- Connection for Flight Interface -

Will be the most advanced and effective Aircraft Flight Control System on the planet.

An abbreviation for Connection for Flight Interface; formally, a military weapon control system that works by neuronal connections. After establishing neuronal connections, the operator controls by lying down alone in the cockpit, completely isolated from the visual world. It is also called "COFFIN" because the situation of the cockpit is like that of a Coffin.

COFFIN can be outfitted on all sorts of weapons such as jet fighters and tanks by exchanging the device drivers, because the complete ENSI system is standardized.

ENSI is an abbreviation for Electro-Neuron-Synapse-Interface. A standardized circuit path that connects a pilot's nerve cells and a computer. It will one day be standard to pilot a fighter jet with ENSI standard cable connecting the main computer inside the COFFIN to the electronic terminal that receive information from neurons of the pilot's locomotive nervous system and reflex nervous system.

Version One: The earliest expression of a COFFIN System. Made possible by cameras mounted around the aircraft's cockpit and body, along with an array of screens, patterned in a 360 degree sphere, within the Cockpit. The pilot is also completely conscious and not connected to their aircraft. The Cockpit's Front Panels, somewhat reduce the pilots view.

Version Two: The second version of the COFFIN System. The pilot is connected to their Aircraft through minor Neural Connections, allowing for a seemless 360 degree field of view. The pilot is conscious and not connected to their aircraft, the Cockpit's Front Panels, somewhat reduce the pilots view.

Version Three: The true form of the COFFIN System. The Pilot is completely connected to their aircraft through ENSI Technology and pilots the aircraft sub-consciously. A Perfect 360 degree view is established and because of the ENSI, the pilot can fly their aircraft upon their brain signals, which cause it's flight surfaces to move. This greatly increases the battle capabilities of the fighter it is installed into.