So! It's officially open!
blaugh There are some house rules to pay attention to, regarding speed (athletics now benefits speed, mostly), but resilience gives passive health (although not active resistances) and armor gives passive benefits by reducing damage done to the user, rather then subtracting from rolls (like defense).
There are a number of new merits, skills, and factions to pay attention to, but the basics have mostly been put down; for more information, you may think about acquiring the book, through multiple means.
ninja Some of the information has been changed, by me, in house rules, the most notable being that the "archery" skill does not replace the firearm skill and that the "ride" does not replace driving; rather, archery is incorporated into firearms so that the firearm skill may apply to cross bows and various thrown weapons, etc.
The computer skill has been completely replaced by the warfare skill, which has limited functions, most in conjunction with investigation and perception.
Basic character creations for ideas are
here, and you start off with 10 experience points.
Things to remember are that certain advantages can result as being a part of a faction; the Legion of the Dead, for example, may purchase Resources, Fighting Style, Mentor and Retainer Merits at half the normal experience cost (rounding up).
Besides that, most everything else is in the WoD books, including the armory and vampire book; however, more information on
equipment has been outlined and, many of the fighting styles in the armory books, or other merits with specific names or histories (such as the "spetsnaz knife fighting) may be used despite not having knowledge of said history (the names are mostly cosmetic anyways, as the spetsnaz knife fighting merit doesn't, for example, provide any real specialized spetsnaz knife fighting technique, and is more or less basic knife fighting), and the "two-weapon merit" may work with a shield.
So, yeah!
I hope everything goes alright and you have fun!