Please share this story with people, print out the post, share the video on your facebook, myspace, twiitter ..... and help a family find an answer, some peace and quiet. And just put yourself in their shoes if your kids went missing, or you were missing wouldnt you want to know at least someone missed you.
I know alot of people from all over might read this, there was a guy who went missing 3 years ago from knoxville TN USA, His parents are still looking for him, and i'm just trying to help them to find him. He was a classmate of mine. is a link to his story
And here is a poster
If you see anyone who looks like him, even out of the state of Tennessee, please call the local police depo, or knoxville police with info.
I know this isnt the Type of place to put this and i dont know if he might ever come across this or if he is dead or alive. i just know if my parents were looking for me for 3 years without stoping i'd hope people would try to help find me.
his name is Derek Funk, he was 19 when he went missing but now would be more like 21 or 22, his car was a 1996 white ford truck him the plate number 422-hhj from Knox county Tennessee.
And i hope this post helps the family ( also tell me if the links dont work)
there is the link to his fb group. if you have info on him, want to show support or just want more info on his case .