Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:51 pm
((Just saw a commercial for a Halloween marathon of scary movies that FX is doing. This apparently includes Twilight. I don't know whether to laugh or face/palm.))
"Thank you; I try." Rune smiled sheepishly. "I've just come to terms with the fact that I fail more often than not. Besides, it's easier to talk about backing down than it is to talk about standing up."
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:00 pm
{That depends on what other movies are showing. Are they equally stupid? Or are there a few diamonds in the rough? For the former, I'd be laughing. For the latter, facepalmage is definately the appropriate response.}
"Aaand you've gone back to pathetic." Ashen let out a soft sigh, seeming to have calmed considerably compared to how she was before. "My way might not be the right way for you, but neither is this. Don't you know that the easiest paths in life aren't always the best?"
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:06 pm
((No from the clips they showed (they didn't say any titles, just showed clips from some of the movies) the rest looked legit. My friend had this to add: "....No. Just. No. FX is hereafter banned for 30 days, for violating the TOS for Halloween."))
"True as that may be, it feels better for me." Rune stopped in front of his stall. "Anyway, I need to get back to work. I need to a bit of shopping after so I may be home a little later. Can I trust you to not get into anymore fights?"
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:14 pm
{Your friend's quote is full of win.}
"So long as that fool does not seek me out with the intent to anger me further, I will behave myself." Ashen rolled her eyes, irritated somewhat that Rune insisted on treating her as if she were some volatile child. In a sense, that wasn't half as false as she'd hope. "I will probably be in the woods if you need me."
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:17 pm
"Alright, any requests for dinner?" Rune ducked down behind his stall, checking to make sure nothing was stolen while he was off retrieving Ashen from the tavern.
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:30 pm
"So long as it's not a burden on your pockets, I don't mind what you make." Ashen looked Rune over, soon guessing what he was doing. "You came to the tavern because of me. It was stupid and you didn't have to, but if anything was stolen I'll pay double the sale price for it." In other words, her way of trying to apologize and make ammends in that case scenario.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:08 am
"Don't worry, nothing was taken." Rune waved it off with a smile as he popped back up. "I'll see you at home later then."
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:39 pm
"See you later." Ashen flashed Rune a smile before heading off to the forest like she'd said. She still couldn't believe that he was letting her live with him for the moment being. He really was as generous as she first thought. He just...needed to learn to stand up for himself every now and again.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:45 pm
"I'm back!" Rune walked in with a smile and some bags full of the day's leftover wares and his purchases from the shopping spree. He didn't know if Ashen was back yet or not, but it just felt like the proper thing to do. It would be noted that the little homemade nest he'd made way back when had a permanent home on the windowsill. When he first brought Ashen home, he'd explained about the little bird he saved and the nest was there in case it ever wanted to visit as he could tell the little thing was awfully grateful.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:15 pm
Ashen had admittably lost some of the venom in her words towards Rune from that point onward, touched to know that he still remembered her after so long. Not that she would ever admit such a thing, of course. But that's neither here nor there.
Ashen was home for the moment being, sitting near the window that held the nest without touching it. She sat calmly and quietly for the most part, working on her sewing or reading one of the books she carried with her in her travels. She offered a calm "Welcome back." but said little else for the moment being.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:01 pm
"I hope you didn't wait too long; are you hungry?" Rune offered to start making dinner while he went about putting things away.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:36 pm
{I found new awesome HS dubbers on youtube...who voice Terezi and Latula rather well no less! And let me tell you...THE FEEEEEELS. oh my GOG the FEELS. Interested in some linkage?}
"I didn't wait long. And yes, a little." Ashen tried to be a good guest with varying success. Though only because she was so greatful to Rune for his kindness. She was still kind of a frigid b***h, though.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:43 pm
((Sure, though I'll have to watch 'em later. Multi-tasking with studying as is here, which is already a bad idea. XP Speaking of Latula, you see the latest vid from Yorgi? XD ))
"Alright, I'll get started on dinner then." Rune always felt a little awkward right about now. Ashen didn't seem to talk much unless it was commenting on or scolding his behavior, and he had no idea how to strike up a conversation with her.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:57 pm
{Yes, I have. It was hilarious and that voice for Kurloz was ******** perfect. Anyway, the voice actress for Terezi I'm talking about is TetraHime. MrBiggsProductions is another. The latter's voiceacting isn't perfect but the comics are adorbs.
Good luck with your studies. XD Seriously, it's hard to focus on most school-required studies even when the subject isn't totes boring.}
"Excellent. Please tell me when you're done." Ashen gave a faint smile before returning her attention to her sewing. She really could make things difficult. I mean, honestly. She didn't make herself an easy book to read unless she's pissed, and even then one could get the impression that she's a puzzle due to how dishonest she could sometimes be.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:10 pm
((...So I gave in and took a peek at one of TetraHime's vids. There were probably better ways to start than with *Click*. Excuse me while I collect my jaw from the floor...))
The air around Rune was practically dripping with uncomfortable while the elf scurried about the kitchen. At least when she was scolding him she was actually talking. He didn't like silence like this.