Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:47 pm
Manifesto of an anti-paradigm activist. By: Taylor Towler Latest version: October 13th, 2009
No, I can't prove that my arguments are true. That is for you process through your own train of logic and decide whether or not you agree, not even whether or not it's true. That whole thing began as one my rants about hating those that control and those that allow themselves to be controlled; I will become neither.
Keep these questions in mind as you read this; If you agree to the point of “Wow, that’s how I think put into words” why do you think that? How did you come to that conclusion? If you disagree on anything, on what specific point(s), why, how did you come to that conclusion? Got me caught on any grammar?
To my naysayers; I have this simple argument. “There is a distinct difference between believing nothing exists and believing that there is no accurate way for an individual to know that his perceptions are accurate.
Aanswer me this, 'Have we perfected the study of study (the study of perception)?' If we haven't, how can we ever know we are correct?” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There are too many people causing too many problems, and there's not enough love to go around." - Disturbed How is love born? Understanding. Why is it, then, that friends turn into lovers (in other words affection turns into love, being the retorting argument)? Because friendship and/or affection brings down the walls that you hide certain parts of yourself behind, allowing the other person to truly know what goes on inside your head. Is affection still not a factor, however? No, it is not. Ask yourself this; does affection always lead to love? Does true understanding?
However, we have yet another incredibly monumental immovable wall in our way; called ignorance, for ignorance blinds the theoretical eyes from truly comprehending the subject at hand, which will surely have a vast impact on its interpretation. True understanding of a topic, not mere surface knowledge of how to utilize it is born from understanding its many interpretations and/or methods, which cannot be done if you are ignorant of every other interpretation/method from the one in which you believe. "You must let it all go Neo. Doubt. Fear." - Morpheus, The Matrix I say that in all seriousness, as well, as the forefathers of ignorance yet are doubt and fear, for it is fear of change, and essentially being wrong that keeps many of us from being skeptical of every day fact/belief, and doubt that anything else is correct that makes us believe so in what we have been taught! And so, it begins with doubt and fear, and from there the world will snowball into being the people we should, and need, to be (need if we wish continue the existence of our race [and/or its future 'evolutions'] until the end of the universe, and possible beyond).
But wait; this one I’ll let you consider the implications of yourself. What are the forefathers even yet of doubt and fear? In other words, what enables us to be able to do those things? Blame. Having something to blame enables those feelings like 5 bucks gets a crackhead a rock.
The intellectual bounds forward that will happen upon the large removal of ignorance from our world are too immense for a mind like Steven Hawking's to consider; that would be like Democtritus predicting what our technology is like today. The cultural bounds forward that will happen upon the large removal of ignorance from our world are too immense for a mind like Freud’s or Niezsche’s to consider; that would be like Homer predicting what our society is like today. The harmony that will ensue thereafter will be immense. I speak of what sounds like a fantasy land yes, and I can only hope to see the world like this one day, but I am confident that I can set it on the “right” course. “Those who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Society has little, if any, impact on how we think.
Why is it, then, that people from different parts of the world are so incredibly diverse and yet as a whole in each country, and to a more specific level (pertaining to the following statement), region, they follow the same general set of rules? How is it that this could happen, if the butterfly effect of the people around you as well as the institution and all of its products, if society was not a huge factor in our lives? Society does, in as much fact as I believe to exist, make a vastly powerful push (through brute force) to make us think within a certain mindset.
How does it go about this force? First and foremost fundamentally, our memory is what enables us to build up who we are. It enables us to learn; to build up the prejudices that we call common sense, which in turn becomes the fundamentals of our personality, our morals, and our logic (as well as many other things that are out of my scope of knowledge, mindset, and time to write). Without memory, aka the ability to learn, we would never be able to build up a database of knowledge about the consequences of certain paths of reaction to every kind of stimuli we can process. Therefore, without our uncanny ability to remember things and process information in many ways, we would not have deep personalities, we would not have the ability to be creative, we would not have the analytical, resourceful, constructive, dynamic, associative logic we possess.
