I have an idea for a possible roleplay, but it does need a bit of work, and I would definitely need somebody to roleplay with. I actually have two ideas, so I'll list them both. If you're interested, reply to this thread or just PM me.

Idea 1
This idea involves lamias and naga (you know, half-snake people. Google them if you really have no idea what I'm talking about). The female lamia, who would be played by me, lives in a dangerous world where any day, big strong naga (and just to clear it up, I kind of treat lamia as the females and naga as the males of the same species) from distant villages could show up and attack. It is also very common for the strongest of the men to go out into the village and hunt down victims to turn into slaves, either to serve them or just to take back to their rulers. The best way to do this, of course, is to seduce them and hypnotize them into being their slaves. Nagas and lamias are both very seductive creatures, having all sorts of special abilities (the most fun of which are probably spiraling and glowing eyes), and so this usually ends up being a great deal of fun for whoever is doing the brainwashing. The naga would come into the village and find my character trying desperately to hide or flee, and he decides she is everything he has ever wanted, and she's decided that there is no way in hades she is letting herself get caught and turned into a slave.

Idea 2
It's a futuristic worlds, a little post-apocalyptic, a little bit like the Hunger Games I guess you could say (and every other book or movie now set in that kind of setting). My character would be a girl living out in some run-down sort of village or district, but she is incredibly intelligent, and she is starting to cause some riots and problems for the government. They decide to intervene and have kidnapped, drugged, and wiped from existence. They turn her over to a crazy scientist like guy who is conducting secret illegal human experiments, everything from giving people animal-like characteristics or traits to turning them into cyborgs to testing out crazy kinds of drugs to breaking them down and turning them into mindless slaves, stripped of all personality and free will.