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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:18 pm

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*sighs* Zip-lining was so much fun! Ugh! I've been wanting to do some more zip-lining ever since I was introduced to it last Wednesday.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:20 pm

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Alright... I'm going to head off and start reading my Doctor Who book now. Nighty night.


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:29 pm

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:33 pm


Doctor Who is a British television series. It's the longest running science fiction show - first premiered in 1963, running until 1989, when it went on hiatus for a few years. The series was revamped in 2005 and has been ongoing since then.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:35 pm

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Good afternoon everyone. Just waiting for Mom to come home, so we can have some dinner. We're having our leftover chili, I believe.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:38 pm

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I wrote for about 4 hours today. Feels so nice to be writing again... especially when some background story to one of my characters just flowed out. I didn't even think of what I was going to do for the background story. It just came right out. And I'm quite impressed with it... because it definitely gives a better perspective to the character and why he acts the way he does.
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:40 pm

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Creating a playlist has helped quite a bit too. Though most of the songs I already had chosen out from earlier when I was thinking about songs that represented certain aspects of my story. *shrugs* None the less, very helpful.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:42 pm

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This Wednesday my friend Melissa is taking me up to Seattle to visit the Sci-Fi museum there for my birthday, since she wasn't able to make it to my birthday party. So excited because... well.. I've practically grown up with various Science Fiction shows... and the Imperial Dalek from Doctor Who just arrived there. :D
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:46 pm

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Mom just got home. So I'll probably be heading off soon to eat some dinner.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:50 pm

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La di da...
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:55 pm

I’m loud.
I’m obnoxious.
I’m sarcastic.
I’m cocky.
I cry easily.
I have a bad temper.
For the most part i don’t like people.
I’m easy to get along with.
I have more enemies than friends.
I’ve smoked.
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee.
I clean my room daily.

My appearance:
I wear makeup.
I wear a piece of jewellery at all times.
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I have braces.
I change my hair colour often
I straighten my hair often
I have a piercing
I have small feet

I’m in a relationship now.
I’m single.
I’m crushin’.
I’m in a complicated relationship
I’ve missed an ex before.
I’m always scared of being hurt.
An ex has physically abused me at least once.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I’ve been in love more than 2 times
I believe in love at first sight
I believe lust is more important than love.

I have a best friend
I have at least ten friends.
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
I’ve beaten up a friend.
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life.

I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been on a train.
Someone close to me has died

I’ve taken a taxi.
I’ve taken a city bus.
I’ve taken a school bus.

I’ve gone bungee jumping.
I’ve made a speech.
I’ve been in some sort of club.
I’ve won an award.
I've spent 2 hours on the computer straight

I’ve been in a physical fight.

I listen to R&B.
I listen to country.
I listen to pop
I listen to techno.
I listen to rock.

I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedy until i hate it.
I hate the radio.
I download music.
I buy CD’s

I spend at least six hours a day watching television.
I watch soap operas daily.
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives.
I’ve seen and liked the O.C.
I’ve seen and liked One Tree Hill.
Iv’e seen and liked Americas Next Top Model
I’ve seen and like Popular.
I’ve seen and like 24.
I’ve seen and liked CSI.
I’ve seen and like Everwood.

Family Life:
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together.

I have at least one brother.
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
Iv’e been kicked out of the house
Iv’e ran away from home
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve made my parents cry.
I’ve lied to my parents.
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
Iv’e walked out when iv’e been grounded

I’ve been brown.
I’ve had streaks.
Iv’e cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
I’ve been blonde. When I was younger I had naturally bleach blonde hair. It's darkened up since I've grown up.
I’ve had black. I was born with black hair...
I’ve been red.
I’ve been light brown.
I’ve been medium brown.
I’ve been blue/green.
I’ve gotten my hair thinned.
I use conditioner.
I’ve used silk therapy.
I’ve used hot oil treatments.
I’ve curled my hair.
I’ve straightened my hair.
I’ve ironed my hair.
Iv’e braided my hair


I’ve yelled at a teacher.
I’ve been suspended.
Iv’e had an in-school suspesion
I’ve been sent to the principals office.
I’ve walked out of class.
I’ve skipped an entire day of school.
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class.
I’ve failed a test.
I’ve cheated on a test.
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
I’ve failed Art.
I’ve failed P.E.
I’ve failed math.
I’ve failed science.
I’ve failed another class.
A teacher has called my parents
PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:28 am

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Good morning everyone.

Just been posting here and there on the latest Why Not topics. Nice to see some action happening in the guild again...
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:35 am

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Just watched the music video for Emilie Gassin's "Curiosity Killed the Cat". Strange outfits that everyone's wearing... but the song's pretty catchy. I liked it.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:44 am

Can / Did / Do / Does / Have / How / Last / What / Who

The Can’s:

Can you blow a bubble?: Yes... but not with gum.
Can you dance?: Yes.
Can you do a cart wheel?: Yes.
Can you wiggle your ears?: No.
Can you wiggle your nose?: Yes.