What's my point? Society is the only factor that dictates our interpretation of memory (when culture, sub-culture, and environment are factored in; environment being the only somewhat separate factor in my mind). It is beyond the scope of this writing to describe how this works in detail (in great detail, beyond the scope of my knowledge), however institution defines how we think about and associate things (society being it's product). It's what makes a chair a chair, red an intense color, blue a serene one, the government what's in place to protect and help us. In essence, it guides us to following certain paths of reaction to stimuli, as well as influencing greatly our feelings about the consequences of those actions. As such, our many levels of environment, the largest (it's [society's] products being our laws, our media, our defining religion) and the smallest (it's [our home live's] products being [more so influential, but not greatly than society] our morals, our logic).
To conclude, I will define why is this interpretation so important? It makes memories different to everyone; but when the interpretation itself is being influenced, it makes for a quite powerful factor in results of the interpretation, our memories, which in turn define who we are. And, as I'm sure if you had the capability to gather the true meaning of my words (not their face value), who are defines how we think. That is why, and how, society forces us to think a certain way. It is only a strong natural curiosity coupled with a at least moderately influential stimuli, that allow one to move their thoughts through the formidable walls society defines for us. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reality is nothing besides what we make of it. Period. This computer is real to me, no? My dad walking into the room is real for me, no? The house, street, town, county, state, country, continent, world in which I live are all real to me, right? Actually they aren't (getting into that in a few paragraphs), but my point is that, my senses and therefore (on a level) thoughts tell me they are. Why aren't they? Because my world consists of the below, the realization that nothing is real to everyone.
The world is just one big game of chess; people's feelings and individuality don't exist to a corrupt politician; am I wrong? The world is filled with monsters and "people out to get" a schizophrenic; incorrect? The world is a playground to a criminal; affirmative? Someone living in a third-world country might think that, while they don't get as much luxury as many others, their life is good (because of family, that they have what they need, etc.), prove me wrong!
Point being, reality (as a whole) doesn't exist. Reality is not one thing; the world is not 'as it is'. Reality is what each and every individual makes of it; reality is only a perception of how you want to see things. It isn't even really a perception of how things really are for most people, as most people's minds are severely clouded by the prejudice, generalizations, and most of all facts that are constantly pounded into their heads since they've been born. In other words; our thoughts, our visions, our senses, are filtered by society. And that filtering depicts what reality is to us; whether life is just one big game, 'the grind' (office/factory life), or a world of opportunity (which it is, but for many of those opportunity you must reach prerequisites).
Again, reality is only what we make of it (through perception; just like truth, and moreover, fact).
Fact, truth, reality, etc. only (only) exist within a certain perception. Sure, our world is earth, home, to us. That's a fact, right? Key words there were 'to us' because then if we get an alien (which we are conceited to think we are the only intelligent life in all of the universe, my only point outside of Ruby's) looking down, is it called Earth anymore? Is it home anymore? Is it even capable of supporting life anymore? Most likely, no. Sure, our math is a precise, correct, 'good' form of measurement. However; it's based off of a 4-d(imensional), forward + back, left + right, up + down, time) world. What if there's another concept thrown in there, like per say atoms (or strings, string theory) only interact with other atoms (or strings) while vibrating within a certain band width of frequency. Is our math precise, accurate, correct, then? LOLOL HELL NO.
I could write a list of examples as long as the Britannian encyclopedia printed onto paper, but I think my point is sufficiently proven. Fact, truth, reality, etc. only (only) exist within a certain perception.
How do you define good and bad? Good and evil? You do it by a set of preset rules, created all your life since birth. In the former; the luxuries you're used to. Maybe a straw cot 'ugh, home sweet home, and bed nonetheless!' to someone living in a third world country, but then you get someone from America going 'you want me to sleep on that!?!?!?'. Etc. etc. etc., as far as tastes of foods, other people’s actions go. In the latter; the morals the society in which you live have taught you. Ritual sacrifice was perfectly OK for the Mayans, in fact, even necessary. Is that acceptable anywhere in the world today? HELL NO. Point being; Fact, truth, reality, etc. only (only) exist within a certain perception.
