So, as you know, Halloween is two months away.
And with Halloween, guess what (other than the event) happens on Gaia?
A big fat gold sink of a GOLD STORE UPDATE, with hundreds of new items and costumes and generally fun things to wear!
I always like to be preapred when I know an update is coming, so I don't sell off half my inventory or come close to doing so. I also like to get other people things from the store update, if they didn't prepare themselves. So that explains my reasons for preparing ahead of time for this colassal event.
3nodding This thread is mainly for keeping track of my progress.
Edit: To quote a VGCats comic: "Oh, cool. It's not like I'm
shunned or anything..."
NO WAY! I messed up and spent a lot of money! How will I recover before October?! gonk Editeditedit: So far so good, but I can't help but feel you people are shunning me.