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A Male & Female pokmeon

Unused space on a pokelot.

Compatibility Rate (use 1d20 - This must be done first & by the owner of the pokelot)

Roll of 20 - 16 will equal high compatibility.

Roll of 15 - 10 will be medium compatibility.

Roll of 9 - 5 will be low compatibility.

Roll of 4 -1 means that the pokemon will not breed together.
(you will have to wait a week to continue this again)

Breeding Rolls (Uses 2d20 - both pokemon need to be rolled for)

The two pokemon will start breeding, but whether it will bare anything is determine by dice rolls.

The closer the two dice rolls are together, the more likely they are to be successful, and depending on the compatibility will determine how close the rolls must be.

So for high compatibility - the dice rolls can be ten or less apart for it to be successful.

For medium compatibility - the dice roll can be 5 or less apart and it be successful.

And for low compatibility- a dice roll that is 1 apart or equal rolls will be successful.

This is also effective by where the two partner pokemon come from and their species.


Same Species, Different Trainers (Partnership or Traded): +5 to close the differences

Different Species, Different Trainers (Partnership or Traded): + 3 close the differences

Same Species, Same Trainer: +3 to close the differences

Difference Species, Same Trainer: +1 to close the differences
(All failed Breedings will result in the lost of 1 day, and depending on the area ...the requirement of food/water being used by both pokemon)

Identifying the Egg (2d100)

1d100 roll will determine species, and this is determine by a 1d100 roll and by the male. So, let's take for example: Absol ...50% female and 50% male, which means if you mate him with a Growlithe ...the 1 -50 will be a Absol, while the 51 - 100 will be a Growlithe that hatches from that egg.

Thus, there is an equal chance of both pokemon coming from his bloodline. As for whether the pokemon is male or female a dice is roll in the OCC area, and it also 1-100 with ...female being decided from a 100 down and the male coming from 1 up.

Finally takes two weeks for a female to be able to breed again after a successful egg is produced. This is 1 week real time.