn't be forced into the role of bouncer on a night when he wanted to just relax and celebrate the imminent wedding of his biggest little sister.

"I guess you'd be pretty good at that, being a lawspeaker and all." Mediating was what lawspeakers did, wasn't it? "I'm sure you'll have things all patched up between them before then. Kind of surprised you haven't done it already. Haven't had the time, I suppose!"

It wasn't clear whether he was actually addressing Rask at this point, or just thinking aloud (very loudly) in Rask's proximity.

"Anyway, since you've got that under control, I'll start making arrangements. But try to pin Seqi down to a date, too, if you can. That would make my job a lot easier."

He smiled and bumped the smaller lion's shoulder in a gesture of familial affection before turning away and calling over his shoulder, "Good talk, bro!" Probably the whole pride heard it.

Poor Rask.
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:47 am
Rask didn't see anything to be happy about, and stared at Brummen in a kind of shocked disbelief. This whole thing was a disaster and Brummen was grinning! What the big reaver said next did manage to pull Rask out of the spiraling depression that had sunk its claws into him. "Hardly. I'll just make them call a truce for the day." He muttered under his breath, not really talking to Brummen any more so much as to himself, his voice thick with frustration that had been building up for years. The argument between his brothers was something he could never fix, and he had long given up on trying. The pair of them would kill each other one day. Rask just hoped they didn't do it in front of the family. Or in public.

So absorbed in his thoughts was he that Brummen's bump nearly sent the skinny lawspeaker flying. Barely catching himself as he staggered sideways he shot the grinned Reaver a sharp glare. But it was hopeless... Brummen was already walking away, no doubt to plan some suitably embarrassing situation at this ridiculous party of his.

Finally succumbing to the urge he lay down and buried his head under his forelegs. Eyes squeezed shut as he fought the headache that was beginning to pound away in his skull. Seqi. He would go find her right away. Just as soon as his head eased up....

Hehe, We should totally rp him going to Seqi for help. XD Poor guy is beside himself. Haha
Fin too!


Allied Recalibrator

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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