Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:35 am
It's pretty lonesome down here, but I've already had my share of social interactions while serving the Republic most of my life!
Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:57 pm
Helllllooooo, I never been down here before. ninja
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:25 am
ozkur Helllllooooo, I never been down here before. ninja Well, it's probably because I put up all these signs that tell whipper-snappers to stay off my lawn. Chances are likely that you have now reached an age at which you are no longer considered a whipper-snapper, but have become one of those folks with whom I might remark "Back in our day" while reminiscing about how much better things were in the past. I really didn't want to grow up to be the cranky old codger who yelled at whipper-snappers to stay off of his lawn. I wanted to be the cranky old codger who remarked that he could tell how the weather was going to turn based entirely upon the throbbing sensation he experienced in his knees from an old football injury back in his heyday. However, since I have never received an injury, nor played football, nor have the required knees to feel the throbbing in, I was stuck yelling at the whipper-snappers to stay off of a non-existent lawn down here in the Basement. I have an idea, though. Since you've reached beyond the age of the whipper-snapper and are travelling into the codger age, perhaps you could be the one who remarks, "We sure needed it." or "It helps the corn grow and keeps the pollen out of the air." when somebody points out that it has been raining for two weeks straight. I would have chosen that as one of my options, if I had known it existed, but, alas, I have chosen my destiny and I shall endure unto the end.
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:38 pm
Oppo Rancisis ozkur Helllllooooo, I never been down here before. ninja Well, it's probably because I put up all these signs that tell whipper-snappers to stay off my lawn. Chances are likely that you have now reached an age at which you are no longer considered a whipper-snapper, but have become one of those folks with whom I might remark "Back in our day" while reminiscing about how much better things were in the past. I really didn't want to grow up to be the cranky old codger who yelled at whipper-snappers to stay off of his lawn. I wanted to be the cranky old codger who remarked that he could tell how the weather was going to turn based entirely upon the throbbing sensation he experienced in his knees from an old football injury back in his heyday. However, since I have never received an injury, nor played football, nor have the required knees to feel the throbbing in, I was stuck yelling at the whipper-snappers to stay off of a non-existent lawn down here in the Basement. I have an idea, though. Since you've reached beyond the age of the whipper-snapper and are travelling into the codger age, perhaps you could be the one who remarks, "We sure needed it." or "It helps the corn grow and keeps the pollen out of the air." when somebody points out that it has been raining for two weeks straight. I would have chosen that as one of my options, if I had known it existed, but, alas, I have chosen my destiny and I shall endure unto the end. *grumbles floating over by him and smacks him with her parasol* Don't lie to that little hellion you old codger! You don't have any knees!
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 5:01 am
Actually, I'm only just exploring, no partying for me... yum_coffee