God; exists in the perception that there 'must' be something that made us, that controls us, that keeps us from destroying ourselves. A fabrication of the weak for comfort, IMO. Religion, a manipulation of the above for power and money. Philosophies on life are what religion tricks people into thinking it is through use of 'oh we'll help you, oh we'll comfort you, oh everything will be okay because we're here'.
Aliens, dragons, giant sea serpents, harpies; hell, elves, dwarves, goblins; don't exist, in the perception that we haven't seen them; they haven't directly contacted us, why should we think there's more out there? Pure conceited, box minded, stupidity IMO. The universe is huge, that the conditions that created us have so many chances to exist in the endless sea of probabilities that is space, that it is much more likely that some form of intelligence exists somewhere other than here rather than not. Reality exists only within each person’s perception.
"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That’s how people define reality. But what does it mean to be correct or true? Merely vague concepts… Their reality may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply live in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?" - Ruby Correct, we live our lives bound by what is rammed into our heads from birth, as, from birth, the human mind is absolutely 'programmable'. We all live in our little worlds.
Take a while; in fact, many whiles consisting of many hours of thought to look at how many things are the fabrication of a clouded perception. I promise; you'll find an incredibly vast amount of most see as fact, truth, or reality to be so.
Fact, truth, reality, etc. only (only) exist within a certain perception.
Please, I beg of you, remove the prejudice, generalization, and most of all concept of fact from your minds. If I had just given this speech of sorts in person, I would literally get down on my knees, plead, and kiss your shoes even if you had just kicked me in the teeth, to do the above. Mind you, I'm a person that is absolutely unwilling to compromise himself for anyone for any reason. Why? People's blindness and ignorance are destroying society more and more every instant (every nano second of a nano second, if you will), and, while I hate (with a burning passion) and am sickened by (I've ran to the bathroom twice thinking I was about to puke while writing this) society and how utterly stupid, bigoted, and closed to 'new' concepts people are, I'm a part of it too, and so I love it. P.S. Yes, it is possible to hold multiple opposing opinions at the same time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Society lacks many things we need to properly function without 'big brother' looking over our shoulders. This will be a list, as it is very difficult for even someone who thinks like me (processing each and every raw fact through a complex train of logic that is as without prejudice, generalization or fact as the human form allows) to, first of all compute the raw qualities of what of I speak of, and much more so to pick them apart and explain how we came to them. The explanation will come soon, the picking apart of them... that's another few hundred or thousand hours of thought as deep as what it took for me to come to these conclusions in the first place; that may come in months or years, maybe never. Respect, most of all. The ability to perceive from perceptions that are not our own, or our most used. Honesty. (Honesty can exist in a world without fact or reality; for my definition of honesty is being as true to yourself as is possible) Responsibility. Well, this was a lot shorter than I thought it would be, but it's mostly all encompassing. Ponder this deeply, look at why the 'crimes' that are committed are committed. I'm sure you'll find that the vast majority of it boils down to the above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Religion is the destruction of society; the root of why we lost what we need. Religion (especially Christianity), is very similar to Greek mythology. Both worship gods who judge us. In mythology mortals prayed for good harvest, safe voyage, ECT. .and, if you disobeyed the gods you would be punished. Philosophies on life? Great. Religion? Pure idiocy, besides on the part of those who created it for money and power. Oftentimes, people don't have the ability to be who they want to, as we've been conditioned to conformity for thousands of years since the birth of religion as people were basically told "you live your life this way, or you go to hell/don't get to leave earth/become a lesser life form etc.” Because they were told in such a way, many people followed without thinking about it; blind conformity. I mean s**t, I'm not saying I wouldn't have if I had lived back then, I'm not saying they were wrong to, not my point. And so, if someone could blindly conform to living their life a certain by one powerful message, who's to say that the way they live can't be changed by a million tiny ones? Or a thousand small ones? Or that a thousand tiny ones can't be the beginning on a new hobby, or mannerism, or change to a different path of logic? Or that that hobby or mannerism or path of logic won't lead on to more? That, is how religion destroyed society, for it then gave the government the power to make people listen by saying 'You listen to us, or you go to jail; you join us, or the neighboring countries army kills you, you don't join us, you live in poverty etc.'. And so, after thousands of years of conditioning to conform came the media; the perfect tool for control. It constantly makes the tiniest suggestions, with things in the background on the TV, or key words on the radio etc; and because your brain records every last thing you feel with any of your senses (a better memory means you can access it easier) each one of those suggestions changes you just a little bit. Again, that my friends, is how religion destroyed society; by opening us up to things that people want to make us believe for their own benefit, which is also, often times; our detriment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can we change what religion, government, and media have done to us? Can't you see what we've become? The vast majority of us are no different from animals, because the one thing that separates us from them is our ability to come up with new ideas, and our ability to do so is currently clouded by delusions of prejudice, generalization, and 'fact' making us no different than the ants beneath our feet, for the vast majority of parts.
