... Okay, so I've noticed the lack of
posting in the Final Fantasy subforums.
Anyway... ... So, I want to know your favorite pairings.
As long as they're not Sephiroth x Cloud; Sephiroth x Aerith; Sephiroth x
Angeal; Sephiroth x Zack; and Sephiroth x Genesis; Sephiroth x Tifa...
And Reno x Rufus; Tseng x Rufus... ... ... Seifer x Squall, too... Irvine x
Selphie because it's very canon-ish.
Because it's just... makes me want to vomit. Sorry.
And they're all based around VII and VIII because that's where I get most
of my pairings from anyway. I am away of the other games, for I own I -

Moving on!
My favorite pairings happen to be ::
Angeal Hewley x Weiss the Immaculate ;; Reno Sinclair x Xian Tseng ;;
Zell rapedbyx Seifer ;; Irvine rapesx
Seifer ;; Sephiroth veryviolentrelationshipx Rufus ShinRa
There's a couple more, but I won't bore you all. Cx
So there... let's hear yours, yes?