Yes and no When it comes to spontaneity and divine casters its always been Wis. AND Cha. the reason for this is Spontaneous casting is linked more to Cha. and Divine is linked to Wis. but I will say a few things mistake on my part number one is what glitterboy pointed out while reading and typing from other lists of divine spontaneous casters I made the mistake of typing Favored soul there. As well as on the area where the bonus spells are I put Charisma when it should have been Wisdom.
I will up date that after this post. As well as I will add the Divine Health guess I didn't transfer that.

In no way even if you were a Were-creature would your Charisma be affected, I see no problem leaving this spell casting like many of the other spontaneous divine spell casters.

Glitterboy I have no problem with your help to answer in fact it allows me to see if people are following the thought proses I was. Your question as well follows my thought proses BUT I will have to leave it with a resounding No.
The reason I didn't list alternative wereforms, while I had given it grave thought is it would give it much advantage over other classes too much in fact. This shaman class actually combines a little bit of combat into the characters style but given the spells and the Medium BAB I would say its a preaty beastly class as is. To give a fighter the ability to remain underwater with out the use of magic items racial abilities or spells would be almost the equvilant to allowing the class to chose other forms. The forms are more defined then that of a Druids wildshape because it isn't wild shape its a power that works like it. And while you may be come a shark as a Druid you have to spend a feat to use spells.
(And I believe this will answer one of Yurro's questions.) The fact that the Hybrid form of a Were-creature still has hands and speach it doesn't hinder casting at all this already makes it more powerful then wildshape in this respect so limited the shaping is the only way to go. As well the shaman gains no real draw back aside form clothing and gear melding into them though out all the levels. As well as the HD remains balanced but remember you are Improving the scores of the shaman itself not changing them to the new forms. This means if you were to turn in to a lion as a druid of 5th level you would have a 21 Str., 17 Dex, and 15 Con but no use of spells and powers this means that every time you turn into a lion you always get those stats. But in the Shamans case you get a improvement to your already existing score so a Shaman of 5th level with a 16 Str. 17 dex and 13 con could become a Hybrid werewolf and have a 18 Str., 21 Dex and 17 con. Compared these scores would be more favored in most cases, plus no hindrance to spells. That's why there is no other wereforms options as well as the ability to turn animal would have also been a huge advantage.

Yurro: Aside from what I answered above I continue with you answers here.

Alignment restrictions really makes sense and was debated I actually wanted to hear peoples ideas on it so I will just leave it as you think it should be like a druids. Makes sense to me as well especially of the final level.

Arc is right other were-creatures existed in 3.0 as well as in 3.5 there is actually more if you dig deep enough. As stated giving them the ability to transform into a were-creature suited for the environment would be a little too advantageous for the class.

Natural Spell would no longer be needed as the wereform transforms you into a Hybrid form of the creature only and in this form you may use weapons or cast spells with somatic components because you have hands and in no way does it hinder your speech. So it would be a worthless feat to take.

Were creature affliction Alright first things first, when you are an afflicted were-creature a few things happen. First you can only be afflicted by a Natural Lycanthrope, most are Actually afflicted themselves and can't pass on the curse. Saying you happen to be bit by a natural one you are in danger of assuming the alignment of the were-creature and changing involuntarily they can't always control it.
This actually is something many people don't read up on the afflicted Were-creatures browse though it it may be no picnic for you character as well as if there is an Alignment restriction and you no longer are with in its bounds you could lose some major stuff and depending it may be hard to get back.

Moving on form there I would agree that someone gaining the werebear form would go for the limited version and this is also no for someone that is already a where creature. Remember that a DM allowing you to become a afflicted my not be familiar with the mechanics or may want to run it there way in that case you would have to talk to them about this first.
Hopefully you are not running into a band of Lycanthropes at low enough levels to be failing a DC 15 fort. But even more the Divine Heath that was left out actually guards the Shaman form those diseases in the event of a failure.

Inevitably it may happen. And no one said that you would have to stay in the class after you gain them nothing changes you are just a Werebear that can also change into a Werewolf for a short period in the day and a number of times per day. Also remember that Afflicted were-creatures are a +2 LA which could be a big jump for a DM to allow someone to add during game play with out some means of getting rid of it.

Hope that helped clear up questions so far if not keep them coming.