Stealing this format from Kishi Bojin. I will run only one game,

Pokemon- As of the rules found here

Deck of 52 -
Trainer Level: 1
Pokemon: 3 Level: First pokemon level 10(Has to be a starter from one of the five generations) and a Second and third pokemon can be any non-legendary(can have baby moves) Level 7 and 5
Players: 1-8
Player work involved: Sprite or Tektek created image of Character, Journal of Character and pokemon need to be kept.
Expected Game Length: Short-Long Depends on Player involvement and forgiveness.

You won a ticket for an all expenses paid trip on the beautiful S.S. Anne! Pack your bags for 3 weeks fun on the Ocean! This will be a trip you will not soon forget!


Level: 15
Players: 1-3
Good For: Beginners or someone who just wants to play a quick game
Expected Game Length: Short

((work on the rest tonight))