First of aLL I just want to say Tnx... 4 Dropping By...
On My Quest ThReAd...
This is where all the items and updates of my quest
will be posted... to give INFO and SHOW my fellow
members... and friends that their Donations are
really going to the items I'm QUESTING...
On My Quest ThReAd...
This is where all the items and updates of my quest
will be posted... to give INFO and SHOW my fellow
members... and friends that their Donations are
really going to the items I'm QUESTING...
WhAt Does DonAtion ReAlly Is...???
A d0nAtion is A gift given by physicAl 0r legAl pers0ns, typicAlly for chAritAble purp0ses and/0r t0 benefit a cause.
Therefore Donating is not forcing...
It Is... V0luntAry... neutral
Needing D0nAti0ns Sh0uld Als0 hAvE A PrimAry
And my ReAs0n is to C0mplete my Dream Avi's...
And I cAnt reAlly d0 it Myself... S0 i Need HELP...
WhAt Does DonAtion ReAlly Is...???
A d0nAtion is A gift given by physicAl 0r legAl pers0ns, typicAlly for chAritAble purp0ses and/0r t0 benefit a cause.
Therefore Donating is not forcing...
It Is... V0luntAry... neutral
Needing D0nAti0ns Sh0uld Als0 hAvE A PrimAry
And my ReAs0n is to C0mplete my Dream Avi's...
And I cAnt reAlly d0 it Myself... S0 i Need HELP...