1. Look at everything from ALL relevant viewpoints...
- at the big picture - At an animal’s way of seeing things - At other people's way of seeing things - At a man in space's way of seeing things - Even from the viewpoint of an inanimate object
Relevant DOES NOT mean from the points that twist things into being the way you want them; it means every possible perspective from the hardest to grasp (intellectually and emotionally) to those who have .0000000000001% influence on the situation. If it can have an effect, it's relevant.
2. Remember, NEVER EVER believe something because...
- Your government tells you it's true - Your school teaches it you - Note: What is the method of quieting rebellion/overall opposition to the government? Words, making people believe what they say/do are the truth and our best option. What does the government control absolutely? What we learn in school! - Your parents molded your mind into believing it as a young child - The WORLD tells you its true ONLY because it has been PROVEN to you that it's true.
3. Remember, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FACT (within our theoretical 'eyes'). That's right, NEVER.
- Fact is something we have to define, to define you have to use word, and word can be twisted any which way. Therefore, fact does not exist. - In other words; “What you say can and will be misquoted and used against you in the court of law” - Trevor Giddings - No matter what, there is always one way of looking at a fact that makes it false. - On the same note, any "fact" can be put in any light to make it mean anything you want it to. - How can we ever know what really is absolute and what isn't? - How can we even know that our instruments of interpretation are accurate? - No, this can not be proven through concrete evidence, but through logic, I should think that you will find it to be as true as is possible for anything to ever be.
4. Try to change something that you believe isn't right and is important to you (and you alone)...
- Ask yourself, will anything change if you don't? No, it won't. - Ask yourself, will the level of how much it bothers you remain the same and/or decline, or will it fester inside o you until it boils over? The latter. You do not EVER just let things be unless you want to lead an unsatisfactory life filled with depression and mental illness.
5. Think about how others feel...
- AND CARE about how they feel - AND don't just care, FEEL how they feel.
6. Don't worry...
- If there's nothing, absolutely nothing, not the slightest little thing, you can do about a problem, stop being a b***h, don't worry about it, and just push it completely out of your mind. If there's nothing, absolutely nothing, not the slightest little thing, you can do about a problem until tomorrow, stop being a b***h, don't worry about it, and just push it completely out of your mind... Until tomorrow, at which point, you do worry about it (and do something about it), not today.
7. There is no future; from our standpoint.
-You can't define something made up of so many factors; therefore, it does not exist. -Because there is no future, you might as well express your feelings now, as you might not have the chance to tomorrow. Not to mention, being open isn't people's issue; it's being closed, for one day those emotions you 'closed off' will explode from their 'container' and the 'shards' will hurt much more than merely sharing pain, happiness, or thoughts with a friend. -Gravity could fade, a comet could hit earth, a new bacteria not affected by antibiotics could spread, some freak you did nothing but look at could find and murder you.
8. Keep your skull thin, but dense...
-Always be open to listen to other's opinions, and don't be a bigot about it, even if you disagree. - Be open to new concepts, and especially those that change the views that you already have, but don't believe something just because someone told you to (only because it's been proven to you), and don't be a bigot.
