Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:33 pm
is it wrong for a someone who just enter a guild and was kinldy promoted to vice because the owners needed a little help, while she was sick, to run it, to take over without informing the owner and demoting her and the other crew members? And promote his buddies? Not just that, but called the members maggots and pretty much telling people to donate a lot of gold to him to make them a vice and calls it a contest? His exact words, 'whoeva donates the best gets to be vice pres' and 'i mean to me not the guild evil ' and when someone ask when it will be over he replied with 'when i say it does'
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:51 pm
what kind of monster would do that? was it ypu? i dont really care i just like seeming conserned....i think who ever did that should b demoted, thats not much of a punishment but the guilt will eventually get to them unless they r completly evil. otherwise kick them out of the guild!
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:01 pm
Actually, I believe part of the problem is precisely that they cannot demote this person or kick them out of the guild. The power to do either of these things is out of their hands now as they, the former captain, have been demoted too far to do so and the person who did these things promoted themselves to the top position. Only if you too became a vice captain could you recapture power. However, that looks unlikely as I don't think, having seen what they themselves did, that the now-captain really intends to make anybody else a vice captain. I don't think the former captain really could even take this case to the Gaia admins in hopes to get it back as there was really no TOS violations or anything involved. This was just really a case of a bit of an a*****e taking advantage of reckless stupidity when it presented itself and there is nothing in the TOS about protecting people from their own stupidity on this level or every bad investment in the Gaian economy would be taken to the admins and neither is their anything on this level in the TOS against being an a*****e or else you'd start seeing Gains appealing denied friend requests and being added to people's ignored list and the like. Gaia already goes out of its way a deal to protect people from their own stupidity as it is, but you just absolutely can't ask them to take care of everything for you. On the bright side, I do believe some people have learned their lessons now about being careful with the vice captain position and that just giving out trust and power to whatever random person really can bite you in the butt. I know it was said there was some kind of semi-emergency situation involved, but there really isn't anything you'd need done in that time away that couldn't have been done with normal moderator powers now was there? The ability to see a little more information on things like changes in ownership and name of the guild and the ability to take power on your own or do promotions or demotions is about the extent of what vice captains can do that normal moderators cannot.
Seriously, I think unless you can get him to really specify an end time for that contest and enter it and win it - in which case if he tried to not give out the promotion as promised you really would have grounds to go take your complaint to one of the appropriate Gaia moderators for fraud or some such - and get the VC position and then recapture the captain position, you should probably cut your losses and start yourselves, the guild, up again in a new guild and make sure not to make the same mistake in the future. Also, perhaps getting a list compiled ahead of time when you have time and aren't in a rush, either in text or in mind at least, of people you know you can trust with holding down the fort in case something comes up again.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:25 pm
form an angry gaia mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:58 pm
well kinda it really depends on how hard they work at the job