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[Pride IT] Ikpe-M'kporo "Fate's Prison" | Come brainstorm?

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Dulcet Scarface

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:14 am

Ikpe-M'kporo "Fate's Prison"
(Pride Name Language; Igbo; one of the four official languages of Nigeria)

Pride believes that some lions are gifted with being able to hear the whispers of 'the fates' or spirits. These lions, known to us as seers, are held in high esteem, and their word weighs heavily in the day-to-day lives of the pride.

These 'fates' are thought to be the incarnation of destiny, overseeing the past, present, and future. Some of these are good, protective spirits, and others are malevolent, causing all the pain and tragic events in a person's life.

The pride tries to honor the good fates, and appease/placate the bad fates, so that they might be merciful. This is done through ritual sacrifice, and feasts.

So why are the 'prisoners,' you ask? Simply, they do not go past the tree-line of their mountain home, as in the past none who have left have ever returned, and those who make it from the outside world, to the mountain, are usually on their death bed.

You see, the pride is so remote that the venture is long and grueling, and it takes a great toll on the body, for beyond the pride's forest is miles of grassland, and further beyond that, arid desert. There are also many dangers that roam the grasslands - bands of hyenas and wild dogs who have been known to attack the lone traveler. Stories also tell of a band of rogues who worship the evil spirits and would seek to cause the pride's downfall. What better way than cutting of the supply of new blood?

If a new-comer survives the journey, it is seen as approval of the fates, and they are expected to remain as part of the pride, or else face certain death outside of it.

The pride's remote location and lack of new blood has often caused concerns with inbreeding. However, on occasion the Augur will be 'told' by 'the fates' of the location of fresh blood to bring in to the pride, and a band of warriors will be sent out to collect them. This is the only time anyone who is a member of the pride is permitted to leave, and it is thought to be by allowance of the fates. These warriors are given provisions to allow them to make the journey, and expected to gather enough to see them, and the new blood, back to the pride.

In truth, there are many things about running the pride that is passed from Augur to Augur. As far as the pride is concerned, it is the royal family who run the pride, but actually it is the Augur who has true control, as not just the pride, but the royal family itself places it's faith in the words of the Augur, and what should have been a benevolent role, has long since become the true seat of power. However, like many things, it is a very well kept secret. no one except the Augur knows this ICly!! For the most part, the pride lives happily, and the control exerted by the Augur is largely benign. It has been a long time since the pride has been shaken at its core. But things are about to change....  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:15 am

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Located primarily in a mountain forest with a large basin. The entrance to the kingdom, located at the back of the mountain, has two lions carved in to the stone, and a small, trickling waterfall. A rocky stream flows through the center of the large central cavern. Once a stream flowed heavily through the mountain, creating the caves that the pride now houses.
A few steps within the atrium of the mountain, there is a large crystal outgrowth, and from the ceiling of the cavern light peeks through and shines on the crystal, casting light throughout.
In the basin there is a lush green meadow (about the size of a football field) surrounded by steep 50' tall rocky cliffs. This basin is at the very heart of the mountain. On the eastern end there is a waterfall with a crystal clear pool that is about 12' at the deepest, and the bottom can be seen perfectly, that is how pristine it is. In the center of the basin is a large tree, which serves as the only non-grass vegetation there, and is a main gathering place for festivals. The basin is meant to be a peaceful place, fights and training are forbidden here. Most of the younglings' lessons are taught here.
There are various openings in to the cliffs that surround the basin, and connect to the main enterance, and a network of pathways and dens within them.
The mountain itself is lush with vegetation, a dense forest. This is where the soldiers train and patrol, as well as where the hunters hunt. The territory extends down to the foot of the mountain, and there it stops, for beyond stretches a sprawling clearing of grassland extends as far as the eye can see, and a desert, where dangers lurk.

Pride History
It was said that there were always lions who dwelled in these mountains. The dense forest covering it concealed them, and they dare not leave for the grassy terrain beyond, for spirits, herby called 'The Fates,' held them there, bound to the land and their whim.

For many countless generations they lived and thrived, learning how to live in harmony with their otherworldly masters, albeit not without their fair share of hardship and tragedy. A plague, a rockslide, fire.... They had seen it all, and then some.

It was said that every now and again a lion would be born who was given favor by the Fates, and blessed with the ability to hear or see visions granted to them by those same spirits. Always seeking to appease the Fates, these lions and lionesses were much revered in the pride. They would come to dictate almost every action, translating the wishes of the Fates to those less blessed.

