What's grosser than gross? |
10 Sith apprentices in one garbage can! |
8% |
[ 11 ] |
1 Sith apprentice in 10 garbage cans! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Venomisci's Lightsaber Training room floor! |
13% |
[ 17 ] |
The little "gifts" from Darth Scoobadoobacus' booty! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Scabrous constantly slurping up the blood from his never-healing mouth wound! |
44% |
[ 57 ] |
Total Votes : 127 |
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 10 (1-12)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:32 pm
gowie2 gaia_star gaia_star What's next? Is it going to take my lucky foot? Hit!My Current HP: 250Droid's HP: 250 - 80 = 170 The droid pulls out an electrowhip and thrashes the creature. gowie2 = 90 Droid = 170
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-12)
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:34 pm
gowie2 gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star You will have to catch me first. *dashes off* emotion_awesome The droid does several acrobatic flips in the air and tries to land on top of the creature. gowie2 = 90 Droid = 170
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 2 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:38 pm
Purtie Darth Daddicus The droid accepts the possibility that it in fact does have knees and extends his right knee to kick the woman in the chin. Purtie = 195 Droid = 85 eek emotion_dowant going for the ankles! The droid fakes an overhead strike and then spins around to strike the woman on the right side. Purtie = 195 Droid = 30
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 2 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:39 pm
Purtie emotion_dowant no the knees must be the weak spot! The droid jabs at the woman's neck. Purtie = 195 Droid = 30
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 4 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:40 pm
Purtie emotion_jawdrop The droid has no knees! Swings wildly! Purtie = 195 droid = 30 The droid flails its saber about like a pansy girl. Purtie = 195 Droid = 30
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-12)
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:42 pm
Felinophile HARD(12-sided die)1-9=miss, 10-12=hit 80HPpretty sure this droid is defective twisted The droid shoots out a burst of synthetic Force Lightning. Felinophile = 250 Droid = 170
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 12 (1-12)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:43 pm
The droid pulls out a blaster and fires at the woman. Felinophile = 170 Droid = 170
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 10 (1-12)
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:44 pm
Felinophile lol i cant help but laugh at that eye hanging out The droid ignites its lightsaber, shoots off a couple of distracting rounds from its blaster, and strikes at the woman's torso with his lightsaber. Felinophile = 90 Droid = 170
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:47 pm
Kay9214 Kay had fired volley after volley as the droid tried to flee and dodge, before finally the droid swerved towards him and into a charge. Kay had lined up the easy shot and fired into the droid. The shot had connected and sent the droid spinning, but it's momentum drove it forward as it spun into attack position, dealing a number of flailing blows. Kay was knocked aside and the droid likewise spilled in the other direction. He slid across the floor and rolled to his feet before he came to a stop, raising the turret and sending another jolt of energy through it... And nothing happened. The droid dropped down and swept his saber at the man's feet. Kay9214 = 140 Droid = 30
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 7 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:49 pm
Kay9214 "Osik..." muttered Kay under his breath. He looked down and found a gaping slash in the side of the weapon where the droid had struck it. The droid had bounced off the floor and was already trying to get airborne, not even coming to a stop yet, so Kay didn't have much time. He flipped the gun over, and yanked at the first exposed wire he saw. The droid was up, and taking aim with it's blaster. Kay glanced up and rolled to the side just as the shot was to connect. It was useless, the local capacitor was obliterated. He fried the circuit and yanked it out as it crumbled. The droid fired another blast and Kay was forced to duck under it. It was getting closer, so Kay disconnected a transfer conduit and yanked another couple of parts out before returning the conduit to its place. He aimed up, only the realize the droid was upon him, swinging down over its head. The turret fired directly into the droid's face at point blank. The droid swoops up pointing his saber directly at the man without bothering to activate its inertial compensators. Kay9214 = 85 Droid = 30
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:51 pm
Kay9214 That had to be it. It was done for. The droid crashed backwards, clawing at its sparking face. Kay stood up and stepped over to the droid. He pointed the turret at its chest and fired a flurry bolts into the writhing machine. It fell silent and still. Another droid was destroyed and joined the rubbish littering the arena. Kay was worried the droid wouldn't go down, having been forced to bypass the weapon's main system and only drawing on half of its power... but it seemed to work out for the best anyway. Kay turned and looked at the glass once more, ready for the door to open. Destro-The droid crashed down on the Jedi, its face blown open and guts spewing from it as it lunged, swinging haphazardly almost landing a myriad of fatal blows on the unsuspecting man. He managed to get the turret up and around, blocking his enemy's saber with the barrel. Somehow, the droid was all but fully functional still. Kay: 140 Droid: 30 The droid batted away relentlessly at the man with reckless abandon. Kay9214 = 85 Droid = 30
Felinophile rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 9 (1-12)
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:29 am
Darth Daddicus Felinophile lol i cant help but laugh at that eye hanging out The droid ignites its lightsaber, shoots off a couple of distracting rounds from its blaster, and strikes at the woman's torso with his lightsaber. Felinophile = 90 Droid = 170 stare
Felinophile rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 4 (1-12)
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:31 am
Felinophile rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-12)
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:32 am
floralsnow rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 10 (1-12)
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:43 am
HARD(12-sided die)1-9=miss, 10-12=hit 80HPStill no luck with this droid. So, I'll try to defeat him before the month ends. Droid: 170