9. Remember the only true wisdom may be to realize how little we, even as a whole, truly know, but the only true intelligence is to realize that our current methods are likely to be the most efficient and/or best way of understanding and utilizing (not to mention using as a launching pad to develop new methods), yet the only way the maximum advancement and a truly intellectual train of thought can exist is if you remain skeptical of everything on a level that is somewhat more than minute.
- You'll never know the smallest section of any area, as there are so many things that apply to anything, on a small or large scale. - You'll never be perfectly correct. - Humans as a whole will never know the smallest section of everything.
Slave and Master Morality “Slave-morality, in contrast, comes about as a reaction to master-morality. Nietzsche associates slave-morality with the Jewish and Christian traditions. Here, value emerges from the contrast between good and evil: good being associated with charity, piety, restraint, meekness, and subservience; evil seen in the cruel, selfish, wealthy, indulgent, and aggressive. Nietzsche sees slave-morality as an ingenious ploy among the slaves and the weak (such as the Jews and Christians dominated by Rome) to overturn the values of their masters and to gain power for themselves: justifying their situation, and at the same time fixing the broader society into a slave-like life. Nietzsche sees the slave-morality as a social illness that has overtaken Europe — a derivative and resentful value which can only work by condemning others as evil. In Nietzsche's eyes, Christianity exists in a hypocritical state wherein people preach love and kindness but find their joy in condemning and punishing others for pursuing those ends which the slave-morality does not allow them to act upon publicly. Nietzsche calls for the strong in the world to break their self-imposed chains and assert their own power, health, and vitality upon the world. “ – Wikipedia Biography of Niezsche (PS; I couldn’t care less about Wikipedia’s credibility nor whether or not that paragraph was really relevant to Niezsche’s views, what I do care about is that it makes a point I want to get across)
For my purposes; anarchist = any person who has the capability to follow the most slightly logical train of thought. ’’I think actually the reality of the kinds of anarchists that have the right idea get along with other people with a growing love and kindness, they understand the current state of humanity even human mind is, without a doubt twisted, suffering, and in pain. This is due in fact to the nature of life itself, the nature of the human condition in life, the inevitable fact of suffering in life. We structure things to help build some kind of management and control over this suffering.
A good anarchist will understand that there is no true person, place or thing to blame that is the cause the horrors of hard life; and thus they cannot truly be angry at any individual or any group, they can know that all humans are in this suffering together, and to a subjective equality of suffering also, as no one is in less suffering than the other, suffering is just placed in different ways upon different people. An anarchist must understand that compassion is more useful against this suffering than anger, violence or pitted aggression such as what most people conceive anarchists to be. love love love! <3’’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someone asked me what the best short chunk of advice you could give someone was. This is what I said, and I was hoping some of you would have reasons things should be added or removed.
Common sense is a collection of prejudices. The only true wisdom may be knowing how truly little you know, but the only true intelligence is to learn from not only your own, but also others mistakes. From a Christian standpoint, Satan is who they think the god they worship is; God is who they think Satan is. Being too open with people (aka sharing your happiness and pain) isn't the issue, being too closed is. Those corked emotions will one day burst from their glass encasement, and the 'shrapglass', doesn't feel good. You will get no where without working to get there. Be who YOU are and nobody else. If reality is what you make of it (look at the average person, then a conspiracy theorist, then someone with severe schizophrenia. what they see is reality to them, no?), so is life, and therefore happiness. Look at things from every perspective you can manage, have compassion but know when to separate logic from emotion, and taking the latter into account. FOLLOW YOUR INTUITION. YOU CAN NOT ALWAYS DERIVE ACTIONS OR ANSWERS FROM WHAT YOU SEE AND FEEL BEFORE YOU. Do what is good for you, and no one else, while taking the above statements into account. “Mans own Enslavement is his greatest Freedom. True injustice is allowing injustice to pass unchecked. There are Millions of ways to kill a man, and only a few of them result in a physical death. Truth is what you perceive. There is no tomorrow, no yesterday, no today. There is only this moment, nothing else can exist. Greed and hypocrisy go hand in hand, without fail. “ - Indvick
“There is no equivalency in this world, some get more than they deserve while others fail even though they tried more Human actions are motivated by personal agendas, nobody does anything for free My life is meaningless, the moment that I die, the world will still continue to move, babies will be more and life will go on.” - Legendary_pervert “Atheists, agnostics, and theists aren't all that different: Atheists think all religions are bullshit. Theists think all religions except for theirs' are bullshit. Agnostics can't decide which religion has the least bullshit.” - Soulstrike96
Self Revelation "It is human nature to hide from our emotions. This is the 'hit' of that incredibly addictive drug that truly numbs our mind, that numbs our pain; this is blame. It is giving us something to blame that really makes the three so effective, not fear."
