RP Review and Guidelines Board
* Gaia ToS and the Guild Constitution Rules all apply here. *
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Recommend Game Types
- A structured-style. With a centralized plot and character sheets; the story is mostly lead by the thread creator.
- A free-style game. Rules and a title must still be included, and a good first-scene setup in one of the first posts, than just playing from there with the characters developing as the game goes.

Things to Think about when setting up an RP

1. Be clear and give information, try to use correct spelling and grammar as often as possible but a few mistakes are okay, we're not grammar Nazis here.
2. A title and plot summary of the RP you want to start. (Recommended that the plot summary be well thought-out, or have a set of goals)
3. How often you are on Gaia to RP. You really shouldn't start a game if you aren't going to be on for at least a few hours a day. If you're just playing in someone else's game it's fine to have left, but if you're hosting it you need to be available regularly.
5. Do not start an RP if you do not intend to stick with it for at least several weeks.
6. You -must- monitor your thread for R-rated content. If I find cybering or PG-13+ RolePlaying, not only may they be banned, but you may as well if you knowingly allowed it.

When Creating

Red - Rule, must follow this format
No Color - Guideline, it's up to the creator but this is an idea.

1. Tags. Tags. Tags. These are extremely important. Always use them when applicable.

[+] Open To New Players
[-] Closed To New Players

[L-B] Level - Beginner (poor grammar, short posts, ect)
[L-N] Level - Novice (good grammar, longer and more in depth posts, ect)
[L-A] Level - Advanced (great grammar, mutli-paragraphs per post, thorough character development, ect)

[P-1x1] One Player, One on One
[P-_] Insert the number of players desired
[P-UL] Unlimited Number Of Players Welcomed

[L] If the Thread-Creator wants the thread locked. Finished Games should be locked.
[D] If the Thread-Creator wants the thread deleted

2. Do not use...
i. All Caps
ii. bRoKeN CaPs
iii. Excessive Symbols (!!! ??? @#$@)
iv. For The Love Of God, Do Not Use ChatSpeak! (Plz, U, R.)
v. The term "RP" in the title--that's redundant.

The 1st Post or Located in the 1st Few Posts
Descriptive Title: Do not simply say 'YuGiOh Rp!' It needs to have a name, like 'The Heart of the Cards' or something to that effect.
RP Level: Beginner, Moderate, Advanced
Series/Originall: Information/Background
RULES: It is very important you have rules and structure to your RP. Always mention that all players must follow the Gaia ToS and the Guild ToS, and th at no PG-13+ Activities will be tolerated, even if only offered in PMs. You can not offer or support any kind of Adult RPing.

Policy On Bumping - While you are starting an RP, if it is not having any responses, you may bump it ONCE A DAY for as long as necessary, but once you have an active player whom you are RPing with within the thread, bumping should no longer be used since it is no longer necessary to keep your RP near the top.

Your Responsibilities!

You will need to promote and maintain your RP! Do not create and leave your RP. If you do this excessively, you will lose the right to make them.

You can also be held accountable for your players if they engage in acts that violate the Gaia ToS, and if you do not report it and know it is happening, you will face the same consequences as those players.

This system of setting up an Rp is not required but is recommendation. You should still put a lot of thought into how the RPs set up and try your best to keep it neat and organized. These rules are set up this way to help people new at starting and operating RPs to do so smoothly and give them the best chance of getting an active RP going. Experienced forum-rpers are welcomed to bring in their own style as long as it has the general parameters requested above.

However, the moderators of the Guild have the right to deny or shutdown ANY RP FOR ANY REASON. And also to ask that certain objectives or elements be added or taken away from a game.

Mods: Fictional Like Truth (Me!)