Over the past couple of months I have been doing my own personal study of human interaction. Though some of the results are biased due to the singularity of the conclusions, I think I have made some real progress.

What I'm talking about truly is change. People will tell you that the only constant is change, and that would logically allude to the idea that people change as well. But what if it's more than that? Something that people do not readily understand is the inherent flaws of human perception. The reasons for these flaws are for a discussion for a different day however they are flaws nonetheless. One of these flaws is the general lack of introspection. Do not be fooled however, this is not the poetic version of introspection. The poetic version is the banter you hear artist ramble on about concerning their soul and how deep they go in order to produce the works they create. True introspection is the ability to find one's flaws or being able to detach oneself from their emotional situation to observe the world with eyes unclouded by hate or distorted by sadness.

With all of that said (and no I am not going off topic I'm just laying down the foundation for my point) change can also occur in our perception. This is the reason people see one another in a different, often relationship altering, light. When this occurs it can seem as if the person has changed but in fact, your perception of that person is what has changed. Perhaps at first the person seemed very nice and inviting but after a certain amount of time or a significant event you now see this person as dark and foreboding.
It is a fact that people have many layers to their psyche. Just remember that next time you find yourself in a position where a relationship has dramatically changed, it might just be that you have really seen someone for who they really are.

(This is basically the first time I have opened this whole introspection or philosophical discussion to others so I am going to say this once and once only. If you don't have anything constructive to add to the theory then please do not add anything at all.)