Over time, these Soothsayers would come to enjoy their luxurious prestige and turn it in to an art - fortune tellers, bone-readers, all sorts of mysticism erupted. Some found less than honest means of work. From this advent came the election of an Augur - the master Soothsayer, who was to be the most powerful and intelligent of all. The Augur was to ensure that the Soothsayers did their job honestly. Over time, the advanced abilities of the Augur would see to it that they became the right-paw of the Emperor and Empress.

The Soothsayers made sure that the pride was living in harmony with the Fates. Balance was maintained, and life was wonderful.

Then one night a powerful storm shook the mountain. When daylight dawned, the pride found that a large portion of it had sunk down in to the ground (Massive sinkhole) creating a great valley sheltered on all sides by steep cliff facings. The Augur declared that this place was a sacred place, given to them by the Fates. The river that ran through the mountains had created a water fall, and over a long period of time the water cleared into a pristine quality, grass grew lush and thick, and a great tree rose in the center.

Many years and many rulers have come and gone since that night. The pride has lived in harmony, but now the daughter of the God of Scars has come. Can that harmony last, or will she be their undoing? Will the pride forever be ruled by fate, or can they break free and learn that fate is in their paws?



Dulcet Scarface


Dulcet Scarface

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:17 am
Ranks Highest to Lowest:

Emperor/Emperess - The leaders of the pride. 'Nough said. Children of the royal leaders are given no special title, but are given extra consideration for higher ranks, as they not only are the royal's offspring, but have been given the best education out of all the pride's youth. (0/2)

Augur - Always a seer. Head of the Soothsayer's. Generally serves the royalty in an advisory role and works closely with them. Also a religious official who heads all ceremonies such as birth, marriage, and sacrifices. Interpretes things as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action. They are the ones who REALLY run the pride. (1/1)

Master/Governess - Responsible for teaching the royal youth, as well as the head of the Mentors, making sure they teach the other cubs what they are supposed to, as well as advising them if they need help dealing with their young charges. (0/2)

Soothsayer - Rank is only open to seers! They use their powers to answer the questions of those who come to ask them about the past, future, or maybe even present. Depending on the seer's personal abilities, how they go about this can be different from lion/ess to lion/ess. Some choose to play this role to the fullest with mysticism and showy-ness, which is encouraged as they are often called upon for entertainment at royal events. (0/Unlimited)

General - Leader of the pride's military! They are not only strong warriors, but cunning strategists! Each general has their own division of the soldiers that they lead and instruct. They are generally older and quite experienced and respected. (0/4)

Soldier - The pride's military. They have many jobs, from patrolling the borders, to training young recruits. They are the strongest of the pride. The soldiers are divided in to quarters and get their orders from their respective General. There are packs of hyenas and wild dogs that would seek to enter the forest and fountain home, and it is the soldier's jobs to prevent this, for they are thought to be the pawns of the evil fates. Another job is to, occasionally, venture out beyond the forest, grassland, and desert, to bring new blood to the pride.(0/Unlimited)

Hunter/ess - Responsible for procuring food for the entire pride! They might be one of the lowest ranks, but they are definitely the most important! Default rank. (0/Unlimited)

Mentor - Trains the cubs from the time they are old enough to be away from mum, up until adulthood. They teach them everything from stalking, pouncing, hunting, to pride customs, ceremony, and history. (0/10)

Youth - All cubs/adols.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:20 am

Coming of Age:
When a lion/ess is at the cusp of adulthood, they are sent to spend a moon completely alone in the forest (no matter what rank they are taking.) Just them and 'the spirits,' who are thought to test them during this time.
When they return, they are to report to the tree in the basin, where they will be expected by the Augur, who will then 'read' them to see how they were viewed by the spirits. This will be determined by a 20-sided dice roll;

Cursed Soul = 1
Scorned Soul = 2-3
Ignored Soul = 4-5
Average Soul = 5-10
Watched Soul = 11-13
Favored Soul = 14-15
Extremely Favored Soul = 16-17
Protected Soul = 18-19
Blessed Soul = 20

Because inbreeding is a big concern for the pride, marriage is very important to them! The pride doesn't want lots of half-siblings running around, as that makes finding a mate more difficult for younger generations!
Arranged marriages are common.
Once a pair is married, they are married for life, so OOCly, you need to be aware that there are no divorces! If your partner leaves or you two can't get along... Well, I'd like to say too bad, but we'll see if we can't wrk something out. Once.
In the event of unmarried breedings, the couple is expected to either wed, or be exiled once the cubs are weaned. The cubs stay with the pride. This is the pair's punishment.

Needless to say, flings are not permitted, except under one exception;
that you are a female solder out to gather new blood for the pride, and return pregnant. This can either be a regular fling, or a rogue fling, but most smart lionesses say that there is no father, and that it was the fates that blessed them to return to the pride with this new blood. wink Only a Soothsayer would be able to prove them otherwise, unless the father some how turned up, which is unlikely.