The World’s Workings
Religion is a tool used for fear, Fear is a tool used to control, Control is a tool used to blind, To put your mind on death row, So that you don’t find, That those who teach us aren’t kind.
Imbeciles! Mistakes you wear like skin, Comprising your mind’s foundation. You can’t escape your past, For it always gets you last, Always holding you in your clasp. Hold your cage open; For it’s grasp cannot be broken.
Outsight Blank; their state of mind Downfall; of human kind Ignorance; cease of effort to find Enlightenment; of the sheltered mind Mutiny; stepping out of line Beauty; in it’s not being fine
Insight See the pupil of reality, Tutor to the blind; thee. See the endless vacuum, called a mind, The true computer; without filter. See the beast, you call ‘just human’, Contradiction of emotion and perception; hence sprung forth.
Sanity Exists? The Sanity Assassin calls you from behind his veil… of religion, of media, of government. The Sanity Assassin tells you he’s right… but doesn’t give you a chance to decide. The Sanity Assassin forces you to agree… through fear. The Sanity Assassin doesn’t tell you… Your body may walk; but by now you’re dead!
Walls Emotions ignored; allowed to be by barrier, Become destruction; of their carrier. Wonder, fear and excitement unanswered; Regret, hate and uncertainty to self nor world recanted.
Overlord “Obama! Change! It’ll all be better!
The sheppard and the sheep, Holding back our leap! The controlled and the weak Making us keep; Blind! To what we cannot see, That if anyone instigates change; it must be WE!
Stanched ranch(er) emotions of the 20th century Making us people we don’t want to be!
Giant group think; Making us sink; Media; The bias in the encyclopedia!
IGNORANCE! “You’re not just blind; You’re not just stupid; You might be kina kind, Clouded; your mind Is just the kind Of idiotic-innocent-destructive-ignorance I HATE!
I can see, what they’re doing to me. Why are you blind, to the destruction of the American Mind? Don’t you look? Headlines and speeches for a full view you mistook? What’s behind the curtain, cannot be certain. Why can’t you let go of the status quo? How did you grow, like in a TV show? They’re right, everything’s fine… Unless you’re a part of human kind! What we can see, is that control is not kind to you and me! That the sheep will make the world weep! … More puppets on a string.
The slogan of countless election has been change… The real change, is that we’ve been giving them the power they need to have the power to keep their promises. So that they, the USA, can have things ‘our’ (HA) way. -chuckle fades off-
Existence “Future is not set in stone. Factors are along. Path is the same. From whence we came.”