The Did’s:

Did you ever get in a fight at school?: No.
Did you ever run away from home?: No.
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: No. At least... not the medical kind. The Time Lord version, yeah, haha...
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: No.

The Do’s:

Do you know how to swim?: In my mind, yeah. Physically... not so much.
Do you like roller coasters?: At times.
Do you own a bike?: Yes.

The Does:

Does hair loss run in your family at all?: No.
Does your car get good gas mileage?: It's pretty good.
Does your family have family picnics?: We have family reunions, yes.

The Have’s:

Have you even been on a plane?: Yes
Have you ever asked someone out?: I've asked someone to a dance. Does that count?
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yes.
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yes.
Have you ever gone fishing?: Yeah.

The How’s:

How did you find out about MySpace?: Lot of my classmates were talking about it... and I decided to check it out.
How many people are on your friends list?: On which site? *laughs*
How many of them have you met in person?: On Facebook, 90% of them. Here on Gaia - only 2 of them - but it's the same person, lol.
How many times has your profile been visited?: I don't know.
How much money do you have on you right now?: At this very moment, none, because I'm still in my pajamas, lol.

The Last’s:

Last person you hung out with?: Rini, Brittany and Joseph
Last thing you said out loud?: Hi.
Last thing someone said to you on myspace?: I have no idea. It's been so long.

The What’s:

What are you listening to?: Lindsey Sterling's Zelda melody
What is the temperature outside?: I'm guessing 40 or 50 degrees or somewhere around there
What radio station do you listen to?: Z100
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Twilight, the local pizza place
What was the last thing you bought?: Personally? A shirt and a Cheetah plushie from the zoo.
What was the last thing you had to drink?: The milk I used for my cereal.

The Who’s:

Who is your newest friend added to your MySpace?: It's been so long since I've been on Myspace for reasons other than listening to music. I wouldn't have a clue.
Who was the last person who IMed you?: My friend Rini.
Who have you talked to on the phone with last?: Um... not sure.
who was the last person you said I love you to?: My parents.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:11 pm

Truth Questions from tordol.com [truth or dare online]

1. Who was the first person you made out with, and where was it?
I've never "made out". The first person I kissed was my first [now ex-]boyfriend and it was in my bedroom.

2. What was the last thing that you blamed someone else of doing, even though you’re the one that did it?
I don't blame other people for something I've done.

3. Are you “crushing” on anyone from your group of friends? If so, who?

4. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Fish fingers and custard is probably up there, lol. Um... frog legs... *shrugs*

5. What is something unusual that turns you on?
Um... I don't know...

6. Who was someone that you could have had sex with, but chose not to. Why?
I'm not having sex after marriage. So...

7. When was the last time someone said you were attractive?
A few days ago

8. When is the last time you got really turned on in an inappropriate place/during an inappropriate time?
I don't think I've had that happen to me.

9. When is the last time you got sick from drinking too much?

10. Who is the last person you had a sex dream about and what happened?
No one real... and I'm not telling you.

11. Who were you last jealous of and why?
I don't get jealous.

12. Think of a person that you liked in the past. If you could say anything to them now, what would it be? What do you think their reaction would be?
I have nothing to say to them, because I've moved on from those people I had crushes on.

13. What is something about sex that you believed when younger, but later found to be incorrect?

14. How far would you go with an attractive person that you just met?
Depends on the person. Looks isn't everything for me.

15. What is the most annoying habit that your boyfriend/girlfriend has?
I'm single.

16. Have you ever walked in on a sibling doing something sexual?
Only child.

17. Have you ever flashed someone?

18. Have you ever had a one-night stand?

19. Have you ever had to pretend you were sober, even though you were wasted? How did it turn out?

20. Who, out of all your friends, can hold their alcohol the least?
We're all on the same level, I think.

21. What was the last “white lie” that you told?
Um... not sure.

22. What do you think about when you can’t fall asleep?
Depends on the day.

23. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

24. Have you ever given a blow job? How old were you when you gave your first blow job and who did you give it to?

25. When is the last time you had an orgasm?
I don't think I've ever had an orgasm...

26. Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of someone you were trying to impress?

27. What is the cheapest alcohol you have ever bought, and how was it?
We usually try to stick with cheap alcohol... so I don't know what the price range normally is for us.

28. If you have lost your virginity, how old were you when you lost it? If you haven’t, how old do you want to be?
Not having sex until after marriage. So who knows what age I'll be when that happens...

29. Do you regret any relationships you’ve had?

30. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
Comfy ones.
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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