The ceremony itself is simple. The couple sets up a time with the Augur, and the pride is gathered in the basin, beneath the tree. The Augur speaks to the gathering, introducing the couple. The couple presents the Augur with a live rabbit (rabbits are seen as symbols of fertility among the pride, since they um....are such frequent reproducers..) and the rabbit is then sacrificed by the Augur and then they dip their paw in the rabbit's blood, then leaves their paw print on the shoulder of both bride and groom, asking the fate's blessing, and officially declaring them mates.

When the cubs open their eyes the parents are to arrange for the Augur to bless them as soon as possible. This blessing is done by bringing the cubs before the pool in the basin, with the Augur. The Augur dips each one in to the water, 'washing away evil' and such. It is purely a superstitious thing, and not necessary at all, but most long-standing pride members will have it done. Others kinda see it as 'better safe than sorry.'


Festival of the Royales
Always happens on the anniversary of the royal's crowning. Date changes with regime changes! A grand sacrifice ritual is held to thank the good fates for protecting them (the royals,) and placate the bad spirits in hopes of keeping the royalty safe from harm. There is feasting and verbally thanking the spirits, and leaving smaller personal offerings.

Ides of Fate
Happens in March. Considered the start of the new year by the pride. Sacrifice is made and examined by the Augur who will relay what the new year has in store. Depending on what they see, the rest of the festival can either be jovial, or somber. There is feasting and generally much revelry as events from the past year are recounted. The good fates are thanked for their protection the past year, and the bad spirits are pleaded to for mercy in the coming year. Again, there is feasting and verbally thanking the spirits, and leaving smaller personal offerings.

Dance of the Fates
It is well known that in July a lot of magical things happen in the sky. (This is true OOCly too!) Many meteor showers can be seen during this month, but to the pride, these are physical manifestations of the fates, and believe that for each of these fallen lights, a Soothsayer is born.
This is a month of celebrating birth. Many couples in the pride will wither marry on this month, or hope for a litter to be born! Celebrations are held at night, when the whole pride gathers in the basin and feasts, while watching the meteor showers. It's very romantic.


How to Join

Option A: Join as an existing member. To do this, the lion/ess must have no relatives/children! Pretty much a blank slate. These characters have always been a part of the pride! Always open.

Option B: Stumble upon the pride alone, but arrive half-dead. Lion/ess can have relatives/children/doesn't have to be a blank slate. Rare.

Option C: OOCly A couple of times a year joining will be opened, while ICly a band of soldiers will be sent out to search for recruits, as designated by the Augur. These are the only times mass joining will be allowed. Your lion/ess will be a part of these recruits brought back to the pride! Simple as that! Lion/ess can have relatives/children/doesn't have to be a blank slate.  


Dulcet Scarface


Dulcet Scarface

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:24 am
Member List

Emperor: CONTEST
Emperess: CONTEST

Augur: Naht






PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:22 am
Okay, so there isn't much here right now, but you are welcome to post!  


Dulcet Scarface


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:00 pm
-posts because is welcome to do so-
I'll probably toss a few critters in here >3>

-tosses Chuma Ua in-
User Image
He's a seer so the Soothsayer rank would be best for him. He's...basically a hippie XD And he's been collecting dust in my journal since I got him so he shall go in this pride!  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:25 pm
This looks interesting! I might have a girly who will work well in here actually.  


Shy Prophet


Dulcet Scarface

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:43 pm
Awesome! I'm glad to see some interest, and if anyone else has any ideas for the pride, I am open to them! =D

So far things are a little Rome-Greek nodding, with the whole 'fates, soothsayer and ides of march' thing, but it's not a glaring thing. I'd like for them to be a fairly normal lion pride, but also very superstitious regarding fate and karma.

I'd say all familiar are welcome, and klippies would probably be common since they are in a mountain Basin.

The scar thing started when Naht, daughter of the God of scars met her and guided her to the pride. Being the daughter of a God, she was immediately taken in as augur. The previous augur is not happy about this so.... Plot! Yay!  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:01 pm
Yes, I am all about everything in here.  

bipolar bee

Alien Kitten

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Dulcet Scarface

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:44 pm
I filled in some more information and changes some things around. Feel free to toss some ides, ask questions, anything. =3  
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 11:18 am


Dulcet Scarface


Dulcet Scarface

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:51 pm
PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:55 am
Once again, reviving this concept, and looking for someone to help me run it into the ground because I'm terrible at running things, but have ALL THE IDEAS.  


Dulcet Scarface

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