Awakening “Students struggle with fact not knowing how to react, when they see that you or me can be both right AND wrong! We’re singing a song, arguing fact from fiction using our flawed diction! Neither will move, for neither can prove!” Children and Information Availability By: Taylor_169 The criticism that local schools have recently been falling under is ridiculously ludicrous and naïve in many ways. First and foremost; would you have a child who doesn’t know what bad things out there he or she could get themselves unknowingly involved in (causing them to make an uneducated guess on whether they should get involved in the first place, or participate)? Or would you rather have a child who knows what bad things are out there that they could go participate in should they choose to, but have the information readily available to them to make a proper education decision using their own judgment? Not to mention, that way, it is their own mistake for them to bear the consequences if they make an improper decision, not your fault (and your’s alone to bear) for not telling them it’s wrong. Second, what reason is there to hide unpopular ideas? Fear of change, is the only logical reason in existence. To understand my point; consider this question thoroughly; “Would we still believe that the world was flat if Galileo’s ideas were hidden from the children (the future, those who will carry on our knowledge, therefore hiding things from us is hiding them from the world)”? To be frank, if your answer to that is not yes, you need to brush up on your critical thinking skills (yes someone else would have come along and proven that the world wasn’t flat; that wasn’t the point of the question). How could you want your child to remain uninformed of the dangers out there in the world? Essentially, most who do want their children to remain uniformed, would answer that they don’t want to rob their children of their innocence. If that is your viewpoint, consider this; is it an innocent world that we live in? As far as the animal kingdom (outside of the Homo sapiens species) goes, yes it is, but as far as everything else goes (the Homo sapiens species); not in the slightest most miniscule way. When your average, person who is not mentally challenged above of the age of 3 years old makes a decision (which is also often an action), they know exactly what they are doing, no? So when someone punches someone else, they know that they are using force on someone’s body, which could lead to it breaking (even if only blood vessels), no? When someone steals anything from anyone, they know that they are taking something the other person wanted and likely worked for, stripping them not only of the fruits of their labor but the ability to put to the object to use, am I wrong? Again, the world is not an innocent place. And so, if the world is not an innocent place, an innocent person thrown into an ugly (not innocent world) it is highly likely that they will get themselves into some kind of trouble (whether it’s being used by others, stolen from, beat up, using others, stealing from others, beating others up, hurting/being hurt emotionally etc. etc. etc.) by; being too trusting, being oblivious, no? So, in other words, instead of waiting until something happens to a child/they do something (and they have already learned that it’s ok for somebody to do that to them or them to that to somebody) to inform them, INFORM THEM BEFORE HAND! If you do not, and they make a mistake IT IS ENTIRELY YOUR OWN FAULT, not the child’s in the slightest. However; if the child is informed, and they still make the wrong decision, it is their own weight to bear, not yours. Even more beneficial to the outside world, is that, if they are not stupid (and the benefits not too great, in their minds) they will learn, truly understand (rather than just follow rules as to do this and that) how and why what they did was wrong. Personally, I would’ve liked to have been informed of many things before I got involved in them in some way shape or form, and have had the real extent of it proven to me; because I wasn’t, I kill myself slowly every day, have gone through many an emotional and logical and personal (in my personal life) hardship, have been hurt physically, have been hurt emotionally, and hurt others both ways as well. Don’t do to your children what the world did to me. Why would you want to restrain only yourself, but the world around you, from advancement by hiding unpopular ideas from children? It has been proven time, and time, and time again that no fact stands true forever, or in every light, but yet, people still seem to believe that they do! If you do, first and foremost, look at the history of medicine, then math, then astrology, then geography, then warfare (or anything else for that matter, those are prominent example), and tell me what fact stands true no matter the circumstances. Now you ask, how is that restraining ourselves from advancement? It’s simple, really; how can you ever expect to a new, better, theory/conclusion if you are never critical of the generally accepted old one or never look at any new ones? You can’t, you just absolutely can not because your track of thought never leaves ‘this is right, everything else is wrong’, and even if that is not what you believe, then you still never look at any alternatives that could be better! In conclusion; it is utterly idiotic of us to hide information (books being the main form of transfer for that, whether it’s the traditionally assumed kind, an Ebook, a compilation of letters etc.) from our children. It not only halts our advancement as a people as a whole, but it also restricts our children’s becoming the good, beneficial people the world in general wants them to be. The one contradiction to this; is that the children must retain the ability to be critical/skeptical of the information in those books; but ask yourself; is taking the risk that they aren’t remaining critical and/or skeptical worth halting advancement of any kind in general?
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Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:24 pm
I somewhat agree with you. Mostly because there is no way to define good or evil. We, since birth, thought was good and evil was told by our parents or the goverment and which I barely listen to either.
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Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:14 pm
Skyeblue777 I somewhat agree with you. Mostly because there is no way to define good or evil. We, since birth, thought was good and evil was told by our parents or the goverment and which I barely listen to either. Well, first of all this has been updated. Second; what points do you agree strongly with, why, what do you disagree with at all, why, and how did you come to that conclusion? This is a debate forum.
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