So my tips- and I can sound really happy and hyper and stuf; it's from practice. I know how you feel. Highlight this post.

1. Throw a party, and invite the friends you feel are distancing themselves from you. This way you guys can ll get together and hang and talk, and get everything out in the open, plus bring them back to you.

2. Try talking to your parents, I know this sounds stupid, that you posted that they don't seem to be listening- parents have this thing that they want their kids to be happy and so they'll actually deny that anything is wrong with them. So, try at least one more time.

3. Get a normal school notebook and write everything that pops into your head, i.e. "I feel like crap," "there's a squirell on my windowsill," "i should clean my room," ect.

4. Ask for extra credit assignments from your teachers, it'll give you something to get your mind off of things.

5. Clean your room, the bathroom you use, and/or your kitchen. While doing this play some of your favorite music, or a book on casette or CD.

6. Do NOT stay up late, OR eat lots of sugar.

7. Call up your favorite cousin, or relative you haven't talked to in a while- someone your age and just catch up with them.

8. Repair the holes in the wall. This way you won't be able to see them and then they won't depress you- it'll also be a mental step that you are working out your depression.

9. Find a good book, one that has a happy ending. I would recomend Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse all by Stephanie Meyer, or Peeps, Uglies, Specials, Pretties, and Extras all by Scott Westerfeld.

10. Work out- even if it's just taking a slow jog around your block twice a week, the endorphins will really help.

If all else fails think about what the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits the windshield... It's Butt.

11. If your depressed feelings result from a person, cut them out of your life completely:
a)Delete them from your gaia, your myspace, facebook, e-mail, cell phone, ect.
b)Delete any pictures you have of them, pack away clothes and thing that remind you of them.
c)If there is a certain song that correlates to them- play it only while having friends over- eventually it will be associated with happier times.
d)Tell your friends AND family you don't want to talk about, hear about, or see said person.
e)Tell said person you don't want to talk to, see, or message him/her.
After doing this, drop said person and have a party.

More soon!